
Droid Incredible Android 2.3 Update Reaching Some Handsets [Update: More Pics]


Just the other day HTC confirmed that the Android 2.3 update for the HTC Droid Incredible would be headed to handsets this month, and after a few leaks and an updated support page from Verizon, it appears the new version of Android has already started its rollout to Verizon customers. Android Forums member toddsts took a snapshot to record visual proof of the update for all non-believers. Whether this is a full-fledged rollout or part of a small test sample isn’t known yet, but Droid Incredible owners should be on the lookout for Gingerbread any day now.

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[Update] Here are a few more pics, once again courtesy of toddsts.


[Thanks, NightAngel79, toddsts!]

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  1. Your Welcome:p

    Awesome to finally see this! Can’t wait to hear about tons more users getting this. 17 months after release and 6(?) months after EOL and we are still getting updates!! Win for HTC in my book.

    Incredible FTW!!!

  2. This is how it should be!
    announce something for the next month, and bring it in the first few days.

  3. the phone is still great..the update just makes it alot more sweeter

  4. Even more pics added by toddsts!! Check the thread out guys/gals!!

    1. Where did you get that sweet ass clock? Cant seem to find it on my OG incredible.

      I like that setup … is it Beautiful Widgets?!

      Err, I guess I should be asking toddsts

      1. Yes, it is Beautiful Widgets — clock skin = Eclair

  5. this isn’t an overly significant update – especially compared to the jump to Froyo

    If you still have the DInc, like I do, and you AREN’T running a customer ROM… you are missing out

  6. Can’t wait for the XDA devs to use this official GB update as a base for custom ROMs. GB Skyraider FTW.

  7. Crap, I need to put mine back to 2.2 and off the rejected build.

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