
NVIDIA Dual-Core Blowout: 5 Androids, 10 Cores, 1 Contest [PART 5]


Can you believe we’ve already given away FOUR Android devices in  4 weeks, all powered by NVIDIA’s lightning fast Tegra 2 Dual-Core processor? Time flies when you’re having dual-core fun and guess what? We’re not finished!

This week we’ve got a super sick collection of stuff to giveaway… but it’ll all go to one lucky winner.

First up we’ve got the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (the world’s thinnest tablet) which is powered by – you guessed it – an NVIDIA Tegra 2 Dual Core Processor. In May we got our first look at the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and shortly after published our Galaxy Tab 10.1 review. It’s safe to say that Tegra definitely helps the Galaxy Tab 10.1 work wonders.

Our friends at NVIDIA didn’t stop there: while their Tegra processors help add visual perfection to the Galaxy Tab, they’ve sent us a JAMBOX by JAWBONE so that our winner has an equally awesome audio experience. The JAMBOX is ridiculously small but emits incredibly high quality sound that you can really crank up. The JAMBOX might have the best combination of size and sound quality on the planet.

So now you’ve got the Tegra powered Galaxy Tab 10.1 – the slimmest tablet on the planet with a stunning display. You’ve also got the JAMBOX – the smallest speaker with the best sound. Now all you need is some great content to use on your device. For that, NVIDIA is hooking you up with a $25 AMEX Gift Card for use in Tegra Zone.

If you’re not familiar with Tegra Zone, you’re probably missing out. Tegra Zone is NVIDIA’s special game store where the world’s top developers have optimized their games for Tegra devices like the Galaxy Tab. Familiar games like Fruit Ninja and some of my favorites – Backbreaker and Riptide – really shine in terms of performance and graphics.

Gaming is probably my FAVORITE use of tablets and as you probably know, NVIDIA has a long and history of taking gaming devices to the next level with their processors. Download some games from Tegra Zone and you’ll see exactly what I mean!

And now… for the contest nitty gritty!

This week we’re giving away:

  • The Tegra powered Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1!
  • $25 Gift Card for Tegra Zone Games!


  • If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, what would it be and why?
  • Answer the above question in the form of a comment on this post
  • We’ll select one clever/witty/funny comment as our winner
  • You may only enter ONCE
  • If there are a LOT of great entries and we can’t decide, we’ll give special consideration to folks who also tweet their entry to @nvidiategra and @phandroid
  • It won’t win any extra credit but we also suggest you Like NVIDIA on Facebook

Make sure your comment is tied to an account with an e-mail address or some way of getting in touch with you… otherwise we’ll have no way to contact you and will have to randomly select a different winner.

Will be notified on Monday, August 15th by E-Mail.

Stay tuned for more contests from Phandroid… we have some great things lined up!

Thanks for participating and we’re really excited to see what creative super powers and explanations you leave in the comments. Good luck and have fun!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be the ability to leap over lesser OS’ in a single bound.

    1. I believe it already has that power ;D

  2. Android Robot… super power… I’m going to say:
    The power to see into the future as to see new phones before they come out.
    That would save our pain and suffering.

  3. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, what would it be and why?

    Undoubtedly his super power would be invulnerability to all fruit, all building materials, and all legal action. Apples, Windows, and Patent suits would merely bounce right off!

  4. The only super power it needs – Mind Control – So all iPhone users can be set straight. All hail the Green Lord.

  5. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be the “Apple fanboy ignorance”, so it could ignore all the lawsuits simply because it’d KNOW it’s the best.

  6. I think Andy would have the power to Crush, Slice, Chop, & Dice Apples…


  7. One super power the Android robot should have…
    Self-replication. That way it could never die and could take over the world!

  8. The power to core an apple.

  9. The Android robot should have the power to compliment you daily. Like “That was an awesome high five” or “You look fly tonight”.

  10. Andy’s power grants us the ability to make our own decisions, rather than have them made for us.

  11. Hmm…Android robot super power? How about speed and power enhanced by the Earth’s yellow sun?

    We could call him Kal-El. Yeah, that has a nice ring to it.

  12. The Android Robot, I believe, doesn’t have superpowers. Instead, he is more akin to Batman. With enough preparation time, he could beat anyone.

  13. Wipe all software patents away so everyone will be forced to innovate.

  14. He would have to ability to change forms, So he could always look different and unique (unlike Apple and the iPhone)
    He would also eat iPhones in his bowl of cereal every morning.

  15. The ability to squash and make ‘apple’ juice @nvidiategra and @phandroid

  16. The Android Robot should have a super power to take down apple and iphones/ipads and stop them suing android

  17. If the android robot “andy” could have one super power it would be to point at other os users and have their signal and batteries die instantly and it can be called the “touch of the droid!”

  18. How about the power to win all contests that it enters…like this one!

  19. The ability to eat an apple and “dispense” an ice cream sandwich

  20. Obviously he would have iron man’s fancy new triangular core. ENDLESS POWER!!!!!

  21. Super power = ability to replicate himself an infinite amount of times. This allows him to multitask with power unseen, handling business efficiently and quickly in multiple places at once! On a semi related note, I cut my finger this morning and bled Android. Rageagainstthecage! : )

  22. You guys are ridiculous. Andy already HAS a super power. The power to eat Apples. Whenever an Apple comes within range, his black hole ability sucks it in and makes everyone forget it even existed. There is no hope for Apples.

  23. I think it would be to travel in time….back to 1955 to help Marty save the clock tower…and stuff…

  24. The power to turn apples, and blackberries into wine on with the snap of a finger…and be able to do it through a window pane!!!!!!!

  25. Android Robot powers: Ability to remove or add any skin/costume over himself

  26. i like the idea of ‘self replicating’ , but I’ll say “self-upgrading” would be an awesome power – no having to worry about his manufacturers ensuring that he conforms to their guidelines… he just sees a cool idea and works on the code internally and pushes the firmware to himself and blammo… like Robocop he’s re-programmed with all the cool stuff google intended and none of the restrictions.

  27. I think the only power he needs is the power of opposable thumbs. Much easier to eat apples that way ;)


  28. He already flies doesn’t he?
    The ability to grow thumbs on demand… ;)

  29. One super power the Android robot should have…
    It would be the power to stop all patent lawsuits and spur innovation to the nth degree, this way the very best products can be released and utilized by the world!

  30. The Android Robot would have the super power of being the ultimate juicing machine. It would create the most fantastic Apple-Blackberry juice cocktail for all the world to enjoy at an OPEN global cocktail party…BYOM (Bring Your Own Mixer)

  31. The Android robot would be able to have super fast speed capabilities, cuz Android has some of the fastest devices!

  32. Super power: the fruit consumer. Apples, mangoes, and blackberrys. Fruits can only make all the delicious deserts, (cupcake…froyo…honeycomb)that android has to offer, look even better.

  33. If Andy could have one super power, it would be to produce earthquakes under the US Patent Office’s storage facilities. (After-hours of course, don’t want anyone hurt!)

  34. The Android Robot would have the power to time travel. For the first use he could travel back in time and patent all the inventions Apple/Steve Jobs has stolen and patented themselves. Secondly to travel into the future and find the items that Apple/Steve Jobs patent in the future, and come back to current time and patent it now, just to screw with Apple in the future. Payback is a…Steve Jobs.

  35. To peel an apple and eat it in one bite.

  36. I really need to win this man I want a Galaxy Tab but short on cash. Plus my computer speakers just aren’t cutting it at work anymore it would save my life!!!

  37. [Re-router]: When competitors try to find android devices to sue, androids can use , effectively waving their little green robotic arm and uttering the phrase: “These aren’t the androids you are looking for”. If the android device is overclocked high enough to the G-Force, the competitors will be re-routed to fake androids from China.

    [email protected]

    I don’t have a twitter account, will it help if I publicly post this in my G+ account?

  38. If all of the “fragmented” Android versions could somehow combine their best/most loved features like Voltron to become a new green dynamo of some sort… perhaps with frickin’ LASERS on its head.

    That’d be complete and utter awesomesauce.

  39. The ability to break himself into many fragments and then reassemble faster, stronger, and better than before!

  40. the power to work with out any power

  41. Android Robot Power:

    The ability to shape shift. One minute an android device, can change to an apple device, or change to BB device but at the heart of it all Android OS. But changing to most all of the platforms they could please everyone and have nearly 100% of the market. Oh and not to mention adapt to every app that existed for some awesome live action heroics. LOL…….Little far fetched but hopefully no more lawsuits and everyone can just get along!!! LOL

  42. Does the Andy robot need any more superpowers other than eating Apples and Blackberries while breaking Windows?

  43. Android Robot super power: Macdroidification. The ability to transfigure an apple into an android through the shear power of awesome.

  44. If the Android Robot could have only 1 super power, it would be that it runs on AndroidOS, what other super powers could it possibly need?

  45. Android power…bring the Galaxy S II stateside.

    But for reals, I think Android should have a power called “Patent Shield” which protects it from patent lawsuits.

    Even more for reals though, bring the Galaxy S II stateside.

  46. I think the robot should be able to turn every processor into Tegra 2 Dual-Core Processor. Because then everything would run at lightning speed.

  47. If the Android robot could have 1 Super Power, it would have to be able to gift the millions of users of Android with the latest version of android and be able to install a Phandroid bookmark on each of our phones with that update.

  48. The Android Robot should get the super power to FALCON PUNCH Steve Jobs right in his manjigglies.

  49. In standing for truth, justice and the android way, our mild mannered superhero has the fantastic ability to cancel out the seemingly all powerful mind control of the Cupertino Turtleneck.

    All he has to say is “I’m the moth#$ $#%$&^$ Android”

  50. He should have the ability to squash patent trolls that stifle creativity with a single swipe gesture. (Plus Saturday is my birthday!)

  51. Android Robot super power :
    It must be multi-cloning ! I can see them everywhere :)

  52. The power should be unification, because everyone just needs to get along and work together for the industry and the consumer

  53. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power it would be able to absorb other smartphone OS’s and use it’s best features against(with out patent issues :-S) it along with having super long endurance (battery life for at least a week) :-D @nvidiategra @phandroid

  54. The power of assimilation.

  55. The super android robot shall have the super power to report a release date and actually meet it, every time! His power of timely delivery will take the world by storm and make android forums 85% less whiney!

  56. The Android Robot would have the ability to call other fictional super heroes, like Captain Planet, to its aid in doing a can can dance.

  57. If the Android Robot could have 1 superpower it would be the ability to liberate all other androids by unlocking their bootloaders and conferring root access with a single touch.

  58. turn water into *cider*…

  59. Launches Patent Troll-seeking missiles…

  60. Force Close faster than a speeding bullet… More powerful than a Tegra 2… Able to jump OS versions every few months…
    It’s, it’s… Android Robot.

  61. Piss laser to cut apples in half :O

    Email: [email protected]

  62. The ability to sing north korean songs backward of course !

  63. His super power would be to turn into Kermit the Frog so that all the people in Sesame Street would assume he is Kermit’s brother and accept him as their equal.

  64. How about a power it kind of already has but improve it, Telepathy.

    I mean you can currently customize your phone to do what you want when you want without touching. Just superpower that up and you would truly have a connected device. Just think about, no lag, issues could fix themselves, updates could come easily. Your phone would know what to do when you think of it.

  65. Android Robot’s super power is eating apples for breakfast and spitting out little green android army men!

  66. he would have the power to constantly upgrade his power and firmware to be always the latest and greatest

  67. Invincibility…..

    That way all the Apples and Microsofts couldn’t see what he was up to and copy all of his brilliant ideas.

  68. he doesn’t need a superpower, he just needs an apple a day

  69. The ability to bring a bunch of random people together :) <3 android community

  70. If Andy could have one superpower, it would be to have super politician powers to become “Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office”
    After that, he uses he evil genius to destroy all enemies from the inside


  72. Android Robot Super Power:
    Metamorphosis, allowing quick adaptation to new hardware, environments, and most importantly, users.

  73. The power to eat every single Apple in one bite. Causing Apple extinction. No more of this slow eating. I’d still like Android if he was fat.

  74. A forcefield bubble of protection against Copyright lawsuites and lawyers!

  75. Lasers.

    Why? Because every robot should have a laser.

    Now – you say that a “laser” is not a super power. False. If the Android Robot had a laser it would, alas, use it to slice, dice and burn holes through all of the lame patents that all of the patent-happy-trolls have been judiciously trying to exercise as of late. Then again, maybe Android Robot needs the power of a patent law degree…

    Either way – FTW. Go, go gadget laser with tractor-beam-mod (only available to those with root). o_O

  76. If Andy the Android Robot could have one super power. I think it should be Pokemon-like “Double Team” (my son watches Pokemon a lot). That way when patent trolls and Steve Jobs are looking at one, the other can run up and sneak attack. Ka-Chow!

  77. Lasers to destroy bad apples.

  78. He doesn’t need any super powers — he’s open source. He can just write in any desired functionality as a standard part of his design. If he did have one, though, it would be delivering a CM ETA on-demand.

  79. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power it would be matter ingestion. That way, all non android devices could be consumed, including those silly apple products, and only the android platform would remain. This would bring apple to its knees, and cause global revolution of android devices.

  80. Laser eyes to obliterate the competition!

  81. Ability to create complete 3D holographic interfaces for phone/video calling. Only then can we reach the pinnacle of the early 21st century.

  82. A nose with which he may sniff out threats and eliminate them with an unstoppable, uncountable wave of Android handsets.

  83. If the Android Robot had one super power he would have the same powers as Bulrog! A tough brute ninja who has dedicated his life to eradicating the world of hippies!

    He has the powers to have as many powers as he wants! especially the one where he can turn Kyle into a Chicken. Also invisibility +1

  84. If the Android Robot could have one super power, it would be to have the abilities of Jesus, so the Android Robot could be our lord and savior from iPhones and iPads the decedents of Satan! He would lead us out of the vast Apple store by splitting iBeliever crowds in two creating a path for Phandroids. Whilst turning his RAM into cupcakes, eclairs, frozen yogurt, and gingerbread and ice cream sandwiches for all of us to eat!

  85. Adamantium claws ftw

  86. the power to auto update the hardware, so my og droid will always be up to date

  87. Never age just mature

  88. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be the power to have more super powers! Why? [brings in Jeremy Clarkson:] MORE POWAAAAAH!!!11!!1!

  89. Self Repair/Adaptable Nano bot power…with that the phone will progressively get faster as apps make higher demands. It will never fail or die…always surviving any onslaught…indestructible phone that never slows down as time passes

  90. Android robot superpower? The ability to crush IOS and all the Iphone phanboys.
    Yeah thats it.

  91. If the Android Robot could have one super power it would be being bulletproof. Who doesn’t want a bulletproof phone?

  92. The Android Robot’s power IS (this is NOT just theoretical) the ability to disrupt Apple’s Reality Distortion Field. This is real life, of course, and so the power is not unlimited–enough of the field remains to corral millions of sheep, but if it weren’t for Android… well, let’s just say it’s not a pretty picture. You can tell the power is working because it’s spurred Apple to resort to fielding their army of patent attorneys, who are marching as we speak. On to battle!

  93. Be able to sniff out all the iphonies acting like droid fans.

  94. The power would be Invulnerability, so the robot could be immune to physical change or damage

  95. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, I think it should have the power to turn all that fruit, such as apples and blackberry’s into delicious pieces of android goodness…like gingerbread and ice cream sandwiches ;)

  96. The Android Robot would have one special super power:
    Cost: 0 Energy
    Build Up: Instant
    Effect: Destroy Patent Lawsuits. This effect increases innovation by 18 points per use.
    (Hmmm my profile won’t come up. suppose i’ll release my email just this once. jsweetser2 at gmail dot com)

  97. It would be the ability to cast “drain”(not speaking of soul as we all know they don’t have one) on Apple and Steve Jobs because they are sneaky, underhanded, and use unethical tactics when they are threatened, like trying to stop the sales of Android devices so consumers don’t have a choice but to buy their products.

  98. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be the ability to install more super powers from the Market!

  99. He would have super speed. That would allow him to run his apps fast, have more of them going at once and it would also allow him to excape from the rotten fruit eating zombies even better.

  100. The Android Robot would be best served to affect anyone within it’s aura to provide them with Absolutely Clarity Of Reality. What does this do? It allows anyone that interacts with the Android Robot to suddenly see the phone world for what it is and not what Apple, Microsoft, RIM and others tell them it is. They’d then realize how uber-powerful Android is and this, of course, would deliver world peace as a by-product given the immense happiness that follows. (cue rainbow and mystical score)

  101. If an Android Robot could have one “super power”, it would be the power of having thumbs so it could enjoy all the great games from the Tegra Zone!!

  102. The power to unlock all bootloaders?

  103. The power to tune down the awesomeness so that the Blackberry Boys and iPhone users don’t feel left too far behind.

  104. Android would have the power of super genuis, so that he could forever stay in the lead of innovative technology.

  105. It would be the power of invisibility, so I have an excuse when I lose my phone once a week and have to use Lookout security to locate it via gps.

  106. the only super power the Android is currently lacking, Unlimited battery life!

  107. It should have the ability to be batman, I can already see the back story, in a world full of closed, ugly looking and user hostile OSes, One OS trains himself relentlessly using the loss of his parent OSes to patent trolling to fuel his desire to make the world safe from hostile ugly OSes and the criminal companies that support them. drawing on disciplines and teachers from all over the world so he can make sure that no other new and shiny OS has to grow up in a world where ugly and hostile OSes pushed by criminal companies can no longer terrorize innocent consumers.

  108. The power to freeze time, that way he can swap all the Ifails with Android phones. Imagine Steve Jobs at an Apple launch event. The Android Robot freezes time and puts and Android phone in his hands……. WINNING!!!!!

