
Patrick Bolvin Releasing a “Kick-Ass Stop-Motion Animation” Video in October Featuring Optimus “Prime”


Remember the awesome ninja unboxings for the Nexus One (here) and Nexus S (here)? The latter had alternating endings and an interactive YouTube page that you could use nunchucks on. Well the creator – Patrick Bolvin – has teased a new “kick-ass” stop-motion animation video coming out in October before showing the trailer of a Canadian-made feature film. He flashed an image of  an Optimus Prime toy on the screen.

While we don’t like to jump to far-reaching conclusions, this could be further indication that the Nexus Prime will at least be announced in October. I should note that Bolvin has done stop animation videos with toys in the past, including one featuring a character from the Transformer series.

The date, Optimus Prime and Bolvin’s association with Google has us intrigued, though, so we’ll be keeping our eyes out for this video come September to see if he’ll be showing us the phone we’ve all been waiting for. What do you guys think? Nexus Prime or just another of his many stop-animation videos that has nothing to do with Android? [Thanks Luke!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Really bad trailer…

  2. If it’s a Canadian film… why is it in French? o_O

    1. Most of Canada was under French control prior to Britain. Everyone In Quebec speaks french.

    2. I’m not 100% sure about this, but I think he is from Quebec which is a prominantly French speaking entity in Canada. They also speak English, but French is more common first language in cities like Quebec City.

  3. Dear Quentyn, his name is Patrick Boivin, not Bolvin.

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