
Android 3.1 Update Expected to Commence ‘Today or Tomorrow’ for LG G-Slate


Though it was one of the first Honeycomb tablets to hit the streets, the LG G-Slate (otherwise known as the LG Optimus Pad) has fallen to the wayside in light of other heavy hitters and competitively priced options. It doesn’t mean the 8.9-inch slate has been forgotten, however. In a posting to LG’s forums a moderator has announced that the update to Android 3.1 will begin rolling out either today (8/8) or tomorrow (8/9). As of right now, the new version of Android hasn’t been pushed, but it is expected to fix many of the bugs pestering G-Slate owners in addition to providing enhancements standard with the new (but not newest) OS version.

[via AndroidPolice]

Kevin Krause
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1 Comment

  1. So, is this the tablet meant for homies?

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