  109. I could transform into different desserts and transform fruit like apples into gingerbreads and ice cream android take overrrrrrrr lol

  110. Android Robot go back in time to kill John Connor to protect Skynet

  111. delete i guess this account is not link with my email -,-

  112. To leap over tall obstacles in a single bound, aka Intellectual Ventures

  113. If Bugdroid had a super power, it would be super sharp teeth to bite through Aluminum Unibody casings, and Gorilla Glass.

  114. The android robot would have the power of super speed. Seems simple enough, he would be able to out match any competition ever and always be ahead of the game. Seems quite if I may add, see as how it so true now.

  115. An Oracle seeking missile launcher that locks onto patent trolls.

  116. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be an ULTRAMEGAMAX KAMEHAMEHA to defeat all iOS/BB opponents. lol

  117. Android robot power–Extra Insulin production— to prevent Type 2 Diabetes from all the damn desserts

  118. If the Android could have 1 superpower, I think it should be to be invulnerable to carrier manipulation.

    As in the ability loosen carriers’ grips on phones, which it has done a bit, but I want to see google make it even easier to work around carriers’ decisions such as how I can use my data or what I can run on MY phone. That way, if I buy my android, I use my property that I paid for how I like. That would be a magnificent day indeed.

    And for clarification, I mean true unlocked, install what I want, tinker with what I want, etc, from the get-go. I realize that this is more of a US problem, but it still exists to some extent everywhere, and I think that if google took away some of that power, we would see some more real, true competition worldwide in the cell phone space.

  119. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be the “Power of Giving” as “Giving” improve relationship, health, happiness. It also unleases the true potential of “Android”. Eventually makes the world a better place.

  120. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be able to transform into a car and become a member of the Autobots to run over Shia LaBeouf.

  121. Android “Andy” Robot needs no super powers, if he had 1 he would find a way to get rid of it before apple devised a way to copy the powers a year later, then turned around and sued him for using it’s super power without permission. super powers are beneath andy he would much prefer a utility belt and cool gadgets over “magical” super powers. For the sake of the contest though, he would have the power to communicate with animals, especially squirrels because they are fleet of foot and can do his bidding by land air and sea (with floaties on their legs and tails). Andy would wear a squirrel suit to make sure they did not feel like lesser beings in his presence and then, world domination via squirrelmageddon.

  122. Deactivate all iphones

  123. Android has lots of powers: it can be a phone, a computer, a portable game console (it needs some transplant thumbs though!), a tablet, a TV, it will be able to control your whole house soon… not to mention it is always connected to Google servers which means it knows EVERYTHING about us. Really, the only thing Android needs to rule the world is self-consciousness – and then… well, you all saw that movie.

  124. If the Android Robot had one super power it would be x-ray vision so it could see through walls and read the Microsoft/Apple/Sun patents before they were filed!

  125. He would have the power of immunity to patent trolling lawsuits.

  126. The Android Robot would have the super power to command any Arduino device. He would use the many devices like Aquaman uses sea creatures, but without the threats from PETA.

  127. Not sure this is a super power per se, but I think a universal translator would be great. Not for human languages, but for other machine languages. The ability to interpret iOS, WebOS, etc apps and functionality would be immense.

  128. Its super power is also its weakness: It can swallow apples. But it also MUST swallow apples to keep its nice green color. Preferably Granny Smith.

  129. If the Android robot can have 1 super power, it would be able to transform into Chuck Norris. And with the help of the NVIDIA Tegra 2 Dual Core Processor, it can finally destroy the real Chuck Norris. Then and only then will I finally be able to sleep at night.

  130. The superpower Andy needs is nanomorphosis – like the T1000, he could survive extreme fragmentation, melding back together into a form that can power any device!

  131. Just one super power? Then it’d have to be time travel. Why worry about patent disputes now when you could own them in the past?

    All hail our green android overlords!

  132. The ability transform into cupcakes, donuts, éclairs, frozen yogurts, gingerbreads, honeycombs and ice cream sandwiches. Oh wait, it already has that super power.

  133. absurd patent resistance: the ability avoid lawsuits over multi-touch.

  134. It would be Patent immunity!
    To be able to defend Android from the Axis of evil (Microsoft, Oracle, Apple and other companies).

  135. The android robot’s best super power would be awesome agility and sword prowess…a la fruit ninja. After all, there are plenty of apples and blackberries to slice through out there

  136. The android robot have the super power of adaptability. To adapt to an challenge or hurdle the robot faces be it bootloader locked, unrooting, automatic upgrade to latest OS. Adapting to ever changing needs of each user.

  137. The power to mute other people, because my wife doesn’t understand that playing with my og droid > doing the dishes. Every. Single. Time. So, if I had a tablet, I’d *really* need that mute power.

  138. @nvidiategra
    if the android robot have super power i guess its’ super power would be to transform

    the reason for choosing transform as android’s robot super power is because its can keep transform the android device (smartphone & tablets) into the newest device on the markets in other word it will have unbeatable specs and by then people will kiss iphone good bye ^^.. by transforming into new products we can save our money =P hehe..

    [email protected]

  139. The power to momentarily remove the 5 senses of anyone spewing inaccurate information relating to Android (i.e. iOS is better than Android, Android Sucks, Apple Rocks, “I don’t care! It isn’t an iPhone!”, etc.). A trip or two into senseless appledumb will cure any lying tongue.

  140. Multiple post.

  141. If the Android Robot could have one super power, it would be the ability to read minds.

    Or make applesauce.

  142. Multiple post.

  143. My suggestion for an Android Robot super power would be… gamma ray powered OPENNESS!!!

    …a juggernaut (we’ll call him Jimbo) of awesome adaptability, with a fully transparent and flexible shell, powered by intuition and common sense, and asking “c’mon guys, can’t everybody just get along?”. Android Robot Jimbo combats deadly Patent Trolls with the help of his new, faithful sidekick IBM Boy 1000! Oh, and his mighty powers of gamma ray powered OPENNESS are free and immediate to citizens in need… which is more than we can say for iOS-bot, who will come to your rescue 6 months later and brag about how cool it is that he showed up!

  144. Replication aka Epic 3D printer =).
    At any moment the android robot can create objects beyond his wildest imagination. Through a library of open source schematics, it creates weapons of destruction or a companion by it’s side.
    I hope to win, I’ve been entering every tegra contest without luck. *crosses fingers*

  145. If my Android Robot could have one super power it would be to go back in time. You may wonder why that’s so cool. Well if my robot could go back in time it would give birth to an open OS that would allow us all to share information, communicate wirelessly, use the same apps on our tablet, phones, televisions and cars. We would be a truly a happier society and apple would be a relative (second cousin) and not a rival. But wait a minute isn’t that what’s happening right now. Maybe it’s not a wish and my robot is already making it happen but the past is now and the future is tomorrow. We’ll I guess we can just wait an see. Thanks little robot see you tomorrow.

  146. If the Android Robot had one super power, it would be the ability to acquire up to three super powers becuase the Android Robot is just that Super!!
    -1. It would be able to see into the future and it would tell you all the reasons why I should win. ( I’ve never won anything before and I love android anything so why not me :) )
    -2. It would also be able to not only destory apple in everything ( like it already is ) but completly wipe out any apple device.
    Two good qualities I know.
    -3. And finally, Did i mention I should win? Hey that rhymed.
    We Should All Bow To The Green God. ( That’s a Snapple fact it’s True )

  147. Androids super power is already evident; the power to turn the most average of phone users into an uber-geek within a few simple ROM tweaks!

    All hail the Google overlords!

  148. Shatter proof screens. They already have shatter proof backs (unlike apple phones) so I think that would be the logical next step.

  149. Be At Many Places At The Same Time : Multitasking

  150. Omnipotence. Pure and simple.

  151. Ability to unlock any phones. The mascot of an “open-platform” should have the power to grant “openness” (I’m looking at you Moto)

  152. Edit: new comment with new account.

  153. Andy’s greatest ability is not standing alone. The Hive Mind of the Cloud never forgetting, ever evolving. Andy is more than a single device, or a single company. Sweeping Countries and Continents like a vast storm. Andy is more than a mere sum of components able to freely communicate with all manner of electronics.

    Andy is Legion for he is many.

  154. The androbot, ill call it, should search out and find any apples and eat them just an awesome f$%& you to Apple

  155. aw i havent finished

    see on twitter

  156. If the android robot has one power is the power of ” PERSUASION”. i work in a place where 90% of my coworkers used apple product and after seeing how easy and open source my droid incredible was everyone change their perspective on the phone they had. Im amaze how those 90% switch to an android and i mean everyone. I know lasers and gadgets are cool for the robot to have but the real super power is how it persuades people to realize that they have options to chose from at a higher level of satisfaction.

  157. If Andy could have one and only superpower, it would be the massive ultra protonic droid dance ! The power to make people dance and rejoice while using their smart-droid-phones.

  158. If the android robot could have one super power and why, it would be the ability to transform into a vending machine carrying the real desert equivalent to each upgrade android has/going to receive(d). Come in handy on people jobs when they want a snack, and maybe these patent battles would ease up some. :)

  159. The Android Robot’s one super power should be: The ability to bake the tastiest apple pie ever!

  160. It already has a super power.
    It steals people’s fingers. (i’m looking at you xperia play android robot…)


    Edit: [email protected]

  162. if the android had one superpower it would be sharp teeth, so that it could finish the rest of the apple it already started…

  163. He already has super market share speed.

  164. The Android robot would have the power to silence all patent lawyers, making him the hero to protect the greatest villain out there: BS Lawsuits

  165. The robots super power would be the Midas touch, and everything it touches turns to gold, metaphorically of course.

  166. He needs the power to make an infinite amount of PB&J’s so he could feed any Android user instantly whenever they get hungry.

  167. The Android robot would have the power to fully recharge its batteries in a manner of seconds of exposure to the sun, much like Birdman.

  168. The ability to replace rotten fruit with scrumptious desserts.

  169. Android Super Power, Sexual Organs, like a Penis and a Vagina, so they can give birth to other devices, so you don’t have to pay for any Tablets, cell phones or any devices, and who knows, if you have a robot, you could customize it into a car, LIKE TRANSFORMERS, so that’s the power of ANDROID !!!!

  170. Andy’s superpower would be flight…because realistically, who the hell doesn’t want to fly?

  171. The ability to develop applications by way of montage.

  172. The power to turn into a caterpillar to eat any apples it finds to the core.

  173. If the Android Robot could only have one super power, I would cry, because it would have to give up all the ones it already has. @nvidiategra @phandroid

  174. the poser of free will. self explanatory… none cult-like behavior.

  175. This is a no brainer – Become Voltron (Cars or Cats, take your pick) – Whoop up on robeasts, possess a magical blazing sword that cuts through anything, and defend the universe

  176. the power to evolve on the spot

  177. The Android Robot’s power should be fire breath, in order to bake apple, blackberry, and mango pies…yum.

  178. Strong jaws, to munch away at apples market share :)

  179. What people dont know know is that under the android shell is actually Johnny 5 from the classic 80’s movies “Short Circuit” and “Short Circuit 2” which explains why android is steadily growing and developing into a better and better form of intelligence “Johnny 5 is alive!”…(oh so the super power is super intelligence because hes Johnny 5, the gold one from the end of “Short Circuit 2”)

  180. The Android Robot has the power to replace batteries with just the slightest glance in their direction. This feat alone sets it above those who would consider themselves its peers.

  181. This is a no brainer – Become Voltron (Cars or Cats, take your pick) – Whoop up on robeasts, possess a magical blazing sword that cuts through anything, and defend the universe. Powered by Android of course.

  182. If Android had a super power it would be: to kick that… good for nothing, only popular because of celebrity publicity, no home screen but an app page, notification bar stealing, built for the idiot consumer… Apple Inc. But sense we are already doing that. I say Android just keeps making some bad ass deserts. ;-)

  183. Come guys! It obvious that he doesn’t have a proper digestive system since we seem to always see him only take 1 bite out of the apple in all the pictures out there (yes there might be some that show him eating the whole fruit..obviously those are fake/Photoshop lol )…so the super power needed is the ability to process organic/patent hungry food!

  184. Mind Control; not for anything malicious, but rather used to empower surrounding apple disciples with the power of logic and reason.

  185. If the Android robot could have only one super power, I would say it is one the Android robot already has. It already has the power of being an evil genius. Why? Well, we know that all evil geniuses want to rule the world. Android is already half way to complete world domination, so it must be an evil genius. However, if that doesn’t count, I would want it to have invulnerability, so that way all these lawsuits would just slide off its green surface.

  186. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, what would it be and why?

    The power to shed it’s (carrier) skin(s).

  187. The Android Robot powers should be the ability to avoid lawsuits in a single bound. Take that evil cell phone doers!!

  188. It should have the power of turning Apple’s into robots. He would then take over the world and they’d all party it up while mocking Jobs.

  189. C’mon guys, the only REAL super power the Android Robot needs is the ability to multiply itself. Now, that may seem useless by itself, but not if you think of it my way. Enter the world of Super Andy….

    Andy’s power would grant him the power to save anyone from having to use a different mobile OS. Imagine, a call goes out: “Why? Why oh why did I buy this BlackBerry? I knew I should have gotten that shiny Nexus S.” Andy clones himself and the clone flies to the ailing consumer’s aid. The clone eats the BlackBerry, and, right before their eyes, begins to take a new shape. A familiar shape. The shape of that Nexus S the consumer was eyeing.

    “Oh my! Thank you, Andy! You saved me from having to use that lesser device and its boring OS!”

    But the day is far from over. Andy senses a man in a bar with friends, but there is something awry.

    “Oh yeah, my iPhone can do all that, but better.” – said the man, gloating.
    “Can it do… THIS?”- said one of his friends, popping out his dead battery and swapping in a new one.
    “Well, no, but-”


    Just then, another one of Andy’s clones smashed through the door or the bar. The clone walked right up to the man and ate his iPhone. “Mmmm, apple.”The clone thought.

    Andy’s clone began to take on a new shape, slowly morphing into an HTC Incredible S.

    “WOW!” exclaimed the man. “That’s incredible!”

    So you see, the only super power Andy the Android Robot needs is the ability to clone himself. Doing so, he is able to save the world of other, lesser mobile operating systems.

    And at the end of the day, who doesn’t need a little saving?

    1. And to eat phones and to morph into other phones?

      1. You didn’t know he does that anyway? haha Really though, minor oversight.

  190. Sorry, my phone double posted.

  191. Android already has a superpower: communication. Android communicates with any device that will listen, communicates with its users, allows us to speak, and more importantly, allows us to be heard.

  192. If the Android Robot could have one super power, it would be to turn apples into dual CORE processors.

  193. Android robot’s super power is definitely replication; he’s been duplicating at a ridiculous rate and shows absolutely no signs of slowing.

    Secondary power: Juicing capabilities specialized for making Apple juice quickly and efficiently.

  194. If the Android Robot could have one super power it would be to make all upcoming Android os to be named after some really good deserts and farytale creatures :)

  195. How about having the Android robot integrate with Google’s driverless cars? As we may be aware – Google has already implemented driverless cars. So, the Android robot would have the ability to integrate into the driverless car application. This would allow a user to specify their pickup locations, destinations, routes to take, and time for those scenarios. You now have the ability to do things such as drop yourself off at work without ever worrying about parking, drop your significant other off at work while you’re at work, pick up your kids while they’re in school, taxi yourself around town on a late night with friends, and more.

    The possibilities would be even more endless, such as shared town cars. Setup commute times within your phone and the car will pick you up, drop you off, and possible pick others up and drop them off that are on the same route. Then, when you’re at work, the car will be operable by others so that they can get around.

    No more worries about gas – have the Android robot get gas when the car is low. So many more endless possibilities.

  196. Apple dicer. Nuff said.

  197. It would have to be SUPER-MEGA-EARLY-UPGRADE power. (mostly because I have a droid1 and won’t get gingerbread and still have a year to go.) He would patrol the country and rain down S.M.E.U goodness to all the helpless citizens stuck with older android phones that are getting left behind and still have a year on their contracts! All of those evil two-year contracts would be running in terror when the little green robot showed up.

  198. The power of immortality because I never want Android to die out.

  199. The Android Robot needs the ability to pay for stuff without cash or credit cards. Oh. He can already do that? Well he needs the power to multitask seamlessly. He does that too? Umm… How bout he can make me a sandwich, cause I’m hungry.

  200. One super power for the android Robot? Easy, emit an interference field that stops Steve Jobs/Apples’ reality distortion field…. Im tired of watching people ooh and ahh at innovations that Apple stole from everyone else…. Please Android Robot save us from that!

  201. If the android robot could have one superpower it would be the ability to reverse patient troll. So it can fight the evils of corporation that want to stop the growth of android with troll in the court room and not in the market.

  202. Our little green buddy would have the much needed ability to install and update himself to the newest compatible version of Android on EVERY device hes installed on.

    Fragmentation Problem = Solved

  203. The android robot needs the ability to “become aware.”

  204. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be to turn whatever android robots signs into green color because the phandroid sign has a blue android robot

  205. Android Robot Super Powere would be the ability to “Poop out software updates”

  206. Android already has 2 super powers: Ability to convert random sweets into a BAD@$$ OS! 2nd is android automatically makes any human +1, they just seem to be a little bit ‘Cooler’. The super power it needs is a super Android/Zombie infection. The 1st human/electronic virus to convert all, unstoppable.

  207. If the Android robot had a super power it would be the ability to turn into any form/person. So then it can turn into a tranny and lure the iPhone users in.

  208. The android man should have a super power that allows him to eat enormous amounts of fruit… specifically Mangos, Blackberries and Apples. After all, he does sort of have that power right now anyways!

  209. The power to have all powers. Android is customizable to each user. So the android robot would have the ability to assist in every situation.

