
Google Docs Updated with Web Clipboard and New Language Support


Google Docs for Android has been updated with support for 45 new languages. In addition, new Web Clipboard functionality makes it easy to insert photos from your phone directly into a document. Using the Google Docs widget to open your phone’s camera, selecting to send the photo to your Web Clipboard stores the item in the cloud. Accessing Docs from a computer, you can paste items from your Web Clipboard directly into any document. A nifty feature that is sure to come in handy. The update can be found in the Android Market.

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1 Comment

  1. store it in the docs cloud, store it in the picasa cloud….Google needs to sort their crap, or at least store it in a cloud :P
    But seriously, is it that hard to create 1 storage space for photo’s?
    Can’t they allow picasa uploaded photo’s to be pasted directly into documents?

    nice band-aid feature for now, but they definitely need to work on cross product integration

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