
Apps of the Day: VAT Calculator and JustReader News


Another couple of quality and useful apps for you to take a look at as part of today’s apps of the day. You should also take this time to update the many apps you have already installed in the Android market. I’m sure I’m not the only one seeing that app updates have gotten more and more frequent over the past year. Don’t get me wrong – that’s a good thing. Take care of that and circle around back here to take a look at the apps below!

VAT Calculator – Trying to figure out how much you’ll have to pay after VAT or why an item is so expensive after VAT is tricky. Well, not so tricky, but it sure is a pain doing the calculations manually as you’ll have to find the VAT rate for whatever country you’re in and do the math yourself. VAT Calculator allows you to do exclusive or inclusive conversions, meaning you either put in the price after VAT to see how much of that price is VAT, or put in your price before VAT to see how much you’ll have to pay with VAT. A country selector ensures you have the right value (they change often, but the developer says he’ll periodically update the app with adjusted VATs). [Market]

JustReader News – JustReader is a very good RSS reader (Google Reader) for phones, but what has us even more intrigued is its native Honeycomb support. For that reason alone we felt compelled to highlight it, but the app is more than just the only newsreader with Google Reader functionality – it’s actually beautiful and just as functional. You’re given a vast array of options, offline reading, support for multiple accounts and a whole lot more. Best of all? Free. And to be honest I’d pay for all of this stuff. Go ahead and give it a whirl if you’ve been looking for something good enough to fit on that beautiful Honeycomb-filled display. [Market]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. TVA VAT which one is it?

  2. Check out Reader HD, I’ve been using it for a few days. JustReader is great but Reader HD is awesome!

  3. Anyone have recommendations for a good “Password Keeper” type app? I’m switching over to Android soon as the Prime/GS2 comes out… getting all my apps lined up for the switch :)

  4. “but the app is more than just the only newsreader with Google Reader functionality”

    Statement is patently false. NewsRob also has Google Reader support, just to name one.

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