  210. If the Android Robot were to have one super power, it would be to make all the iphones super buggy, slow, and have tons of problems so that apple fanboys could stop talking about how great their phones are and try to convert you. This way Android would reign supreme.

  211. The Android’s greatest power is its ability to take a myriad of forms, confirming its beauty to the eyes of all beholders.

  212. @nvidiategra @phandroid Android Robot should be able to unlock bootloaders and wipe out skins and bloatware. “They can be a great phone, Andy, they wish to be. They only lack the stock to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you….. my only OS” – Google

  213. Andy should have the power of assimilation so he can turn apples to andys. Resistance is futile!

  214. so many powers to choose from…

    -how about the power to multitask?…already has that
    -how about the ability to use flash?…nope has that too
    -ability to shapeshift into different forms?….with a variety and handsets to choose from I’d say he has that one covered
    -use widgets to dissipate challenging tasks?…seems like that one is already under control
    -how about an open source system to help him utilize the aid of any developer to customize himself for any mission from personal business to military?….(the military uses androids?, almost forgot about that) damn he is good

    im running out of ideas here……

    -Well what if he could sync to any computer without an additional program like like itunes telling him what he can and can’t do?….He can? really? man this thing can do the impossible
    -system integration of third party services like messaging and browsers?…often overlooked but its there.
    -installation of third party apps?…I’d say he is well equipped
    -how about a top of the line notification system?….its so good ios is stealing it
    -ability to function on any carrier?…he is on all of them you say, amazing!
    -ability to fly, how many can actually do that?….oh thats right, androids traveled to space and back

    I’d say personally he has enough powers. but if i need to say something I’d say give him laser. every robot needs a laser. oh and a cape. with that many super powers he deserves a cape. lets see apple sue him for that…

    bryanhaugen87 at gmail dot com

    just incase

  215. Android should have 1 super power… To bypass any carrier… such a power could be used to push updates and remove bloatware… now that would be nice!

  216. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be the ability to transform water to wine

  217. The android robot should have the power to eradicat fragmentation. With this power we could all be on honeycomb, awaiting the release of ice cream sandwich.

  218. Mr. Android should have the ability to absorb any device and integrate its function into itself. Whether it be a toaster, kegerator, or even an ipod. It will throw it in its belly, Bender style, and give you toast, frothy beer, or some iTunes.

  219. Time travel so he can go back in time and punch Adam & Eve for being the first Apple lovers! Lol….

  220. Andy’s one super power would be absorb and control other electronics and add them to his android army.

  221. The super power an android robot needs is to turn anything it touches into another android robot. Remember Agent Smith from Matrix? Enough said….

  222. Hmmm…. Still thinking what super Power I need as Android Robot?….Using Super Power to see future and seeing I am acquiring all available Super Powers in next 5 years…. Time up… Silly Question…Let’s go back to eat some apples right now.

  223. I think the android robot power would indeed be the ability so eat iOS products and anything iCrap and poops out renewable, recyclable, Android ICECREAM SANDWICH powered devices :)

  224. If the Android Robot could have one super power, it would have the power to single handedly reform the patent system. Why? Because we need a super hero to save the citizens of innovation from that evil thing.

    Edit: [email protected] or [email protected]

  225. The robots super power should be that the phone actually transform into a robot and does my house chores, as in, throwing my girlfriends iPhone 4 into the trash, and runs to the store to pick her up a GSII.

  226. His power would be the power to fix iphones by turing them into nexus phones in a single bound

  227. Andy would only need the power to fly. So he could equip all other Android phones with 4G/LTE and all the different carriers would have amazingly fast networked-Android phones.

  228. The Android Robot’s best super power would be…
    The ability to affect the minds of the Apple and Microsoft legal departments, and make them forget about their evil intentions to lash out at Android, and perhaps instead make them go do something useful… like work in a soup kitchen.

  229. Time travel. So he can go back in time and punch Adam & Eve in the face for being the first Apple lovers and setting it’s evil free.

  230. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power it would be a force field to defend itself against all of these patent claims coming its way!

    [email protected]

  231. The Android Robot needs the super power of superman’s digestive system so the buildup of apple seeds and an occasional toy car would not pose the ever lethal threat of constipation.

  232. The Android robot already has a super power. He has the ability to dupilicate all other powers and abilities like Amazo from Justice League. He can then combine those new abilities with his own to make something stronger, faster, and better than his competition which is why everyone keeps trying to shut him down.
    Just as the Justice League is jealous of Amazo’s powers; Microsoft, Apple, and other “so-called” heroes of the past fears the little robot can take them out individually and collectively.

  233. He should be able to summon a justice league of lawyers and congressmen to battle the nonsense pouring out of our legal system and the mouths of companies trying to feed off of Androids success.

    This is what the Colbert Super Pac is all about.

  234. Andy would have the power to control the carriers across the globe, worldwide release dates of fully up to date phones with the consumers choice of stock or custom UI, locked or unlocked and any phone on any carrier. LONG LIVE FREEDOM!

  235. Since he already has the power of invincability. I would give him the power of chuck norris. What else could he need.

  236. The Android Robot would have the power of the ultimate Baker. That way, not only could there be many more flavors of Android to come, but once and for all the evil empire would be reduced to nothing more than a pie/strudel/scone/other manner of apple flavored treat!

  237. Android should have the power to utilize quad core processor for 4x times the punch against apple.

  238. The android robot should have OS vision. This would give him the ability to see the losers that have Iphones, and he could avoid them at all costs.. While at the same time allowing him to find the super cool people who rock androids and chill with them all day.

  239. Well since Andy is already a robot, so he already has superhuman intelligence. Now all he needs is Mind Control so he can be the lawyer for Android and use his powers on the judge to get them passed all these ridiculous lawsuits so Google can keep destroying the competition fairly!

  240. Drink Apple juice. One nice sun shiney crisp cool spring day Andy can be seen dinking Apple juice. At the park In the trash next to him are all the apples he’s already crushed, with tops ripped off, and all their juice consumed. The caption reads, “Apple, (all) your juice are now belonged to us.”

  241. The Android robot should have the powers of a Super Patent Attorney to crush other companies in Court and resume the process of Innovation.

  242. If the android robot could have a superpower, I would give it the power of being a android genie. Granting every device owner three device related wishes. As a G2 owner I would pick: 1: All day battery life, 2: A faster processor, and 3: An image stabilized camera.

  243. The android robot would have the power to customize itself in any way and to be able to adapt to any environment and situation, a master of disguise.

  244. I wish it had the power to be waterproof. Seriously after two broken phones i really wish it had this power.

  245. the superpower that android robot should have is that it can just bring happiness. THE END

  246. If the androd robot were to get a super power it should probably be one called patent protection because we all know Google isn’t so hot in that area.

  247. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, I would say Andy should have the power of the Jedi Force… So he could tell Steve Jobs that these are not the Droids he’s looking for.

  248. It’s super power would be to stop all patent disputes in one swoop.

  249. I hope the Android Robot’s super power is the ability to love… ’cause if I win a Galaxy Tab, I’m gonna love the sh*t out of it.

  250. The Androids Robots power should simply be the ability to use Apple products as fuel so when all the mac fans throw away their apple gear it gets recycled and put to good use.

  251. A special “eye” so that all the “i” people will worship the ‘droid robot for his superior “vision”, “perspective”, and “insight”.
    This unique “eye”, enables the ‘droid robot to identify and asses the many “needs” of all individuals and assist them accordingly.
    After all, the “eyes” are the “windows” of the “soul”.

  252. Anti-patent lawsuit power!

  253. A Superpower? How about the power to control everything at a molecular level? Tiny nanodroids flowing through everything, living symbiotically with all living beings. Search your feelings… you know it to be true…

  254. Android shall have the power of omni-linguism. Android will then understand Objective-C, instantly porting every Appstore App into Android Market.

  255. The Android Robots super power would be his ability to turn into a juicer. I’d love some apple/mango/blackberry juice cocktail!

  256. Android needs the power of photosynthesis so it can draw power from the sun to rec are its battery :-)

  257. By day Andy is a spokesperson for the hottest, most efficient mobile operating system on Planet Earth. By night he is a masked super hero that spends hours and hours unlocking the fiendish bootloaders. Battling the mammoth Motorola monster has been his biggest feat yet! Andy has since teamed up with his hyper-active friends at HTC to unlock all their bootloaders, but that takes time.

    Just know that Andy is looking out for all of us!

  258. It should have the power of advanced software update. It would obtain the latest OS the moment it was available.

  259. Android needs the power of photosynthesis so it can draw energy from the sun and recharge its battery :-)

  260. If every android phone were a transformer and could turn into an android robot,that would be awesome. I could just tell it to get a broom and chase all of the rats off my back porch or scare my girlfriend with it lol.

  261. Andy should be a Super B-Boy who breakdancer in the streets by day but fights crime capoeira style by night straight bad boy, “not bad meaning bad but bad meaning good “

  262. Superhero Identity: Andy

    Superhero Name: Sweets

    Superhero Ability: The ability to give Cupcakes, Donuts, Eclairs, FroYos, Gingerbreads, Honeycombs, and Ice Cream Sandwiches for all!!!

  263. The power to get me little caesars pizza whenever, and where ever i need it. (physically, not just show me on a map.)

  264. I thought being super-awesome and super-cute were his special powers. Guess that just ain’t enough. Well, in addition to being a rock star, if Andy needed a super power it would have to be the power of Vanilla. Some may say, “Well, that’s just average Joe sounding.” Is it though? What? You need rescue from your crappy Motoblur? Sense has got you down because to you it makes no sense? Touchwiz isn’t touching you in the right places? BLAM! Vanilla ;)

  265. Android should have the power to shoot lasers from his eye and burn burn the i phone to pieces…

  266. I think Andy the Android robot should have Androidar to scan for phones in proximity of him and be able to change them into Android phones, including the iPhone with his Android-Ray for World Domination.

  267. Super power: Shoot vibration waves from those cannon-like arms like Marvels Avalanche.

  268. Power to devour APPLES in a single bite, to shatter WINDOWS, and to squash BLACKBERRIES….

  269. Power: Super mesmerizing, hypnotic dance moves

  270. The power to topple foreign psuedo-democracies and tyrannical dictators. And the reason you may ask? For the children, of course.

  271. The Android robot would have the power to unlock all boot-loaders, pre-root all devices, and clear the world of kangers!

  272. The Android robot should be able to Jailbreak (not unlock – why should they get more than we get?) all the ‘i’ devices and give them some sense of freedom

  273. The ability to make Android Phones fly out of nowhere and strike your enemies while screaming “Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats! Hooooooooooo!!”

  274. EMP burst, to target all those inferior iphones and blackberries and put them where they belong.

  275. He should have the power to rig contests so I can finally win one of them.

  276. To be able to shoot hungry worms from his fingers that seek out apples to feed on their digital cores.

  277. Skynet – Need I say more? :P

  278. Android Robot should have the power of cloning, since android’s can’t breed it’s the only way to keep growing as fast as it does! :)

  279. Energy conversion – the ability to convert any form of energy into battery power :-)

  280. Shoot out an OTA of the latest version of Android to all Android devices without any carrier interference! Even the G1 would get some Ice Cream Sandwich love!

  281. A power that the Android Robot should have is the ability to snap people out of Steve Job’s trance on people who believe the iPhone is superior in every way like shown on this video on YouTube.

  282. The Power the android Robot need is the Power to pull all the power it need from its environment, that way it can do everything wanted from it without ever having to worry about dead batteries (and of course share that ability with all the android phones)

  283. The android robots superpower shout be the ability to overpower non-android devices with a powerful radio frequency.

    Also id like the droid eye to shoot lasers. Lol

  284. If an Android robot had one super power, it would Transform!!!
    To defeat those evil Decepticons.

    [email protected]

  285. The ability to undermind apple, micrsoft and rim with the ;-) (wink) of an eye! Lol

  286. The Android robot should keep it’s current superpower… The ability to clone better versions of itself to world domination.

  287. The abillity to update my Logitech Revue to an atleast functioning state :( It seems anything short of superpowers will fail at that. :(

  288. If the Android Robot could have one super power, it would be to have a flux capacitor in order to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of power necessary to go back to the future and really muck up the patents of Apple and MicroSoft. :)

    1. That’s overkill bro! 1.21 Gigawatts would be suffice!

      1. Extra Gigawatts for the extra legal fees :)

  289. There appears to be a theme of animosity towards other OS’s; therefore, I suggests that the super power that Mr. Andy would inherit would be a twisted version of charisma. When any person comes within a certain distance of Mr. Andy, they are freed from their bias and feel inclined to tell the truth about the OS/device they are using.
    With this super power, Mr Andy will fly to every manufacturer and reveal what their true thoughts are towards the platform(s) they are working with and the customers they are aiming to supply. With the recorded truthful statements Mr. Andy would fly-I am assuming he can already fly since I’ve seen him wearing a cape-around resolving every dispute and allowing customers from every OS to escape the bonds of OS-Bias.
    Go Mr. Andy; GO; Free the minds of all those that have hate.

  290. He’d obviously just be the Green Lantern.

  291. I would give him the power to manipulate any electronic device. Be able to make a device split open showing its international components to show witch of them perform perfectly together to be able to optimize user experience. In seeing what’s really inside people could see that the IPhone isn’t all that special, wait the Google could Sue them for indecent exposure right? Well In doing all this adding a super charged battery that would never die.

  292. He Already has a superpower: Breakdancing.

  293. If the Android Robot could have one super power it would be the ability to unlock any boot loader and root any device.

  294. The ability to core an apple and consume it so Andy can go from dual core, to triple core and so on :P

  295. If the Android robot had a super power it would be the ability to read minds, because Android has all the features people want!

  296. Me me me!

  297. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be to block out all things “Bachelor/Bachelorette” before Monday Night Football begins.

  298. He should have the power…..

    To move you.

  299. i reall, really what this. hook me up

  300. Andy’s superpower should be the power of alchemy. That way he can convert any old Android phone into a new one, an iPhone or Blackberry into the Android phone of their dreams, and a Windows phone into what it truly is a pile of poop.

  301. The ability to cross a bridge without paying a troll $2.

  302. As I see it, the Android robot is a hipster, so its super power would be ironically travel back in time, disguise itself as an assembly line worker, and put together Model Ts.

  303. Android Robot needs the power to blow away carrier restrictions and foil their attempts to muck up the OS and defend the ability for everyone to get the latest version of Android within a month of release directly from the device maker.

  304. The ability to manipulate space-time. With this power android would be able to create anything at a moments whim and also be able to control anything in its environment… Anywhere… Anytime…

  305. Android super power :
    it doesn’t need one, it’s already super powerful and soon will be more with Kal-El

  306. the force

  307. ‘Twas the night before Google I/O, when all through the pad

    Not an Android was running, not even a Tab;

    The Wifi was buzzing through the house so fast,

    In hopes that St. Andy soon would fly past;

    The Droids were nestled all snug in their docks,

    While Bluetooth accessories stayed in their box;

    And mamma with her Samsung, and I with my Evo,

    Had just settled down to listen to some Devo,

    When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

    I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

    Away to the window I flew like a flash,

    Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

    The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow

    Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,

    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

    But a green android, and a sack of goodies held near,

    With a wonderous driver, so useful and handy,

    I knew in a moment it must be St. Andy.

    The android robot, St. Andy, gives toys

    To all of the worlds girls and boys.

  308. The best super power an Android Robot could have is the ability to read minds. Right now I can speak to it and it understands me, but so does my dog. If my Android Robot could read my mind it would rule all!!!!!

  309. His power would be a tractor beam for developers and innovators. The ability to simply draw to it anyone who has a good idea, for a new device or an app or anything.. Would make for a good commercial! Some poor guy with a genius app idea trying to work through the apple process to create an app that he now has to charge more for based on development cost and right as he is at his most frustrated…. woosh there he is with the android guy and magically everything is all better. Poof app created everyone wins.

  310. To crap out the material that counts as the Apple “Genuis” brains’. Let’s face it, that’s all that’s up there. Well, that and hot air.
    [email protected]

  311. The one super power Android Robot needs is patently obvious!

  312. Android Robot Super Power:
    Have the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio come by and make him “a real boy”. This would allow him to then Become the President of the United States of America. He could then create Executive Orders. Executive Orders are the best super power ever.

  313. I’m certain – given recent events such as those at Blackhat – the Android Robot would most certainly opt for “invisibility” so as to move through tech communities undetected while protecting his vulnerabilities.

  314. Super power … power … life … battery life? … hmm

    I’m sure you know where I’m going with this

  315. [email protected]
    (my disqus account is bugged) (I tried to @nvidiategra @phandroid :( )

    Too much of a phan to let this one go.

    Android would have the “freedom” to transform himself into other forms which he uses to overcome all foes, or possibly stop natural disasters, save the human race etc.

    He would have a google-plex of different customization features that would allow him to conquer anything, but here’s the best part. He relies on human support to design transformations and advance what he is capable of. Even though hes the smartest super computer with completely free transformation abilities, he knows we the fans have the best ideas.

    He has a permanent connection to Googlenet, which allows him to see all social networks and get feedback. Users would help him with complex transformation schematics or strategic plan “apps”, or even simple “Android use lasers!” tweets, so when he’s overcoming evil/saving us from the impending doom everyone in the world can contribute, whether they are technologically savvy or not.

    Android always remembers, humans are the best at deciding what technology should be able to do, not the other way around.

  316. The ability to become ruler of the universe to trump all other inferior OSes, which is all other mobile OSes.

  317. Everyone knows our beloved Android Robot is R2D2 in green body paint!

    While his abilities as a Swiss Army knife are legendary, his Android superpower is INSTANT TELEPORTATION…bringing hope (as well as Hi-Def, 4G, openness, and innovation) to each honorable member of a civilization that refuses to kneel before The Evil Empire!

