
Official Scrabble App Gives Fans of Word Games another Option in the Android Market


It seemed like ages passed as Android users pined for the Words with Friends only to be greeted with an app that has been riddled with bugs since its launch. Enter EA with the official version of the word game from which Words with Friends takes its gameplay cues, Scrabble. It’s free and is just about everything you’d expect and maybe a bit more. Online, cross-platform multiplayer with Android, iOS, and Facebook users will provide you with plenty of opponents to flex your vocabulary muscles or you can face-off against a random adversary. Teacher mode shows you the best possible move for your previous turn, helping you to become a Scrabble player with every tile you place.

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If you are feeling a bit irritated with the poor performance of Words with Friends but need your fix of classic crossword action you have no excuse not to check out Scrabble in the Android Market now.

Android Market Link: Scrabble

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  1. Word of warning, it doesn’t work on Wimax, so don’t expect to be using all 4 G’s on Sprint and playing this game

  2. not compatible with samsung galaxy tab 10.1 ? what gives?

  3. Doesn’t work on Honeycomb and the ads are annoying. No thank you. I’ll stick to WordFeud.

  4. I can’t see it beating WordFeud, but I may give it a shot.

    1. are you kidding? Scrabble is the original….WF is going down!

      1. Scrabble may be the original, but this version of the game is poorly done. It’s a huge apk, presumably to house a lot of useless media. The screen is cluttered, flashy like you’d expect from a game for an 8 year old. All in all, it’s a pass.

  5. This item can not be installed in your country :(

    Dit item kan niet worden geïnstalleerd in het land dat voor uw apparaat is geselecteerd.

    1. Dat is teleurstellend dat je niet kunt installeren in Nederland. Als je te vervelen, er is altijd wel iets onderhoudend in Amsterdam.

  6. Double.. please delete

  7. Cool. Been waiting on this one for awhile. Hopefully they’ll add Blackberry crossplayer support as I have quite a few friends still on BB. (corporate America still hasn’t fully embraced Andy yet…but they’re getting there)

  8. Not in UK?

  9. Unless I missed it in the various settings and help menus, I can’t play against the computer. There are three play options, ‘pass-n-play’ for playing with someone else on hand, ‘play random opponent’, which finds someone else in the ether, or ‘play with friends’ which requires a log-in. All three options seem to require a connection, and currently (on my wife’s iPad) I have the option to simply play against the machine, quick and easy, no connection needed. Luckily I have an early APK of it which doesn’t have the same limitations.

  10. Don’t care, when is EA going to get in gear and bring Risk to Android?

  11. too bad this isn’t avail for U.K

  12. Wordfeud. The best one…

  13. yet another US only game by EA Games :( please excuse my French, but screw’em…

  14. wordfeud > *

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