
Judge Alsup: Oracle, Knock Your Damages Claim Down to $100m and start from there; Google, Stop Stealing Stuff


Looks like Oracle was knocked back another 10 steps as the judge overseeing the patent dispute case between them and Google – the honorable William Alsup – has told Oracle that their initial damages claim of $2.6 billion is far too high, suggesting that they start at $100 million. Oracle has the chance to make another case and claim more, but it’s looking like this won’t be a billion dollar win for Oracle. On the other hand, the judge has told Google that its disregard for Oracle’s patents isn’t helping their defense any. It’s likely Google won’t get out of this scott-free, but not having to pay $2.6 billion to keep Android on phones should be seen as a victory in and of itself. The case is still brewing. [via Engadget]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I hope this all ends soon, I pray for the day that there are no further law suits… This stands for Apple, and all the others.

    ‘Can’t We All Just Get Along’

    1. That would be nice, but there are way too many douche bags in the corporate world to allow that to happen.

    2. Those unable to innovate have no choice but to sue. So unfortunately, we cannot all just get along.

      1. Funny you should mention the word innovation. There was an hour long article on NPR this weekend about “patent trolls” where they mentioned that patenting software functionality hampered innovation.

    3. Patents do nothing to further innovation. once a company gets a grip on something they don’t let go and they don’t really improve it much because that costs money.

  2. The funny thing is that it is not Oracle patient but Sun’s which oracle happen to buy. This all about the money and not protecting anything

  3. It’s seems to me that this judge is substituting ‘common sense’ for actual clue. While that is better than the total lack of sanity many judges seem to display, hopefully he’ll decide to actually do some work when it comes down to the actual case rather than just substituting what he THINKS makes sense.

    Ellison has nothing Brin/Page can’t do themselves. :)

  4. Wish this would get down to whether they have actually infringed on patents. I want to see if theres any backlash against Oracle in the dev community. It will certainly give the semi-anti-Java crowd the proof that Java is NOT open.

  5. All spammers should be dragged from their houses and beat to death slowly in front of their children.

    1. Grab ’em pitchfork, guys! We gon’ have ourselves a good ol’ fashion spam-drag!

  6. Considering Oracle’s purchase of Sun for ~$7 billion, this is pretty funny.

  7. Could this be the difference between how McNeely ran Sun and now Ellison runs it? I heard McNeely interviewed once and he was a big advocate of all things “open source” including more than just software.

    1. this is called estoppel, and if accepted by the judge, will completely invalidate anything oracle has in it’s entirety.

  8. “google stop stealing stuff”? Where do you make this crap up? Try reading and making a headline a little less anti-google. Judge said use sun’s 100M offer as an example, not “go from 100M”.

    Let’s summarize:

    the patents do not cover all of android.
    the billions of dollars “was BS and will not be accepted”
    “base this off when the supposed infringement happened, not when android came to market”
    the google+sun thing is not a limit or a guideline of damages. it’s a starting place for hypotheticals.
    ad revenue + android is linked

    that’s it. We won’t hear more until 9/12/2011.

    1. Where is this magic quote from? Not where you linked for sure. There is no
      theft in this case in any form. Sounds like misconstrued statements taken
      out of context to me.

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