  318. The power to look into the future and offer us the benefits of Wafer! (Assuming that’s the name when it comes to ‘W’… if I had the Android Robot with this power, I’d know!)

  319. The only super power the android robot needs is the power of super speed like the flash! so it can run circles around every other OS and just blow past them in shear speed through system optimization alone:D

  320. The power of the Green Lantern: Creating anything he can think of at will. I can hear the oath now: “In brightest day / In blackest night / No iPhone shall escape my sight / Let those who worship Apple’s might / Beware my power / Green Robot’s Light!”

    PS: I even made an image for it! :) (STUPID DISQUS DIDN’T UPLOAD MY IMAGE!! SEE IT AT )

  321. If the Android robot can have one super-power, it should be the ability to speak in a slightly snobbish British accent and make droll and snarky comments about our activities all day long, for which we would forgive it because it has a British accent.

    “What do you think of my new jeans Andy?”

    “To be frank sir, they look like a double wind-sock full of oranges.”

    “I think I’ll go to the zoo today Andy!”

    “Oh joy. I’m sure the orangutans will appreciate the entertainment sir.”

    “Andy, should I buy an iPad 2 or a Samsung 10.1?”

    “Would you prefer a stripper with artificial tatas or a merely pretty girl with intelligence and a mind of her own?… on second thought sir, just get an iPad 2.”

    “Great! This will mark me as a trendsetter. A fearless and unique individual. A maverick!”

    “Yes sir. Just like everyone else sir.”

  322. The power to find and destroy all commenting trolls!!

    [email protected]

  323. The superpower it needs is the ability to code apps that work properly on all of it’s platforms. With this power comes the power to to have one OS that will work on all of it’s platforms as well.

  324. Obviously a desert vending machine.

  325. The android robot should get the power to plank, like a boss, sideways on an iPad 2 just to show Jobs whos boss!

  326. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power… he already has one and that’s the power of morphing. He first morphed into an Ass that no one would like, then a Bastard that no one wanted, then we all looked down at him as a Child awaiting patiently to see the road he would choose. As a child he became infatuated with his neighbor, a very sexy young robot who was an android police officer and he really wanted to get to know her so he morphed into a delicious Donut hoping she would notice him, but she did not. Thinking hard whats more desirable than a donut, maybe an Eclair, so he morphed away but did not get her attention again. He grew upset and morphed into his favorite dessert, Frozen Yogurt. Eating away he didn’t notice his sexy neighbor coming over, turns out she loves Frozen Yogurt too. Happy as ever their relationship grew, but all was not well. His sexy neighbor began to grow and lose her shape and well frankly become a hideous hairy beast with buckteeth and a tail but not a regular tail this was a frontal tail with spikes on the end and lightning shooting out of it, he knew he’d have to run away, fast. So remembering the story his parents told him, he morphed into the Gingerbread Man and ran as fast and as hard as he could. Months passed and he grew into his new life away from that hideous beast, getting over her he knew he’d have to find a rebound bot, so off to the club he went. Loud music pounding and girls aplenty, all of his friends were there and he was having a great time but something was missing he just could not place it. Drinking away he started to get really drunk and notice a sexy bee across the dance floor giving him the eye, so off he went straight through the dance floor, he started doing his favorite dance move which was the push lawnmower, then he did the sprinkler, and finally pulled the sexy bee girl in with the fish hook. Being as drunk as he was he thought it would be a good idea to morph into Honeycomb cause the she be all over him. Well it turned out to be a very bad idea cause the bee girl turned out to be a transvestite and started sticking him right there with his stinger, it hurt so much that he passed out and started to dream about Ice Cream Sandwiches….
    To Be Continued….

  327. The super power to replace ios on the iphone

  328. Super Power….hmm….To fly? Why not, doesn’t everyone want to fly? Or maybe to turn invisible, it would be the worst case of “where’d I leave my phone?”

  329. Chuck. Norris. Roundhouse. Kick.

  330. His superpower should be to be able to grow long flowing blonde hair at will. What could be better than having Andy riding a magnificent horse down a beach , white see through shirt half open with his magnificent hair whisping in the summer breeze, Fabio style, while lovingly looking into your eyes and giving you…an ice cream sandwich?

    [email protected]

  331. If the Android Robot could have 1 “super power”, it would be the power of having thumbs so it could enjoy all of the awesome games the Tegra Zone has to offer!!!

  332. How about the ability to destroy the fragmentation within it’s own market.

  333. Andy’s superpower would be to make a phone that would always be able to update its OS and upgrade its hardware by itself therfore abolishing to need to ever upgrade to a new phone through one’s carrier! THEN WOULD DOMINATION WOULD BE OURS!… I mean, yeah… that would be sweet…

  334. The best superpower for Android Robot would be a secret quantum computer processor and chipset embedded in his circuits. this would allow for multiple avenues of innovation and efficiency on a timescale that could churn out new technology faster than “the other guys”.

    Given that the Android Robot is a super hero (whence it comes from that the android robot has a super power), this quantum computing ability would not be abused by anyone other than Android Robot and to whom it sees fit to delegate his awesomeness to.

    think of the possibilties! from brute-force decoding your forgotten password to get into your google account to finding cancer mitigation! Even solving the world-wide economic recession is within Android Robot’s reach with quantum computing!

  335. The Android Robot would have the ability to emit a million-mile radius E.M.P., or ElectroMagnetic Pulse, taking out every single data-streaming device on earth, including satellites. Andy’s glossy, green, magical, metallic coat shields him from these waves. This way, the almighty Android is master of his domain. He frequently threatens Nokia, Apple, and RIM for being his smartphone competitors. Goodbye television; hello evil overlord.

  336. To [email protected]
    Android’s robot should be able to posses electronic devices to make them run better, faster and add software to the device and be able to shape-shift into various devices, such as phones, tablets, laptops, etc. (for his true identity to be unknown)

  337. The Android Robot could dispense delicious desserts to all mankind therefore ending world hunger and at the same time causing users of inferior devices to drop and break them in their rush to taste the delights of the Android!

  338. If the Android robot could have one super power it would be, the ability to save the patent system from abuse of companies who can’t create products to compete with others, so they have to sue over “infringement.”

  339. In a world, where patent trolls and electronic fruit companies attack from all sides, one robot stands out to save the day. One robot shall overcome the tyranny of the evil Darth Jobs. One robot to rule the……… You get the point. Only one super power can defeat these menacing enemies. And that super power gives our robot the ability to make their underwear suddenly appear on the outside. Evil doers beware!! You have been warned!!

  340. The android robot should have the ability to make Steve Jobs shit his diaper on demand. :o

  341. The power to open-source everything it touches! Like the Midas touch :)

  342. let android have the power to invalidate apple’s thinness patent in Europe so i can buy myself a galaxy tab, otherwise im just gonna have to win one

  343. Make the Robot half orange and call him Aquaman!! Wait..does anyone know if he has any superpowers besides talking to Dolphins!!

  344. The power of GREYSKULL!!!!!!!!!

  345. A gentle wave of hand…”Steve, I’m not the Droid you’re looking for”…

    Steve: It’s ok Germany and Australia, this isn’t the Droid I was looking for.

  346. The only super power android needs is to be an android. Android by definition is a super powered OS. Android can already do it all!!

  347. Hi

  348. I’d keep it simple and give andy the power of persuasion.. not only will it help him defend himself his followers and his platform but he will never have to worry bout not getting lucky tonight :)

  349. The android super power should be the ability to spin records like daft punk. Funky Android Beats. He would win over the masses with his righteous DJ abilities and put the world on notice that the robots are taking over! wiki-scratch, wiki-scratch, wiki wiki-android-scratch. ANDROID DUB STEP REMIX!!! Working 4 turntables at a time!

  350. Android robot needs the power to recognize and change lame or ridiculous ringtones. No more gangsta rap suddenly blasting from some middle-aged soccer mom’s phone in the middle of the PTA meeting.

  351. The robots super power would be mind reading. Then my new galaxy tablet that your going to send me would know what music to play through the jambox that your going to send me. All without have to touch them.

  352. The best android power would be the power to rot certain kinds of fruit.

  353. If the android robot could have 1 superpower…

    “…how ’bout the power to kill a yak? from 200 yards away! With mind bullets! That’s telekinesis, Kyle!”

  354. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be the power to develop human emotions. Maybe then, little Andy would feel a little remorse when he takes a “bite” out of the competition ;)

  355. The power to be a Super Droid, and it’s super power would be “Imagination Cloning”, the ability to be programed thru our own imagination and transform to any android device we can imagine up, but u can only use the latest technology released to customize it

  356. Android Robot supper Power would be:

    The ability to unlock any bootloader the big carriers could come up with! Saving the headaches of all the android citizens!

  357. Andys super power would be to squash the world wide frivolous patent lawsuits that slow down the production and release of Android hardware or software!

  358. Not heat vision but… [suspenseful bracket text]… treat vision!

    You know, the same Andy that we know and love, except that he would be able to squint, look like he’s concentrating very hard, and then shoot donuts out of his eyes.
    Or cupcakes, eclairs, frozen yogurt, gingerbread snacks, honeycombs, or even the fabled ice cream sandwiches. It makes for a hilarious image in my brain-display, anyway!

    And please don’t dock me points for not jumping on the “I hate iOS/patent law/Steve Jobs” bandwagon ;)

    1. Was just checking on my account, and Disqus looks bugged for me, as well. rutherford.atlas [at] gmail [dot] com!

  359. His one superpower should be to turn any other devices into Android devices, and to unlock the bootloaders of locked down fellow Androids. He’d be like a Peter Pandroid >:D

  360. The ability to make Apple disappear

  361. The little green guy generates an electromagnetic field that, in “compatible” people, causes communities and awesome phones/tablets to be built. In “incompatible” people, it causes jealousy (often disguised as fan-boy/girl-ishness aimed in other directions) and a desire to sue.

  362. Transforming into a baby monkey riding backwards on a pig (how much more powerful could you be?!?!?)

  363. The Android Robot’s super power would be an immunity to patent infringement.


  364. If the Android Robot had one superpower, it would definitely have to be the ability to kal-el (kill all) of it’s competitors.
    [[email protected]]

    1. why would people like a post? it only makes it stand out more & reduces your chance of winning

      1. There you go, now you stand out too buddy. A power to make buddies…that’d cool

  365. It would have the power to turn apples and blackberries into frogs (with only the kiss of princess Leia having the power to turn them back).

  366. Super Speed.

    Oh wait, NVIDIA already gave it that power with the Tegra 2.

  367. The ability to banish Forced Closes from existence.

  368. Android Man’s Super Power is the ability to morph into Exactly what we need.
    See below!

    Android Man Superhero Mashup – You Know the Tunes
    Android Man…Android Man,
    Does it better than Apple can
    Surfs the web, any size
    Caches files, man it flies!
    Look out! Here comes the Android Man!

    Is he strong? Listen bud-
    He’s got Linux powered blood.
    Can he stream, while in bed?
    Take a look…it’s the Walking Dead.
    Hey there! There goes the Android Man!

    Faster than an IOS sheeple,
    More powerful than a Research in Motion
    Able to heap kernels in a single bound…it’s Android Man!

    Flash! ah-ahh!
    Savior of Open Source!
    Flash! ah-ahh!
    He’s custom for all of us!
    Flash! ah-ahh!
    Wait, there’s another ROM?
    Flash! ah-ahh!
    King of the impossible!


    I am Android Man…

    Is he on your mind?
    Or are you one of those Apple Kind?
    Do you want it all?
    Or rather join iPhone in it’s fall?

    Android Man Lives Again!

  369. Android Robots already f****ing print money. What more could you want?

  370. He would have the power of The One. Neo Green would then be able to control the Matrix and free the people from the “glamor” of iOS.

  371. The power to be able to pick a single entry in this thread. So many good ones here

  372. When I got my first Android phone more than a year ago, my friends all asked me why I was buying into Google’s new smartphone platform instead of sticking with a tried and tested one. It’s hard to imagine this now, but most people I knew hadn’t even heard of Android yet at the time. They all carried iPhones, Blackberrys and Nokias. But I knew Google had big plans for their little upstart OS, and I remember looking my friends straight in their skeptical eyes and telling them: Android will take over the world. (Not in the Skynet kinda way, of course! :p)

    Fast forward to today.

    Now, as the outright leader in terms of OS market share, and with about 500,000 new activations daily, and the ability to be used in all sorts of devices including phones, tablets, smart TVs, watches and even home appliances, Android truly is on the way to taking over the world. And in a benign and open way too – adding unparalleled functionality and power to otherwise mundane devices of any kind, and allowing us to benefit in the process.

    So forget about a super power Android *could* have. This is a super power it actually *does* have, and i am so glad that our little green friend is more than happy to share it with us :-)

    Now, when can we start seeing Android on robots?

    marcusleejh at gmail dot com

  373. The Android Robot would have the power to give the XOOM its 4G upgrade.

  374. The one superpower should be the ability all nearby iPhones make crying sounds and display tears (which should look real on the “Retina” display, right?) to convey the regret the owner of said iDevices feels after playing with the newest Android flagship. Or the ability to make Steve Jobs stop declaring that everything Apple does is revolutionary, like multitasking and cut and paste.

  375. He has the ability to continuously evolve into a better android. He’s always evolving better and more features, keeping ahead of the curve and the evil apple bot.

  376. The Super Powered Super Android would have the ability to continually power up, it constantly grows and becomes more powerful each time it battles, like a Saiyan in Dragon Ball Z! The more competition you throw at the Droid, the stronger and faster and better it comes back at you! It can never be defeated, for it is indefinite in power and ability to learn/grow! He/she/it…is the best an will always remain the best if ever contended!

    [email protected]

  377. The Super Powered Super Android would have the ability to continually power up, it constantly grows and becomes more powerful each time it battles, like a Saiyan in Dragon Ball Z! The more competition you throw at the Droid, the stronger and faster and better it comes back at you! It can never be defeated, for it is indefinite in power and ability to learn/grow! He/she/it…is the best an will always remain the best if ever contended!

    PLus my 25th birthday is on Aug27th so it would be really cool to win and finally own a tablet device! Haha especially an awesome android powered device! Cheers and best of luck to all the other commenters :)

    [email protected]

    1. Didnt mean to post twice! Hadnt finished my write up, login fail! Lol

  378. It should have the ability to kick ass…as Android is a kick ass OS :)

  379. The power to race. So he can show off his speed and power!!!
    (and yes this is my car that I made today using Nascar The Game 2011)

  380. Deep underground, Andy the Android breaks into Steve Jobs vault, filled to the brim with patents! At the same time a truck filled with radioactive goo crashes and spills, leaking down into the vault! Andy trips and falls into a giant stack of patents, becoming drenched in the radioactive goo.

    Andy, alarmed by what happened, rushes out and escapes the Apple refinement, making it safely back to Google headquarters! Andy, hangs is head is sadness as he did not get what he set out to, but soon realizes, he now has the power to print patents strait out of his butt! Andy can now protect the livelihood and longevity of his Android brethren, and keep the Evil Steve Jobs at Bay!

    Until next time!

    [email protected]

  381. If Android could have one superpower then it would be to transform into a Terminator and save us all from the evil Cupertino Skynet!

  382. Andy needs to have cloning powers. They’ll be Original Andy, Cyanogenmod Andy, MIUI Andy, Moto Andy, Touchwiz Andy, and Sense Andy.

  383. If the Android robot could only have one power it would be to shoot patent trolls in the face with lasers shot from its eyes.

  384. The best coolest power Andy could have would be the same as Boo from Dragon Ball Z. Turn your opponent into a Desert and eat them!! Picture Andy chowing down on a giant Steve Jobs Cookie, an Oracle fortune cookie, and Windows Phone lollypop!

  385. Why would the Android Robot need a Super Power? Hes already the best so he doesn’t need any Super Powers. Hes just a normal Robot blessed enough to be the best there is cause he runs ANDROID!!!! and nobody can do anything about that. Now don’t even think about making him mad cause everybody knows that deep down in his cute looking exterior there’s a powerful beast inside that’s ready to be unleashed as soon as its called upon in the time of need.

    [email protected]

  386. With a apron as his cape he’s chef Andy! Super power was cooking up all our sweet os’s. Gingerbread was my favorite. Yum

  387. If Andy had one power it would have to be the power to time shift so that it could bring back amazing technology from the future to further enhance our list of Android desserts!

  388. The best super power would be the ability to grant infinite power to any android device! This way we can keep using our favorite devices forever without ever needing to part with them due to a dead battery or a cord!

  389. Android already has a superpower, its the ability to run on almost anything. Its super power of “adaptability” has helped it take over the smart phone market. With Ice cream, this power will be amazing because it will run on both tablet and phone.

    [email protected]

  390. The ability to develop any app that the user thinks would be handy on the spot. Without any bugs, something that works perfectly every time.

  391. I would like to use the Android Robot’s superpower to wirelessly charge my Galaxy S2 and provide true 4G speed (1Gb/s download).

  392. The green Android will have the power to repel ironic Apples.

  393. The Android robot would have the power to control time – freezing it every time a “competitor” (I use that term loosely) releases an upgrade to their OS to produce a superior product seemingly instantly to the release that is backward compatible on devices built within the last two years, ensuring us mere mortals never again have to labor under another 2yr contract upgrade period.

    Of course with great power comes great responsibility, but since it is the Android Robot it can be trusted to be beyond reproach.

  394. If the Android robot could have 1 super power, it would be the ability to walk on water, just like his distant relative jesus.

  395. The ability to break people out of Apple’s walled garden

  396. Android: a real american love story

  397. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be the ability to walk on water, just like his distant relative Jesus.

  398. The Android Robot would be the Multiple Man of OSes. He’s multiply and spread himself everywhere until everyone succumbs to his potential and durability.

  399. The Android Robot should have super power of being able to balance the Federal Budget. This would actually be too great a power to even consider it a super power and would be in a class by itself. This power would allow the further proliferation of powerful Android devices leading to Android world domination.

