
Motorola ATRIX 4G Gingerbread Soak Tests Begin


That bootloader-unlocking Gingerbread upgrade for the ATRIX 4G is well on its way, folks, as Motorola has opened up shop for soak testing. 1,000 applications have been selected to try the upgrade out to ensure there are no problems for a full upgrade shortly after. History tells us that a wide-spread OTA rollout is a few days away if things go according to plan, but AT&T ultimately has the say-so in that. In any case, we’re awfully close to Gingerbread. [PocketNow]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Will this have alredy the locked/unlocked bootloader?

  2. To my knowledge, Moto hasn’t unlocked bootloaders on any devices, nor will they despite their vague claims of future openness.

    And I hope the Atrix GB update goes better than the Droid X. A month later and problems sill persist, with no official word on a fix from Moto.

  3. Hello Moto, my name is Droid2. Remember me? You know, i’m the device you launched, and then launched an updated global version only about a month or so later. Goodbye Moto, and hello Ice Cream Sandwich Nexus.

  4. Motorola is so damn vague in their announcements it’s ridiculous. Will this update finally unlopck the bootloader? if not I’m done with this company of lies and generalizations. Sanjay Jindal can go screw himself.

  5. I’m not 100% sure this will contain the fastboot oem unlock command enabled. There have been rumblings that it won’t. Not that it matters because the cat is already out of the bag for anyone that wants to unlock the bootloader (US and international)

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