
CyanogenMod 7 Nightlies Land for the Galaxy S II


Well that didn’t take long, did it? Just days after being demonstrated on video, the folks behind the cyan Android on the skateboard have delivered nightlies to the Samsung Galaxy S II. This is the news Samsung surely wants to hear as they’re the ones who delivered four units of the handset to the team. Why they were so adamant in getting the devices to the CM7 team, we can’t say, but we sure can’t complain with the end result. There’s no telling how long it’ll take for CyanogenMod 7 on the Galaxy S II to reach stable status, but this is a huge step in that very sweet direction. Get the downloads here. [Android Central]

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Still waiting for the Fascinate nightlies. You guys posted about it two weeks ago & they still haven’t shown up.

  2. Correction: you posted about it one week ago.

  3. Wondering if anyone tried it. I’m interested in seeing what is working and the overall performance.

    1. I’m using nightly #3 as my daily ROM. Have heard about people experiencing bluetooth troubles. And of course features relying on Samsung’s own framework (like the hardware accelerated browser, all those Samsung widgets, etc…) isn’t working. That being said, browsing still feels really smooth and in my opinion the phone now feels more responsive and more like the speed demon I dreamt of when I bought it.

      It is a nightly and there will be bugs (as opposed to the stock ROM?), but the overall impression is very stable. I would recommend it to anybody who is accustomed to flashing ROMs!

  4. Just what I need… another reason to be bummed out that this phone has not made its way to Big Red.


  5. I think Samsung did this because US carriers like to prolong updates to their phones, so if CyanogenMod does it, people don’t have to worry about getting updates from Carriers. So maybe once we get stable releases, we will see it coming to the US. So maybe this is Samsung’s response to angry people who keeps blaming Samsung for prolonging updates. So now people can’t talk trash and say Samsung doesn’t care about customers and stuff. This is dire proof that they know what Android is all about. Pure control of your phone. LoL!!

    I don’t see the all famed HTC doing this. Actually, they’re doing the opposite, tryna lock some bootloaders. LoL!!
    And the poor LG are just the underdogs in this situation. LoL!!

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