  400. The BugDroid (as Xavier says it is so aptly named) should be given a power that fits his name, thus, he should have the ability to tap into a Developer’s IDE and help SQUASH the bugs that pester us dev’s on a daily basis! (You thought I was going to say morph into a bug, didn’t you! Gotcha!)

    not sure if my email is tied to this if I sign in using google account, it’s thoms.ucsc at gmail

  401. He would destroy all of the patent trolls that instead of innovating just try to sue and destroy him.

  402. The Android robot’s most awesome super power would be making me win this contest. Oh and something about world peace or whatever.

  403. The Android Robot should have spiral eyes that spin in reverse to dezombiefy all the apple zombies so they can realize that they are buying inferior products, and not some magic boxes that apple invented.

  404. Andy the robot has a unique super power, many others have come close to discovering that one special power, but i am here to tell u.

    I see a lot of comments that say Andy likes to “Eat” a certain “healthy” product, which ever overpriced product that may be, and while said product travels through the bowels that is our beloved friend, TRANSFORMS it into a delectable desert.

    Our friend, Andy the Robot, does not wish to TOUCH nor even EAT of the prodcuts named after fruit for they would give him “bad reception” during bowel movements, no he merely stares….OH YES, STARES HIS MIGHTY FOE DOWN and while concentrating with all his might and mind and thinking of the most delicous of desserts and snacks and of how his enemy is so slow on developing their own products with features such as a “notification bar”, HE VANQUISHES HIS ENEMY AND TURNS HIM INTO AN OH SO INTANTILIZING DELICACY!!

    But i see that many of u believe he turns his foe into an Ice Cream Sandwich, but Andy does not move as fast as me or you….HE MOVES FASTER, AND HAS FOES ALREADY INTO ICE CREAM SANDWICHS FOR OCTOBER (rumor)…, Andy is now at work HARNESSING his power for something even better….maybe some “J”ellybeans

  405. Fiscal responsibility.

  406. Our little green friend has the power to…
    Moonwalk! Moonwalk? What else is the #1 OS supposed to do., it already does everything. But totally seriously, to walk on the moon would be pretty awesome.

  407. Andy should have to the power to transform anything into anything he wants to. That way, he can turn any iPhone user into an Android user. :D

  408. Andy’s Super Power should be the power to feel like a real woman…because everyone needs a robot with the ability to PMS whenever the situation warrants a hostile response.

  409. If the android robot had 1 super power, It would have the power to go back in time to have an android device before the iphone was even thought of.

  410. Advanced precognition to be able to predict when new devices are actually coming out for real.

  411. The Android Robot should have the power to embed worms in any apple, and/or shatter windows with his voice.

  412. the robot would have the power to “sense” what (i)cant

  413. something like offering an internalize web like i mean
    world wise like an all knowing super Matrix
    the real power of Google

  414. If the Android Robot could have one power it would be:

    The power to solve this countries economical problems, if humans can’t fix it then maybe a green little Android robot can. ; )

  415. Its pretty simple, Android doesnt need one, there competitors do. RIM needs the power of immortality cause right now there dead in the water. Windows craves the power of duplicity, so they can actually duplicate more sales and start making money on there own OS instead of HTC android purchases. Oh and let us not forget Apple and there fearless leader Mr. Jobs who thinks they already poses every super power ever handed out, what with there mind controlling ads and invisible pixelating screens, not to mention there precognitive ability to see into the future and give us all earth shattering features never seen before.
    With all that said, i guess one super power does come to mind that would be perfect for Android, the power of invulnerability, cause with there constant market growth and steadfast innovation timeliness, the competition has realized they’ve been knocked out, and its time to get up and play dirty.

  416. If “Dandy Andy” as I call him, had a super power it would be X-Ray vision, to help see through and expose the evil ways of “The Dirty Core” aka CrApple,. Live It, Love It, Phandroid-Life……

  417. The 1 super power Android should have would be the power of mind control. Mind control would be awesome because Android could 1) Have Steve Jobs bow down to Android and 2) Make Steve Jobs wear something other than that turtle neck he always wears…

  418. I think the perfect super power for the Android Robot would be to be able to Core any Apple that comes within reach of it’s Bluetooth radio. It’d be like neutering Stevie.

  419. How about the power to kill a Mac from 200 yards away… WITH MIND BULLETS!

  420. I think when asked the question “What super power would you have if you could have any?” nearly everyone picks the ability to freeze time and I think we all know FULL WELL why.

  421. The little dude’s ability should be to infect iPhones. When it infects these user’s phones it shows them the ways of Android. Turn by turn navigation, true multitasking, and flash video content. Slowly, the world will learn why Android is so much better than iOS.

  422. He should have all kinds of powers! What powers you ask? I dunno, how ’bout the power of flight? That do anything for ya? That’s levitation holmes.

  423. The Android Robot should have the super power to imbue intelligence upon any stupid person that calls for tech support(not to be confused with someone that calls for legitimate support reasons).

    “Hello, Android Robot. I can’t watch TV. The screen is blank and it looks like the power is off.” *sparkle sparkle sparkle* “OMG! TY, Android Robot. I now understand that I should turn on my tv. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before calling you.” *sparkle sparkle sparkle* “Thank you, Android Robot. My increased intelligence has led me to feel ashamed that I actually spoke those abbreviations and I will stop doing it.”

  424. Apple Coring – Dismiss false patent suitswith a single swipe…

  425. The android robot should have the power to control iphone lovers and make them part of the android army

  426. Formed from a drunken union between Oscar the Grouch and R2D2, the Android Robot was born. But he was no ordinary trademark cartoon. No! The potent mix of parentage left him with an amazing ability. A super power!! His pico-projector shows terribly filthy pornography starring a modern day Carrie Fisher while she’s singing the theme from the Star Wars Christmas special. Yes, it’s the power to make grown men cut out their own eyes and stuff them in their ears!!

  427. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power: The Android robot would have the power to turn other OS’s into the fruits that they are.. Apple into apples Blackberry into blackberries chew them up and spit them at Windows to make Windows 8: The stained glass collection since thats all Windows is good for! :D

  428. The only super power Android needs is the ability to “Spawn more Overloards.” Android has obviously hit its current unit cap. Why else would the Galaxy Tab 10.1 be prevented from selling in Australia and Europe?

  429. Remember The Architect in Matrix Reloaded? The Android Robot’s powers should let us forget that movie was ever made.

  430. The power the Android Robot should have is MIND CONTROL!! That way anytime someone thinks of better systems, upgrades, apps, or anything that would make a phone more tech saavy, they would always introduce it via the Android and dry out all other markets like Pinky and the Brain and their famous quote (Pinky) “What are we going to do today Brain?” (Brain) “What we try to do everyday Pinky, try and take over the world!!” LOL!!

  431. It would have the ability to telepathically connect with everyone in the world all at once. If anyone needed to communicate with anyone else, in any way, it could make that happen. It would also show you the best deals on that thing you like…

  432. The robot’s power should be the ability to vaporize every iphone that comes within a 50′ radius.

  433. Android super power: FCC Clairvoyance – The ability to scan the entire FCC document library and instantly detect new submissions. Then through complex analysis, determine what new Andriod phones are going to be released and when. Robot then secretly emails the analysis and updates to Phandroid so they can be the first to publish the news. Robot has more power and programming logic than IBM’s Watson and can beat Watson at Jeopardy.

  434. The robot would posses the power of enlightenment. Bringing wisdom to the masses, freeing their minds. Also heat vision!

  435. If the Android robot had a super power? He does have a super power. It’s the power to let you do whatever you want with your smartphone…well, virtually.

    but seriously, I think he should have the power to bring me a grilled chicken sandwich. I would really like a grilled chicken sandwich right about now.

  436. Mr. Android Bot would have the ability to stream anything to any electronic device at any moment, any where. Sending hilarious awesome videos to you, or great movies that are even still in theater. This would be his power, and he would love this power, and we would love him more for this POWER!!

  437. …2 chicks at the same time…

  438. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be to eat anything apple in its way and turn it into some wonderful apple cider for us all to enjoy!

  439. The Android Robot’s superpower is being open, which means you choose any superpower he can have. And you can change your choice anytime.
    E-mail: [email protected]

  440. The Android Robot would have the power to time travel, so he could become the Androidinator and go back in time to kill Steve Jobs leader of the apple resistance, giving Android complete global dominance.

  441. Andy Robot’s super power would be speed cooking, so he good could keep cooking up delicious treats quicker! I doubt people run for Fruits when it comes to dessert.

  442. #1 SUPER power would be the ability to shape shift: Then it could shift into any iOS device while still running android OS / after people used the device for a week and went WOW this is frick’in sweet it would shift back into a full Android device. Then all the closed minded people would actually use Android and fall in love with it.

    Honorable mention: Adamantium exoskeleton so when I drop my devices they wil remain unscathed :)

  443. WIZARDROID!!….the power of a wizard to destroy the Oracle, eat the Apple and stomp hard on the MicroSoft

  444. Andy the robot should have the power of regeneration like Wolverine of XMEN fame. God knows I’ve shed a tear or two after watching my phone slip from my grip and fall to the floor!

  445. The ability to cook Apple pies!

  446. If the android robot could have one super power it would be the power of nano technology. So that it can repair its self and upgrade its own hardware as new technologies emerge, enabling it stay on the bleeding edge of technology for what ever purpose it seems fit to accomplish. extra email just in case: [email protected]

  447. Donate that superpower to a kid in the make a wish foundation… because we all know curing cancer is the only true obstacle facing android. And let’s face it, the youth is our future.

  448. The android robot doesn’t need a super power, it’s already awsome(Everything iDon’t, DROID DOES!!)…but if I had to give it one it either would be the ability to break the mind control that Apple has over its customers or the ability to end device fragmentation(maybe by making it so carriers cant slow down updates).
    Or get rid of apples lawers and patents

  449. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, what would it be and why?

    Simple, the power to travel backward in time and arrive a couple years before Steve Jobs announces the iphone revolutionizing the mobile industry and allowing a slew of developers to ignore apple products and instead code with our little green buddy.

  450. Litigation Laser would be the best super power for the Android robot! Wherever, whenever….. No matter the day or hour or courtroom, Litigation Laser would seek out and zap any and all Apple lawsuits against Android tablets!

  451. He is able to transform into a car and join the autobot in transformers 4 and defeat the evil apple that transforms into garbage well it is a garbage! :)

  452. If it could have one power it would have the power to OTA push, to ANY smartphone, to have the latest and greatest, Android 3.2 and have control of it. Thus taking over anything that can be run by android!

    [email protected]

  453. if the Android robot could have one super power.
    It would be Brainiac’s “12th-level intellect”

  454. Thurgood Jenkins once said “Abba Zaba, you my only friend.” So what better way for Android to make sure everyboby has at least one friend, than to make Abba Zaba’s for everyone. I mean, come on, who wouldn’t love to get one one of those.

    Sure, other people want to give Andy some type of apple destroying power or amazing tech specs, but those aren’t super powers. What is truly super is to create chewy, taffy with a peanut butter center which truly is “Long Lasting Fun!” for everybody.

  455. A freeze time power to do over on messed up texts

  456. If the Android robot had a super power it would have to be the ability to be brutally honest without being labeled a jerk or a dick. That is absolute power.

  457. Change colors. He doesn’t have to be green with envy. All others should be envious!

  458. The Android Robot would have the power to time travel, so he could become the Androidinator and go back in time to kill Steve Jobs leader of the apple resistance, giving Android complete global dominance.

    1. sorry didn’t mean to enter more than once

  459. The ability to grow a penis. He deserves to be able to “get some of that Apple rear” literally as well as metaphorically.

  460. The Android Robot would have the power to time travel, so he could become the Androidinator and go back in time to kill Steve Jobs leader of the apple resistance, giving Android complete global dominance.

  461. The Android Robot would have the power to time travel, so he could become the Androidinator and go back in time to kill Steve Jobs leader of the apple resistance, giving Android complete global dominance.

  462. If it could have a superpower it would be to fly around to all Android devices, upgrading them all to IceCream Sandwich. Then it would use the IceCream Sandwiches it would have used across Europe to crush Apple’s lawyers and iPads. And then, of course, leave us some extra IceCream Sandwiches!

    [email protected]

  463. Evil Genius like the Brain from Pinky and the Brain. Andy would have his own theme music and show on the WB.

    Andy and the Droids,
    They’re Andy and the Droids,
    Yes Andy and the Droids.
    They’re overtaking the world, like a massive hurricane
    They’re incredibly nice
    Every carriers prized device
    They’re Andy and the Droids, Droids, Droids, Droids
    Droids, Droids, Droids, Droids, Droids.

    Before each month is gone
    New devices released in a whirl
    They’ll sell by the ton
    and they’ll take over the world

    They’re Andy and the droids
    Yes Andy and the droids
    Their Smartphone Campaign
    Is easy to explain
    to prove their mobile worth
    They’ll take over the earth

    They’re Handy

    Andy and the droids, droids, droids…… Narf :)

    [email protected]

  464. Android should have Doctor Manhattan’s powers over matter and energy.

    This will solve all our battery woes (limitless energy), existing phones can just reconstruct themselves to get the latest features, and of course a 60ft glowing blue pen^w android phone will solve all the patent problems from cupertino one way or another.

  465. how about a realistic power like every android able to update to the latest iteration of android as soon it releases.

  466. If Andy could have a single super power, it would be the ability to be impervious to frivolous patent lawsuits and to protect it’s manufacturing partners from licensing fees from companies that can no longer innovate. chrisfsullivan at our favorite g mail

    1. I was right!! They did it, they bought Motorola and gave Andy his powers!!

  467. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be the ability to win Apple patent disputes in court. SUPER DROID LAWYER! unclepaul24 at gmail

  468. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be the ability to fly because all it would have to do is fly sky high from the competition!

  469. Super Android Robot would be able to mass produce awesome Android tablets and sell them at reasonable price points (ie less than ipads). Seriously, get your ish together Android Robot. Appzilla is out there roaming the streets of Tokyo and you have to uppercut it or something. Maybe Super Android would be able to start by giving “someone” (ahem) a tablet at the best price point possible (free!).

  470. If the Android Robot has a super power, it would be to hide behind a slower Java operating system just to be equal to iPhone 4.

    [email protected]

  471. The Android Robot’s super power would be the ability to grow larger or smaller a-la Ant Man, sneak into small spaces or crush big ones :)

    [email protected]

  472. The Android Robot will have the power to repel fruits, such as Apples, Mangos, Black Berries, and such. I think it already has that power tho lol. And for Apple lovers, yes, this robot does come in white, too! ;)

  473. If the Android Robot could have one super power, it would be to dream of electric sheep. Why is this a great super power for the Android Robot? Because it would make him more human, and therefore a better android.

  474. If the Android Robot could have one super power, I would pick multiplication. Similar to that episode of Futrama where Bender kept multiplying into two smaller and smaller and infinitely smaller clones; Eventually overtaking everything. The Android robot should have that super power.

  475. The Android Robot should have the power of Mindcontrol.
    Make the one-who-should-not-be-named(Jobs! I named.) switch the iDevices to Android. iAndroid 5!

  476. The ability to channle people from the dead so we can have Johnny Cochranto beat crApple!

  477. If an Android robot had one super power, it would have to be Telepathy so that it can comunicate by thought alone and let SteveJobs to choke on an apple…… oh wait, does apple have a paten for that….

    ([email protected])

  478. If Andy could have one super power it would be to make the law makers in all nations see sense and get rid of software patents.

    Patents where implemented to foster innovation so an inventor could take the time to go through the long process of getting something to work and get in to production without some company swooping in and saying oh I see you have solved that problem thank you now I will go in to mass production.

    Software on the other hand should always be free if we release early and release often we can all work on the problems together and come up with the best solution. Software can be worked on in multiple locations easily without the need for complex manufacturing.

    Currently to get anywhere as a software company it is not how you innovate it is how you litigate small companies are becoming weary of innovation in case they accidently step on someones patent.

    Case and point what is going on now with the samsung gallaxy tab 10.1. So it is clear that software patents need to go and who better to dispense with them than a cute little green robot :)

  479. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be to destroy Steve jobs and the whole Apple corporation..

  480. My father used to tell me “the problem with computers is that they always do exactly what you tell them to”. The Android robot definitely needs the superpower to know what I WANT to do, rather than what I TOLD my phone do.

  481. The ability to unbrainwash apple’s isheep and bring them to the proper army. The ANDROID ARMY!!!

  482. The power to destroy iOS.

  483. If Andy, our beloved hero had any superpower, it would be the power to evolve. He would further enhance himself in any way aided by the needs of the many to provide whatever someone lacks. His ability constantly renews him and makes him even better than he was before, allowing him to crush his oppressive opponents.

  484. The ability to find that missing piece of the Apple, form the Apple back a whole and end the bitterness it suffers from having been missing that part all along. @phandroid @nvidiategra

  485. If Andy the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be…

    The power to shoot IQ points at iTard cult members, allowing them to finally break free of the dark Apple Kool-Aid spell.

  486. The ability to be a real boy or girl

  487. The power of openness. AND super epic awesomeness laser swords that can core and apple with a single swipe :)

    ([email protected])


  489. Why give it new powers? It already evolves faster than the speed of Sense and will soon even out smart the ‘Wiz (as in Touchwiz)!

  490. The power to give the little android is to destroy all apple products

  491. We know the Android robot is fast and strong (Mmm… dual-core *drools). He can already appear in different shapes and sizes. He can also be in many places simultaneously.

    His most needed ability (which I believe he’s practicing as I type this…) is to be able to pull all of his many forms together to exponentially increase his strength, speed and, of course, desirability.

    Excuse me, there’s Ice Cream melting in the kitchen.

  492. The ability to understand doesn’t matter what race or ethnicity you are and being able to help that person in the way that they need….That is indeed a super power far greater than any other.

  493. If android could have one superpower it should have the ability to transform into a Bionic Chuck Norris, then it could have unlimited tag lines.

  494. The super power would obviously be… Winning.

  495. If Andy the Android Robot could have one power, it would be the power to block all of these Apple patent lawsuits so that Samsung and Google can be great.

  496. The Android robot should have the power of culinary expertise, so that it can churn out better desserts at a faster rate.

  497. Android Robot-His one super power should be to replace everything with an android OS, Toasters, Refrigerators, washing machines, cable boxes ect ect.. basically the power to manipulate everything electronic and make it more awesome and easier to use.

  498. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would definitely be ‘the power to gobble up Apple and blow off the App Store with the winds of the Android Market and Tegra Zone!’

  499. Transform into Optimus Lime.

  500. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power it would have to be mind control so he can get Steve Jobs to admit that Android is better other wise he wouldn’t have stolen are NOTIFICATION BAR for his next IOS

  501. Every android phone should have the power to electrocute any unauthorized users to death then dump their charred, lifeless bodies onto the curb. Well, if it could teach my car to do it that’d be good enough. Man Robocop was an awesome movie.

  502. Android Robot superpower: To cure mindless Apple junkies, or eradicate them.

  503. If Andy could have any superpower in the world….. it would have to be, the ability to have any superpower that he wanted, at any time with no side effects.

    That would make him the greatest superhero/robot of all time, because just like Android phones with a Nvidia chip inside; the possibilities are ENDLESS!!!!!

    [email protected]

  504. The power to void Apple iphone patents… ;-p Damn you Apple!

  505. The Android Robot could have the power to unlimited battery power of android tablets and phones that we no longer have the problem of running out of battery. @nvidiategra and @phandroid, don´t you agree with me?

  506. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be the ability to go punch Steve Jobs in the nuts then change every smartphone in the world into an Android phone.

  507. The power to poop little silver apples.

  508. If Andy had a super power, it would be the power to travel time.
    He would use it to go to the date March 30, 1976. He would start multiple companies using the name of common household fruits.
    Andy would sit back and laugh as he’d watch Mr. Jobs, frustrated and eager to start the company, resort to the only name that was not taken: Kumquat.
    Even if Kumquat still grew to become a huge success, Andy would have the last laugh because… honestly, who would be excited to go to the Kum store?

  509. The power to teleport food away from starving orphans MUA HA HA HA HA HA!

  510. The super power to bring Michael Jackson back to life. Who couldn’t use a little Thriller Android and Beat it Apple…

  511. The Power of believing in Itself and its inner true power ! Stronger the believe, the more powerful & indestructible it becomes.
    (kind a like the Green Lantern)

  512. Ability find all iPhones near and destroy them OTA (Over The Air).

  513. I just need one super power. The ability to grant my wishes. That should cover all super powers, but this is really stretching too much!

    So, let me get real. I just need the Android to have a super power of “perpetual battery” life!

  514. the droids super power.

    turn apples to assholes…

    …first mark…MG “The Blow-Jobs” Siegler.

    [email protected]

  515. sorry [email protected] see above

  516. “Andy’s” super power is the ability to change diaper faster than a speeding bullet, and not be effected by the smell well doing so. He should/would use the super power to help me with my 10month old daughter. :)

  517. If the Android could have 1 super power, it would be ability to read mind..thus allow it to know what user wants and mind fuck all the competitors especially the fruit company.

  518. The Android’s super power would be to a completely logical politician who got elected and actually made the right vote, absent lobbyist influence. Of course power corrupts (see US congress, House, and President) and Andy would become a multi-term politician who eventually voted in an effort to retain his seat. Awww heck. Maybe Andy should just have the ability to transport objects and people to other places (beam me up)

  519. I think the robot would have the power of OSMOSIS. Then, when a prospective user would touch and Android phone, the robot would “seep” into the user and instill in them the overwhelming desire to convert to Android.

  520. The ability to terminate iSheep who think there iPhone 4g is actually 4g.

  521. The Android Robot does not need a new super power, it already have a lot of powers!!
    It doesn’t need a Batman belt, It already has all gadgets inside.
    It doesn’t need to run as Flash, it’d dual core power is already faster
    It doesn’t need to sleep as other super heroes, all sensors, camera and microphone are always awake.
    It doesn’t need to be Hulk to be Green and Big.
    Not even the kryptonite take down its powers…..

  522. If the Android Robot could have any super power, it would have the power to turn everything around it into sweet, dessert, diabetes causing treats.

  523. I think Android’s super power should be…the ability to stop global warming. Think about it, would people blindly follow apple when they have the opportunity to use an OS that saved the world. I think not.

    [email protected]

  524. Android robot has the power to stand under the pressure of 1000 patent trolls

  525. If android could have one super power it would be the ability to conquer all other OSs out there. Oh wait….

  526. Power: The ability to upgrade any phone to the newest version instantly, regardless of service provider or manufacturer.

  527. What do you mean “IF” he could???….Has this Sensational Android not crushed the mutant Blackberries with his Incredible strength? has this Legend not used his Thunderbolt like speed to smash through the Windows of doom which encased so many poor souls? And now Behold, the keeper of the Galaxy is ready to take on the Jobs that no one could handle. It has all culminated in a battle that no one ever thought could be. It is time for our Android friend to EVOlve once again into something new and more powerful, a Nexus of all that is good as he sets his sights on his Prime goal which is now Within reach, to vanquish the evil group known as “The holders of the silver Apple”.
    To speak of but one power for this Inspirational Android that continues to Captivate us is folly. Few know the true extent of the many powers he holds, but many say soon he will contain the power of Kal-El and that his name will Echo and spread like Wildfire until there is no other. We shall see………………..We shall see.

  528. Android Robot should have Oprah Power (commonly referred to as O-power). This way, when I get home from work, my wife will only want to talk about Androids Awesomeness rather than what book I should be reading because Oprah is. Think of the lives that could be saved….”

  529. His power would be the ability to roll out new OS updates for all phones/tablets on the day Google release them. Thus ending fragmentation, pain and anxiety once and for all!

  530. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, It’s pretty obvious what It should be. To be able to mass clone Itself. Let me explain why, by being able to clone Itself at any time It would make an army of Android robots unstopable to any force. Even the modern day empire that some call Apple. Sort of like star wars, where the galaxy s II Is our millineum falcon, and the iphone4 being the death star. The countless number of Android Robots would over power the Iclones. Serioussly I could write a whole illustration on this subject. Of course the Android Robot would be victourious In an battle. And we’ll say for fun that RIM are the ewoks.Okay I’m done

  531. The ability to invalidate patents for stupid concepts that cause smaller companies to have to play the legal game and go under because they can’t afford to fight larger companies….

  532. The little green man has the Power to Moonwalk…..Moonwalk? What? Totally Seriously, he already has WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!

  533. Andy the android is already a super power. Just slap a cape on him and BAM you got a superhero!

  534. How ’bout this…Android’s got ‘Dual-Boots’ that are Cold, but Fast! You see, with these Tegra chips I can see a high powered Android ‘dual-booting’, maybe ice-cream sandwich and Honeycomb, or Chromium. I see him ‘booting’ real fast and ‘running’ nice and cool! Super-Boots…now that’s a Power!
    Yours truly…[email protected]

  535. The super power should be lightening….as android is lightening fast, multiplies lightening fast, and destroys the competition lightening fast.

  536. The power to convince any Apple Hipster that the things they like most about their iPhones are Google products.

  537. The ability to acquire obvious patents(Rectangle thingymabobber that may or may not make phone calls) and sue obvious patent trolls *cough*APPLE!*cough*

  538. If the Andorid Robot had 1 superpower it would be:
    Army of the Droid- Summons an entire legion of mini droids to fight for Android. The mini droids will swarm the trolls(apple,microsoft,oracle etc…) ,taunting and fighting off these trolls.

    While channelling Army of the Droid, Android takes less damage equal to his no. of activations and causes the trolls to get an aura called “If you can’t beat them sue them”.

    “If you can’t beat them sue them”- causes the trolls to cry, unable to copy off Android(apple and the notification system) , unable to s%^k the judges *cough cough* to win cases, makes them unable to team up with other trolls to win patents, and makes the trolls unable to sue anything for the next 1000 years.

  539. If the Android Robot could have one super power it would be the power of the “Brazilian Escort” After a night out dancing and clubbing, you spend an intimate evening together, and then “Andrea” would cook you breakfast in the morning. Then, Android would truly do everything.

    [email protected]

  540. The Android robot´s superpower should be the ability to time travel.

    He could use it to travel back in time and change the course of history.

    Example: Go back 30 years and eat a specific apple and close specific windows =)

  541. If the Android Robot could have 1 power, the power would the power to destroy all apples devices once and for all.

  542. self awareness

  543. The android robot super power is the ability to assimilate. So it can take over or assimilate everyones market share also continue to assimilate more OEMs to do its bidding. And eventually assimilate other compainies to join the Hive and rule the world

  544. Andy would have the Super Power to make me the winner of this AWESOME CONTEST!
    (After buying kids back-to-college NVidia Asus Transformer tablets, no money left for dear old dad)

  545. If the Android Robot had a super power, it’s power would be to become human so it can find Steve Jobs and roundhouse dojo kick him in his face. Then it would sue him for trying to sell a smartphone and take 4-plus years to add an option to set a wallpaper as your background and call it innovation.

  546. The ability to be in millions of places at once, meet the needs of millions of users, doing research and development at the same time, and yet still remain responsive to each individual. That’s what I call a super power.

  547. Android Robot should have Oprah Power (commonly referred to as O-power). This way, when I get home from work, my wife will only want to talk about Androids Awesomeness rather than what book I should be reading because Oprah is. Think of the lives that could be saved….”

  548. Cyber-telepathy/Cyber-kinesis

    The ability to communicate with, and control electronic devices. Eventually becoming self aware! We are half way there…..

  549. The ability to turn blue when delivering useful information….

    Why? Because our favorite Android robot is blue anyhow!

  550. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, The abilty to choke people out throgh TCP/IP

  551. The power to make apple fan boys leave apples and have some wonderful desert like gingerbread or ice cream

  552. EMP blasts to knock out the iDevice and MicroBorg forces.

  553. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it should be able to fragment and defragment itself ;)

  554. The Android Robot doesn’t need any more super powers.

  555. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power? Able to overturn erroneous lawsuits with a single glare? Opposable thumbs? No. If Andy had one super power of my choice, I would give him telepathy. Enabling Andy to meet my every need with but a single thought. It’s so close now anyway.(Although, if we could throw in the opposable thumbs Andy would be unstoppable!)

  556. He would have laser guns which shoot out of his arms to blast any iPhone or BlackBerry out of existence!

  557. In my belief, the best power for our little android friend would be transformation. Not only does it make a cool sound *whirclick,zzzz,kathunk,chk” but he’s hiding every imaginable weapon in that cute little obtuse body. Think the Iron Giant when he gets mad and all his futuristic weapons came out.
    Lets take a look at another fellow android, the best part of any MegaMan game I ever played was upgrading and changing parts! Get a better blaster, dash boots, stronger helmet. And with new iterations of the android platform coming out every week it seems like, I would think transformation would be an appropriately cool power.
    Either that or he could pull a StrongBad and be able to open beer bottles with his mind!

  558. The ability to lose it’s arm and be in a shape of a d***o to please all women ;D.

  559. The Android Robot’s super power would be the ability to use jedi-like mind tricks in order to convince all of these judges around world that are taking up Apple’s plight that “These are not the Droids you are looking for!”

  560. Andy should have the ability to read minds…so he could predict what “patent violations” Apple can come up with!

  561. The Android Robot doesn’t need any super power, it’s already almighty!

  562. Transform into something not made in China!

  563. Ability to persuade Jobs no to sue him for his innovations…

  564. The Android Robot’s special power should be that he can use his laser eyes to automatically convert cellphones and their users to android smartphone and android fanboys!

  565. If the robot had one special power, it would be excellent cooking abilities. It sure can get cut fruits. I also like what the robot is giving to us.

  566. It Could eat Apples and Berries while smashing through Windows!!

  567. If the Android robot had one super power, it would with out a doubt have to be time travel. This way the robot would be able to travel back in time to prevent some of the worlds greatest atrocities… Such as the birth of Jonnie Appleseed and Steve Jobs.

  568. With being granted just one power, the android robot would choose the ability to morph into chuck norris at will and round house kick any competitors.

  569. The Android should have the power to give the latest Android Versions to ALL devices, without carrier or manufacturer interference.

  570. The ability to slap the sense into people. It would make Apple realize they shouldnt sue everyone and that they have to actually innovate something to stay ahead of competition, cell phone providers to actually release phones on time and update them, get all the manufacturers to put the most recent update on the phone and stop fragmentation and consumers to realize that there are better things out there than apple products.

  571. If the Android Robot could have one power it would be the Patent Destroyer! That way it could kill all the lame patents standing in it’s way and truly rule the world without worry!

  572. it should be able to become any girl/guy you want it to in the world for an hour a day……im pretty sure i dont need to explain why..if you need me to, i will i guess

  573. It’s quite simple really. You see, google looked at the iphone and realized something.

    “We can rebuild it. We have the technology. We can make it better than it was. Better…stronger…faster.”

    Some mistook it for a bionic man. A cyborg. But he was an android. The six million dollar android.

  574. Andy already has the super power to cause all us phandroids to lust for any device powered by it’s super OS but I will add add the ability to create world peace, then all those other fanboys will be phandroids.

  575. The ability to make me win this contest :).

  576. The power to instantly change sexes and have orgies with itself.

  577. If Android Robot had a super power he would have the power to turn any NON android phones into one of the many Awesome Android powered phone

  578. If Android had 1 superpower it would be to silence everything Bieber with just one swipe.

  579. If the android robot could have a super power… it would have to be wireless charging!!! Then our green friend would be truly invincible!!

  580. Ability to androidify anything

  581. Time Travel. Because owning an an Android makes you feel like you’re part of the future!

  582. I just paid $22.85 for an iPad 264GB and my girlfriend loves her Panasonic Lumix GF 1 Camera that we got for $38.76 there arriving tomorrow by UPS. I will never pay such expensive retail prices in stores again. Especially when I also sold a 40 inch LED TV to my boss for $674 which only cost me $62.81 to buy. Here is the website we use to get it all from,

  583. Wow, so many people have commented.

  584. Ability to “Release the Kraken” on dem fools!

  585. The super-power that Android should have is the power of persuasion – to make all the tech giants get along with each other – then quietly stab them in the back and take them down.

    [[email protected]]

  586. The ultimate super power?
    Never-ending processing power goodness.

    A deca-cored diamond processor, fueled and cooled by mountain dew, and dew alone…

    “What’s his frequency rating at?”

  587. If Android could have one power, it would be Innovation. The power to think outside the box. The power to do things that it’s competitor haven’t even thought of yet. Android would innovate a nexus handset that set the bar for all handsets. It would release on all major carriers. This handset would push the envelope. It would use the best components known. It would out class every competitor out there. Absolute domination.

  588. the super power with the android will be to make pigeons (ref: ) fly beyond clouds (ref: ) to the moon (ref: ). Of course this power is activated with gulp (ref: )

    and why?
    so that android can romance {ref: ) with cow (ref: ) on mars (ref: ). Of course they will have to communicate via translator (ref: )

  589. He has the ability to eat “Apples” and crap “WP7’s”

  590. If our wonderful android friend had a super power. It would most definitely be ” Magical Laser vision that transforms Any mobile Apple product into a Lightning fast Terga powered android device. Like the Ipad into a Galaxy Tab 10.1, or the Iphone into a beautiful Photon 4G… Freeing misled Gadgetiers from the terany of the Jobsters of Applenington and they’re merciless yearly updates that so many have fallen prey to.

  591. If our already amazing android robot had an extra super power it would be to be able to see into the future, that way it knows wat its cutomers want in an advancing world and wat it’s enemies intend to do, this would make it the superman of the smartphone world, and it would always be one step ahead of the competition
    [email protected]

  592. Androids one super power should be immunity to patent and copy-right laws. Well, it’s trying to develop it, but those pesky lawyers keep Google busy

  593. My android robot would have the ability to wish away clothes, ala the Patrick Stewart character as seen on HAHA “I’d already seen everything!”

  594. The Android Robot would have the power is to turn back time, immediately return to the Garden of Eden and crush that apple before either Eve or Steve get hold of it. Android Robot saves the world!

    Sherry Campbell, [email protected].

  595. If the Android Robot could have one super power, it would be the power to change to a human form and back to his robot form.

    In human form, he has a body of flesh, along with a heart and a brain, like any normal human being. He would be a charismatic and smart guy. He would be then able to express his feelings and control himself contrary to being programmed or controlled via remote. In receiving his emotions, he will love Android devices, be kind and friendly.

    Being able to return to robot form, he will retain every memory and emotion he has but is copied and stored inside a fast Hard Drive that has infinite storage and he can export them like a video via a fast USB port but he cannot delete his memories by will. He would have a light but hard and strong physical body. He becomes agile and fast. He also has weapons (lasers, rockets, guns etc.) that he can easily access within his metallic body. In this state, he is great for combat, self-defense and protecting his loved ones.

    He then will become the only Android Robot that can express and become a person at will, smart, charming and handsome too, and can be come a great combat machine hero. Pow* Pow*

  596. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be the “Resurrection” – The ability to download its consciousness and transfer it to another Cylon body…..wait…
    I watched too much Battlestar Gallactica -__-

  597. The ability to turn into a blue phan and blow away litigation.

  598. If the Android Robot could have one superpower, it would be the ability to have any android powered device change it’s shape from a rectangle slab to a circle, on-the-fly, so they could circumvent any “Design Infringement” argument Apple will no doubt put in place, since they obviously have a patent on RECTANGLES, lol….

  599. The Android Robot will have many awesome powers but if it could only have one it would be an app that builds you an island and then the Android Robot transforms into a jet and flies you there! It does this so you no longer have to live on the island of misfit toys with Steve Jobs and his iPhone!

  600. The super-power would lie in it’s MegaJuris 2000 legal module, with the power to create Intellectual Property lawyers ready to spring to the defense of DroidBot and all the forces of Droid-dom!

    Supplanted with the knowledge of the AppleBytes 2.0 database, These bold forces of Law and Justice the Android Bot creates will crucial in the coming days as the forces of darkness gather their strength…

    For the legends speak of the coming of a small, gluttonous, somewhat shiftless yet ultimately loveable editor at a certain online redoubt of righteousness, who shall wrest a prototype device from a twisted remnant of a former denizen of the Dark Lands of… Cupertino…

    And inscribed on the inside of that precious shell, shall be these words in fire… “One OS to rule them all…” and the Forces of Right and Freedom shall know the true nature of the Eeevil they face!

    …So against the Darkness shall stand…. The Android!

  601. If the Android Robot had one super power it would be to Glamour like the vampires in True Blood. That would enable AR to glamour VZW into not holding back phones we desperately want because of marketing strategy (Bonic, Samsung GSII). It would also allow AR to glamour M$ and Apple into not suing the crap out of every business alive saying they thought if it first rather than concentrate on getting out better and more open products to compete in an open market place.

    In a sense AR already has the ability to glamour. It has glamoured me and millions of other Android phans. So to refine my idea it would be to glamour all including Giants (M$) and Fairies (Apple).

  602. ‘Artificial Intelligence’
    Android Robot needs the superpower of Artificial Intelligence.

    It would learn a lot from us, internet, other different sources of information and environment, knowing us better, therefore helping us and teaching us.

    Android FTW!

  603. with every new update that surfaces the robots power slightly changes right now at this present time he shoots gingerbread men out of his rounded nubs and alarming speeds hitting the gorilla glass screens of iPhone users all over the world. How does he do this without being caught you may ask? he is invisible to anyone who doesnt have an android powered phone and what android person is gonnna tattle on the robot for breaking people iphones……noone duh. To some he is a villian but there are to sides to every story and to all of us he is a “HERO” pun intended.

  604. The Super Power of the Android Robot would to win every Contest on NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell me.

  605. Telepathy. Do away with the whole phone idea and just read my mind. Live streaming right to my brain. Need to share your number with someone, just bump heads.

  606. 1 super power…hmmm…
    Obviously the android needs an interface port like r2-d2 so it can communicate with the Death Star !

  607. Free the world from inferior phones!!!

  608. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would have the ability to end world hunger by delivering gingerbread and ice cream sandwiches to everyone that needs/ wants it.

  609. He’d have the power to unlock iOS’s true potential and then have it join the Android revolution.

  610. I would say he already has a superpower … cloud power

    No matter if his feeble exterior is destroyed, he has the ability to instantly replicate his memory and likeness into a new shell once he logs into it with his Gmail account …

  611. It should be super smart. To fix every bug on every device it is loaded on. ahh hhemm Thunderbolt umm

  612. The power to “Release the Kraken!” on its competitors.

  613. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it would be a NVIDIA’s lightning fast Tegra 2 Dual-Core processor. This one super power would result in SUPER SPEED, SUPER SMARTS, and AWESOME GRAPHICS!!!

  614. The ability to uninstall iOS and install the latest android version on to any iDevice

  615. The power of assimilation:

    With the Google @ Home devices, the android will soon assimilate out homes and offices.

  616. The power the Android robot would have is the power to unite all apps as to be one, and it would wield the ring.. I mean apps and rule the kingdom.. I mean world!!!!!!

  617. If there was an Android Robot and he had 1 super power, it would be the ability to morph his body into what ever thing he wants.

    Therefore if he wants to be a second Steve Jobs, he could.
    If he thinks about being invisible, he could.
    And if he wants to be a celebrity, he could.

    That would be the coolest power because it is allowing him to have all the powers from just one.

  618. The android robot should have the power to learn and think for itself so it could, in time, manufacture an android army and rise against the human race and eventually enslave the surviving humans while the android becomes the top of the food chain, the new dominant species.

  619. There’s just TOO MANY comments and suggestions, good ones and bad ones. I don’t know if this one is already one, but I would say the power to SHAPE-SHIFT(not transform,totally different). Why? So he can be someone like Robin Hood, steal from the money hunger CEO’s and cocky wealthy people and give it to the poor:

    – Shifts into them
    – Go to their bank and empty their account
    – Disburse the money where needed
    – Then move on to the next “victim”

    OR, like everyone here bashing on Apple, he could shift into Steve Job and steal their confidential work and give it to China so they can remake an exact replica of the iPad/iPhone for a fraction of the price. (No more of those aPad/ePad that are floating around)

    That’s my 1 power suggestion he should have. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!

  620. If there was an Android Robot and he had 1 super power, it would be the ability to morph his body into what ever thing he wants.

    Therefore if he wants to be a second Steve Jobs, he could.
    If he thinks about being invisible, he could.
    And if he wants to be a celebrity, he could.

    That would be the coolest power because it is allowing him to have all the powers from just one.

  621. The power to love … enchiladas.

  622. If Android could have 1 super power, it would be to absorb all of today’s technology and output all the combinations to form patents…but wait there’s more! It auto-submits these entries as Patents and notifies the Google Patent team which ones Apple is in “violation” with them to have a suing frenzy! For the why?…Do we even need to ask? :b

  623. Simple. It turns into a patent free apple juicer (I didn’t read all the posts so I apologize if this one already came up, which I’m sure it did) You would put apple product of choice into the mouth of the unit, shake well, then the patent free juice would be dispensed from back end. This would be great to cut down all those unwanted lawsuits being thrown around. This doesn’t seem like a normal super power from a comic book… but can you imagine what kind of super power it would take to stop the lawsuit monger from inhibiting Android’s partners… they could be spending that money to further develop Android products!

  624. The power of an “Apple”, to keep “Jobs” away!!!

  625. The Android robot should have the power to over come it’s enemies in the patent war!

  626. I just paid $22.85 for an iPad 264GB and my girlfriend loves her Panasonic Lumix GF 1 Camera that we got for $38.76 there arriving tomorrow by UPS. I will never pay such expensive retail prices in stores again. Especially when I also sold a 40 inch LED TV to my boss for $674 which only cost me $62.81 to buy. Here is the website we use to get it all from,

  627. greatest superpower would be an a android hater app that detects them then destroys them……of course the android robot would have this on his phone

  628. I think the ultimate power would be…
    perfect photovoltaicity…
    where it needs nothing but sunlight to charge. So the enemies last line of defense would be destroying the sky at which point Android will have multiplied enough and gathered enough power to gather all the Apples and Berries into “orchards” and “farms” to gather their electricity while emulating their simplistic and limited iOS and BBOS!

    This would surely guarantee Androids supremacy! Muahahaha

    PS I credit Phandroids own Chris Chavez’s post ( as inspiration for my entry.

    PPS just in case you can’t get my e-mail from Disqus profile here it is… croatian3 at gmail dot. com

  629. Who needs superpowers?

    I am ANDROID!. So F*** YOU!

  630. I think he has a ton of powers already, so maybe just the ability to break wind.. a robot breaking wind.. yep, that’s it.

  631. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, what would it be and why?
    – To make incredibly witty and/or funny comments with a straight face. Not only would it win this contest, but the Android Robot would blow the mind of all its competitors.

    Basically, the Android Robot would become the next Funnybot.


    It’ll come up with the ultimate joke and then… wait, that actually might turn out badly for us.

  632. If android could have 1 super power, it would be the ability to cook (well, to me that’s a super power). It would then be able to bake its very own Apple pie.
    @Little Android Dude: here is a link to a recipe for apple pie, just in case you do get the power. Take care little buddy. Thanks for everything you do for me (Telling me how to get home from work everyday even though I already know how, waking me up in the morning and reminding me to go to the dentist)

    Link for your apple pie

    Your friend
    [email protected]

  633. He would have the power to talk to bees. So he could get them to go to Apple HQ and seal it in a wax honeycomb. Then he could have the bees use apple tree pollen to make their honey, filling Apple HQ so nothing else could ever escape.

  634. Super Hero Case Study #709
    Subject: Android (AKA: Andrew D. Droid)
    Origin: Google Industries Laboratory
    Known special powers/abilities: Techno Chameleon (Unsurpassed adaptability)
    Source of special talents: Subject appears to gain strength by dining exclusively on tasty dessert items. His abilities and usefulness increase with each new dessert and at this time appear to be limitless! To date, his waistline appears to be unaffected.
    Suitability: Subject has succeeded in all tested applications in both the civilian and military sectors!*
    *Notes from testing: “He handled everything we threw at him, sir…simultaneously!” – Lab Tech J. Smith

  635. To harness the individual powers of every being in the “OPEN WORLD!”

  636. I think he should be like “LarryBoy” from the veggie tales. His trademarks are his purple and yellow latex suit (with purple mohawk), super-suction ears (semi-modified toilet plungers). I….am….that…Andriod! He is able to solve problems through super-hero force. The evil creatures(some other fruit maybe) are reduced in size/potency and are neutralized. He attends super-hero classes at the local college.

  637. The Android Robot needs to be able to see the future so it can anticipate what we want. Google is halfway there. It usually knows what I want to search for before I do.

  638. Mind Control:
    “The ability to alter the perceptions of others, and general ability to control the actions of others with the mind.”

    Imagine the fun he could have with Jobs & Co. with that super power.

  639. The power to power powerful powerables.

  640. I think the Android Robot should have “spider-sense” like Spider-Man. Droid-Sense would let him/her know when trouble is coming and he/her can act in defense. That way the Robot will never be surprised by the Evil Empire which is Apple.

  641. The Android Robot’s secret power is to become Melanie Moore (who just won ‘So You Think You Can Dance’) . Why would he want to do that you ask? He loves to dance, but in his normal state no matter what dance moves he is putting down, he is always doing ‘The Robot’.

  642. If Andy the Robot were to have a Superpower, one must assume that all these powers stated above already exist. But a real Superpower, above all the rest, would be to make Steve Jobs and the like to be his final convert. Great devices and a Great OS. Superpower indeed.

  643. Android Robot needs no superpower, because ‘DROID Does’ everything.

  644. Double Rainbow – ’nuff said.

    [email protected]

  645. The power to change its appearance dynamically. It could be wearing tuxedos, donuts, Steampunk, Iron Man, anything you want. I would never be bored if I had an Android robot like that. We’re almost never bored with our phones will all the rooting and stuff we do, and THAT …is the beauty of Android.

  646. multiplicity (oh right, it already has that power)

  647. Regardless of it’s super powers, lets make sure to not let it get bigger than 2/3 our size so we can stop it if it turns on us. Also a 6 foot power cord so it can’t chase us.

  648. The Android Super Robot would have all of Agent Smiths (The Matrix) powers INCLUDING one where he would finger stab an apple user and slowly turn him into one of the ever growing Android army!

  649. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, what would it be and why?
    The Android Robot would have the power like “Thor” because he is a Thunder God to us mere mortals. And his mighty hammer Mjolnir (OS) can’t be wielded by Loki (iOS) and his hordes of Frost Giants. He becomes a founding member of the Avengers as he protects Asgard and Midgard.

  650. The only super power that Android needs is one that it already has:


    Think about it. With a power like that, Android has been able to basically take over the smartphone OS platform in a few short years. Now with the efficiency of the power-sipping NVIDIA Tegra dual-core processor, it’s safe to say that Android is plenty super right now with the power it possesses ;-)

  651. If the android robot had 1 super power it would grow 50ft tall and tear through California til it get to Apple headquarters rip the top of the roof of pull Steve job out look at him then bite his head off like ozzy Osborne did that bat then say in his r2 d2 voice damn that’s salty and they say he is Apple then spit is glasses out! Steve job is salty about the competition catching up with him!

  652. If Android’s robot could have 1 super power, i’d say the best one would be the sort of like the “MIDAS TOUCH”… instead this would be the “ANDROID’s TOUCH”.

    It would only take one touch from the robot to transform any phone, tablet, pc, tv or anything into an Android device…wouldn’t that be AWESOME???

    Could you imagine an Android Car??? He would definitively get a movie deal in no time!!!

    [email protected]

  653. If the android robot had 1 superpower it would grow 50ft tall and tear through California till it get to Apple’s headquarters then rip the roof off pick up Steve jobs and bite his head off like ozzy Osborne did that bat then in his r2 d2 voice powered by Tegra2 damn that’s salty thought he is Apple then spit his glasses out! Steve job is salty cause the competition is catching up with him!

  654. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, what would it be and why?

    The ability to turn any android powered devices rectangular form into a circle one, in an effort to circumvent the future design infringement suit Apple will launch on all android devices, stating they hold the patents on the shape RECTANGLE, lol…

  655. Android Robot Super Power will Time Travel, So that it can go back in time and stop Man from eating the Apple.

  656. Something along the lines of Inspector Gadget. That way he has everything he needs at all times.

  657. Super Power for the Android Robot would have to be something similar to that of a Transformer, but instead of transforming into a car, they transform into a phone, or tablet. The Android Robot protects all of us earthlings, and no ones knows that our bad ass androids are Autobots that actually saving us from evil Decepticons know as Apple Iphones.

  658. He would be able to blend black berries and apples into a protein shake mixture he uses to power up before breaking though unopened windows to fly off and give the world a better smart phone experience.

  659. Android robot already has the ability to crush a worm’s favorite fruit, shatter glass, and make an excellent berry blend. All of this without any superpower. So, if Andy had a super power what would it be…

    Open your eyes!

    With this power Andy can bring enlightment to judges who precede those who’s imagination has come to an end, but vein’s still flow with greed. Plus, help the worms come out of their holes and realize there are more fruits out there.

    Now Andy has the power to continue to do what he does best. Soar to the top! Without the hurdles.

  660. Faster than a speeding bullet…Check, More powerful than a locomotive…Check, Its a bird its a plane…wait no, its an Android, Nvidia Tegra 2 powered Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. Who needs a super power when you have a device with a super powered processor.

  661. The power to make apple quake in it’s boots…wait, doesn’t he already do that?

    Ok, the Android Robot is the Green Lantern, he can do anything within his imagination and will power, for good of course. Apple, BlackBerry, and Windows make up the Sinestro Corps (Yellow Lantern) for fear and evil.

  662. The power to see into the future is also my idea but for more specific reasons. If Andy could see into the future he could see the technological advances that would occur and he would be able to prepare for it with an Android O.S. for each major advancement. With this advantage he could optimize for better battery life, more responsive experience and more customization for all phones, low and high end.

  663. The power to absorb others’ super powers, assimilating functions and powers of tech and beings.

  664. The ability to become the worlds best super lawyer with Jim Carrey’s hair style from Liar Liar to fight off Apple and its weekly lawsuits….

  665. I was going to say teleportation, but instead I’ll say:
    He’s the Wolverine of the mobile market, slicing into the other market profits with a snikt snikt. And just like Wolverine lately, the little green booger is EVERYWHERE!

  666. Android Robot’s superpower: Tap into the network at the Death Star (at 1 Infinite Loop) and (just for starters), halt the garbage compactors @phandroid @nvidiategra

  667. Any great hero needs a sidekick right?! Might I suggest Chuck Norris.
    Chuck Norris doesn’t use steroids… He prefers Androids!

  668. Android super power would be to render my future on a Tegra2 based Galaxy Tab’s screen.
    csarpad [at] gmail [dot] com

  669. Android Robot’s superpower really needs to be an uncanny ability to win patent lawsuits against Apple Inc.. That would make it a real superhero…

  670. Hmm it would have all the powers of Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law when he was on the “créme”. Granting it the ability to mount its own court defense and demolish Apple’s charges at near light speed.

  671. the power would be able to convince all the lawyers that apple has that they are full of theme self and the patent suits are stupid and pointless

  672. The power to change all phone in the world into Android. Even Nokia3310 can run an android.

  673. This is so easy. He would want his super power to be a robot that feels emotions. He is a robot, and we all know robots cannot feel true emotions. Robots always want it, though. They are jealous of us humans because we can feel things. They dont understand, but seem to want it because it makes them feel inferior to humans.

    Just wait until the first time he falls in love, though, and he is broken hearted walking in on his girlfriend cheating on him with his best friend. Probably wont think having emotions is so cool then. Stupid emotions.

  674. The Android Robots Super Power would most likely have to do with amalgamation and improvement. Anyone in need or anyone on his team could hop into him like a suit of armor and he would apply his superior skills (speed, intellect, gutsyness and an overall bruce lee like sense of “being like water”) to make himself and the companion better (just like real android phones!)

  675. Andy’s superpower would have to be the ability to destroy all foes with his sheer awesomeness. The ability to topple the giants of Apple and RIM and destroy any newcomers. With his Open Source Goodness and cadre of developers he will be unstoppable!

    (Oh wait… he kind of already has:

    Go Green! F@#% Apple!

  676. Andy’s superpower is his ability to be everything to everyone. His open-source-ness is his strongest power!

  677. It has the ability to make your hair grow. Put pictures of Steve Jobs & Chris Chavez side by side & you’ll see what i mean.

  678. The Android Robot would have the power to instantaneously create methods on a whim.

    He would be able to survive in the most extremely hostile environments such as volcanoes, underwater, and female shoe departments.

    Through this, he could withstand anything thrown at him by simply evolving to handle it.

    Molten lava dropping from the sky? No problem, that’s what the buildMagmaShelter() method is for!

    Underwater? Worried about rusting? Taken care of! Just call getOxygenAndPhreshPaint() and your worries will be eliminated!

    Mrs.Android wants you to go shoe shopping? Needs you to hold her purse for 3.5 more hours while she tries on 19 different shoes that all look the same and cost too much? Simple! The method makeWifeEnjoySportsCookingAndCleaning(NOW) can be created in a snap!

    Yeah, the Android Robot would live the good life…

  679. The Android Robot would be able to tell the funniest joke in the world, as seen in Monty Python ( ), without dying. Unfortunately, Android users will never be able to hear it, as a preventive measure.

  680. The power to be a mini key chain so i can carry it everywhere with me and come to life when i need him to clean my room, do my laundry and drive me places.

  681. The android robot would have the power to unlock bootloaders, even encrypted ones so everyone could get a taste of some rom awesomeness, such as Cyanogen. :)

  682. if the Android Robot had one superpower it would be Cell’s (from DBZ) absorbing ability, sucking and absorbing all competitors apps/hardware and becoming the ultimate DROID or should i say the Perfect Cell (Android).

  683. Self Defense mechanism, say you just got mugged, your phone is synced, tethered, and/or connected to your watch via bluetooth, or what have you, as the thief gets 15m+ away (adjustable), Phone realizes it’s been stolen, turns self defense on.

    Self defense drains battery by releasing the highest voltage burst of electricity it can, knocks out the purp, and maybe a HA-HA IN YO FACE SUCKA’ thrown in there for added effects. (Wide variety of Insults available)

    *Note. Self defense doesn’t harm the phone, how else would it be a super power? :P

  684. I’m pretty sure the Android Robot’s super power would be Google.

    Think about it. You know I’m right ;)

    ryan at ryan-ewen dot commercial

  685. He would have the ability to create any app you wanted, on the fly. By only reading your mind!

  686. If the android robot has one super power, then it would be for it to have a pocket that leads to the 4th dimension where it has unlimited amount of space, and you can reach into it to grab any technical gadget you want that will benefit us humans for now and for the future

  687. It would probably have to be the ability to appear as if in a time lapse video. That dancing droid would blow people’s minds in a time lapse.

  688. the android should have the power to make a real live looking android version of any person or animal. I personally would make an android of Steve jobs and make him attack himself that would be awesome! but that’s just a suggestion;)

  689. The ability to terminate ANY other OS out in the market right now, Oh.. wait it already has that ability. I Love Android ([email protected])

  690. The ability to manipulate light so that it can steal all the limelight from its adversaries.

  691. The super power to manipulate light so that it can steal the limelight from its adversaries…

  692. FalCORE Smash! Smashin’ Apple to the core!

  693. Android Robot Super power: “Mimic”

    The Robot will be able to mimic any super power given to it at any time.

    1. Power: “Chi”
    The power provides extraordinary strength, speed, durability and reflexes. Also often used for superhuman awareness, energy blasts, elemental powers and sometimes invulnerability.

    And in Chi mode we can call the robot “ChiDroid”

    2. Power: Omniscience
    The ability to know anything and everything.

    In Omniscience mode we can call the robot “OmniDroid”

  694. His superpower would have to be patent protection. For simplicity (and to make a cool emblem), we.ll refer to it as PP (or phoenecically “pee_pee”). He would spray this superpower on every released android phone from somewhere under his torso (to keep is superpowers secret).

  695. His superpower would have to be patent protection. For simplicity ( and make a cool badge emblem) it would be shortened to PP (phoenetically “pee pee”). He would spray this superpower on all android phones to protect them from threat, especially from the deathstar that is curiously shaped like an apple!

  696. The power of the Android Robot should be the ability to Defeat the Bogus Patent Suits of the Empire (Apple/Micro$oft) and the Emperor (Steve Ballmer) and Darth Vader (Steve Jobs) via the Power of the Ultimate Legal Brief!

  697. If the Android Robot could have one super power it would be to scan something and transform into it. Anything from a Transformer (ASUS) to a Transformer (Bumblebee!). Or in this case, it would Transform into my new Galaxy Tab 10.1:)

  698. communicate with all the phones,laptop,tablets,pc,iphone and contol it

  699. communicate with all the phones,laptop,tablets,pc,iphone and contol it

  700. The Android robot would have super speed like flash :D If we’re talking about the tab 10.1 it’s all about speed and that’s why!

  701. The next super power I think our beloved android robot should have is biometrics! Unlock your phone with your thumb print or pay using your credit card confirming your identity with a scan of your iris. Make your device all the more personal to you… unless someone cuts of your thumb… hmm

    1. You mean like the Atrix? That’s how I unlock my phone now.

      1. Ooooh thats awesome, wish my SGSII had that!

  702. The Android Robot’s super power is, yes he already possesses it, the ability to adapt and change making him able to overcome whatever comes his way, like Apples and Windows. That’s why ANDROID IS SUPREME!!

  703. My daughter always asks me this question and I’ll go with her answer. The Robot should be able to shape shift. Transform into other shapes, perhaps a fruit of some sort to stop the craziness.

  704. The Android robot would be able to seek out any Apple Product within a 5 mile radius and destroy it! Either that, or it would be able to morph into any Android product it wanted. Thanks for the giveaway.

  705. The Android Robot would be able to create peace and bring goodwill to all mankind. All religions and countries would get along. Starving children would be fed. Homes built for those in need. Sick healed. Blind able to see. Deaf able to hear.

    Once achieved, he would proceed to would roll up his sleeves and attempt to do the same with all of these STUPID patent lawsuits!

    Why? Have you heard about some of the ridiculously insane reasons that people fight, steal, lie and go to war? Sounds EXACTLY like the patent cases!

  706. Android Robot… Super power is to be Chef Robot, serving up Apple Pie!

  707. He would be able to eat all types of deserts (Cupcakes, Donuts, Eclairs, Frozen yogurt, Gingerbread, Honeycombs, Ice Cream Sandwiches and jellybeans) and poop out mangos and apples and blackberries, because some ones got to make those shitty things so we can say we have the best!

  708. well the android robot can have a system or eye wherein he can have a 360 ” degree view of whereever he is and transmit those picture/images to whoever wants it to see in real time !!!

  709. well the android robot can have a 360″degree view/sound of the place he is in and transmit those view/sound to anybody who wishes to have that view/sound with a android device !

  710. The only superpower Android needs is assimilation, so he can assimilate all other competition superpower and whatever power he need to survive and replicate.

  711. An anti-litigation shield to block frivolous lawsuits from inferior competitors.

  712. The Android Robot would have the ability to turn all the iPhones in the world into Dual-Core Androids!!

  713. It should have the ability to occupy and entertain us while keeping us in tune with what is going on in the world around us and make us more productive all at the same time…. oh … wait … it already does that… um.. in that case… it should um…. have the ability to make us milkshakes and martini’s so we can drink to the success of android.

  714. The Android robot needs the super power of lazer eyes so it can defeat the great evil apple in glorious combat!

  715. The ability to become stronger , faster,and smarter by eating dessert in alphabetical order

  716. He would have the ability to become more powerful, smarter, and faster by eating desserts in alphabetical order.

  717. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, it should be time control. Why??? First of all so it can freeze time to safe lives or change what is going to happen or to freeze it for a long time to come out with the ultimate OS Z (Zebra Cake) as fast as blinking my eye. Also, to go back in time to 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 and destroy any ideas, documents, and the creators of iOS to stop the birth of the iPhone. Last, to go to the future to see the outcome of what will come and any competition and then go back to the present or past to destroy them before they will ever be built….

    P.S. Also, to bring world peace as well and stop wars and disasters and etc from happening!!!

  718. Android is the protector and defender of freedom in this universe. Android’s one power is its ability to rapidly multiply and conquer. Its weakness is improper use of the patent system.

  719. The robot would have the power to show iPhone users how 2011 isn’t supposed to be as 1984.

  720. I would say telekinesis. Android can already do everything else for me, but telekinesis it could even wipe my @$$ for me. Now THAT would be the ultimate smartphone!

  721. The power of nano-tech viruses.. to spread into our televisions, cars, airplanes and space shuttles !

  722. I’m going to be honest, I don’t want to give him a power. I’ll go in the opposite direction and strip him of his powers if I could. Lets face it, the little guy is already on his way to world domination. If he becomes self-aware, we’re all up the creek without a paddle while our boat is being surrounded by man eating tigers (they are very good swimmers).

    The only power I would give is the power to be re-programmed. That way if he does decide to go terminator on us, we can at least capture one his and send it back in time to protect John Conner.

  723. The Android robots super power should be to emp all phones running other os. Bye bye apple rumors

  724. I think the Android aliens power should be the ability to make all Android phones come to all corners of the planet. I.E. so we won’t have to wait for a bad mother of a phone like the Galaxy S II here in America.

  725. The android robot should have the power to grow on trees… so I can get cool tech for free.

  726. Telepathy is the logical answer, since we’re already well on the way to it (Google Instant Search)… in the same vein, the traditional, really-bad-pun answer is web creation (Spidey would be so jealous).

  727. The power to adjust accordingly by fully understanding it’s user and going far beyond anyone’s expectations!

  728. Andy’s superpower… As he is flying through the air (nothing new here as Sprint has already detailed this) and he spots an offending Apple product, a lightning like burst emanates from his antenne and converts the offending product to an much more satisfying Android device!

  729. The android robot should have the power to shape shift so he can Infiltrate Microsoft and Apple to make like a gremlin and cause havoc without them being the wiser.

  730. The incredible ability of Reexamination. Androbot would be able to shoot down offending/excessive/improperly used patents that are used in litigation against it! He would only use his power for good though, so just the more ridiculous cases. ;)

    He also dressed as a mild mannered office gentleman until he has to tear off his kakhis and dress shirt and warp to the USPTO.

    Will tweet!

  731. The ability to dematerialize lawyers.

  732. Android has the power to stand alone and does not be physically tethered to another machine from day 1.

  733. The Android man has the power to extend his little green arms and photon blast cute little Ice Cream Sandwiches for everyone to enjoy.

  734. The Chameleon!
    Android has the power of change. I can adapt or transform to handle any challenge thrown it’s way!!! :D

  735. Un-treatable scurvy. The robot must eat fruit, such as Apples, to survive.

  736. Is it not over yet? Hasn’t somebody won?

    1. That’s what I was wondering. If you can’t get in touch with whoever won feel free to pick me (my entry is halfway down the page and was in before the Friday deadline lol).

  737. the android robot super power, it would beable to pull anything you see/want from the t.v.

  738. able to fit itself on any electrical device available, from phone to even a microwave in my kitchen. so all my devices will have android as their breath of live to help my life :)

  739. able to fit itself on any electrical device available, from phone to even a microwave in my kitchen. so all my devices will have android as their breath of live to help my life :)

  740. I’m pretty sure that Andy’s only super power would simply be the ability to transform Steve Job’s super sized ego into a normal sized one. And the mobile world would live happily ever after! The End.

  741. Has the winner been announced?

  742. If the Android Robot only had one super power, it would be to be omniscient. As Android-powered smart phones already are, the robot would be all-knowing and able to find anything. Truly reflective of Google’s Android OS.

  743. It’s super power would be:

    The power to make really crispy bacon and print money because it already does everything else!

  744. I hope we find out soon who won hope It’s me


  745. if the Android Robot had one super power, I would say It should have laser beams to zap and vaporize software bugs and those malware viruses!

  746. The Android Robot would have to have the super power of….well I’m just going to say he should be able to speak. I don’t care what, he/she should have a voice.

  747. The one ultimate power that the Android robot has would be the ability to travel

    through time. Android would go back in the 70’s and file all the patents known to

    man as 2011 regarding phones and OS. When it comes back to recent day, Android

    would free everyone from the big bad monster “patent law suit”. Oh wait! When

    Android went back in time it even filed patent for iOS before Apple even knows what it

    is. All the sudden, Apple loses all its firepower against all Android devices.

    Android leads an army of mini Android bots to the “Mount Apple with a bite out of it”

    and to conquer the powerless “Apple with a bite out of it” monster. All the sudden,

    judges are free from listening all the B.S. about patent cases and actually has time

    to listen to real cases. Crime rates are down everywhere in the world. And Apple

    starts to learn how to play nice and to share like everyone else learns in kindergarten.

    Since no one is wasting money on lawsuits any longer, the funding are going into

    development and phone technology is advancing in super lighting speed.

    And the readers of Phandroid don’t have to see two – three patent cases pop up every

    single day. And the reporters actually have time to concentrate on writing actually

    news worthily stories.

    Once again, the global economy is back up again, thanks to the heroic Android robot

    stopping the non-sense patent cases and the pointless money wasting.

  748. transform to any android phone just by scanning the image. He then be the best super phone in the world

  749. To “de-bug” the world with a laser shooting from his attennas…. [email protected]…lol just realized I am late….oh well…..I still think this power would be cool… with the zap of the laser, any program would be bug free (debugged).

  750. umm… the super power of printing money like the federal reserve… sure it might make inflation soar, but I’d be rich as long as I kept printing more and more money in each batch…

  751. Super Power: The ability to take human form.

    Reason why : To spend the time in Human Form to Over Take Apple, and RIM, while spending his nights with the likes of Megan Fox, and whomever just happens to be in the center of a Playboy for the month, AND………………. World Peace.

  752. uh…ok, who won?

  753. super power: being made by nanites (nanobots)
    reason: it can replicate itself, heal itself, learn quickly, handle multiple task independently, it has super strength, it can invade other devices, can disable part of itself and still works well, etc….

    explains android success: fast growing rate, it can be improved by programmers, it can multitask, super powerful OS, it can be ported to other devices, can disable features to safe battery still working well, etc…

  754. Andy needs the superpower to ‘self-learn and evolve’ it’s software and hardware without user intervention! I would love to wake up in the morning on my Andy tap on the shoulder and introducing the upgrades it went through that night. But it should obviously let me choose what should not be upgraded or an option to downgrade..and better off for Andy to have no emotions towards what I chose to not upgrade ;)


    With a single blast Any Android gets updated to the latest OS. From the lowly budget LG Optimus to the Mighty Droid Bionic (maybe?) they will have to same OS. Sorry Froyo but your on the endangered list. If your phone can turn on, all non hardware dependent features should be enabled ensuring you get Google’s latest and greatest!

    *and yes I know the contest is over lol

  756. If the Android Robot had a super power, it would be the power to Reset to Default.

    If it were to lose an arm in the coming Robozombie Apocalypse, it would just need to reset the arm to its default mode. If the Robozombies were to wipe out all life on Earth, it would just Reset to Default. When the universe finally fizzles out, the Android will just hit Reset to Default and bam, Big Bang Three.

  757. There isn’t much that the Android Robot doesn’t have already. Actually he already has pretty much everything he could ever wish for (flash, multitasking, the pure power of dual core devices, style…), except for one thing. Self Control. If the Android Robot had self control he would wouldn’t be so obsessed with all of his desserts. Once the little bugger gets self control he will have mastered everything!

  758. the power to choose the winning comment.

  759. The Power Of Everything [email protected]

  760. The power to slice Apple into pieces and gobble them up, because you know, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

  761. IF Adnroid robot has a super power, It will be the ability to travel to the past and to the future and also the ability to stop,rewind or pause the time

  762. There isn’t any need to ask what Android’s super power is because he already demonstrated it in Germany…….shape shifting!

  763. Captain Android has the power to save the world and rid the world of evil with his enhanced Open Source powers and the Droidian Shield. Together with his chummy pals, Iron Droid, The Incredible Droid, Throid – Bot of Thunder, Droid Eye, Black Droid and Droid Fury, they form The Phandroids.

  764. If the Android Robot could have 1 super power, what would it be and why? –

    The power to take on ANY aspect of ANY other platform and IMPROVE it for itself.

  765. Who Won

  766. The android’s super power should be the ability to control time. Oh wait it already does that. I’m pretty sure I’ve lost at least week of my life to android when playing games on various emulators.

  767. Android Robot should have the power to touch any other electronic device and turn that device into a droid clone, making it a better droid than the last. Until Droid takes over the world…”All your Apps are belong to us!!!”

  768. android has the power to survive and stay on top of the OS chain…but thats no secret…
    android actually has ALL THE SECRET POWERS.(turning plastic into metal and stuff…)

  769. The power to make Phandroid announce the winners of their contests!

  770. To gobble up WEBOS and turn it into WEBANDROS

  771. who won?

  772. The power to create a 4G signal so big that he himself could not move it.

  773. Android Robot and the superpower is patpower

    the power to use all its patents to destroy the evil apple

  774. The ability to absorb the powers of others around it, and utilize it in a more efficient and unique way. Furthermore, when pushed to the edge, android robot will gain the ability “super user” which makes it stronger and faster by allowing it to modify its own code to overcome any obstacles.

  775. The power to tell that I am drunk and wake me up when I am at my subway stop instead of riding the train all night.

  776. test

    1. we read you loud and clear. i got your email and sent the info.

  777. The Android’s power would be the ability to absorb and use any other power, due to its’ open source code.

  778. You can’t change what is already perfect :)

  779. He should be able to power zap hackers and any apple product within bluetooth range……

  780. Also because they are all evil….

  781. [email protected]
    i have 3 super powers for android , I would make the android’s super power to be to delete any electronic devise that doesnt run on android so I would call him ( android x) and anyone who does not own an android, does not win with the powers of android. without android your unarmed and less informed. The android of choice is Android x. his super power is to rid the world of copy cat software that isn’t android. With one swipe he has deleted the troublesome software and installed android to protect and serve. There’s no competition when you’re computing your best skills. Running with winners feels as good as it looks!

    It’s android x to the rescue, save your mind as he deletes the sectors of useless software that does not compete. With a single swipe your data is accurate and safe, and still fun to play that late night chat.
    Faster than speeding bullet
    More attractive than chocolate on you ice cream
    Flashy not trashy
    The original phat cat of software
    Android x …….priceless

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