
Unlocked Samsung Galaxy S II Now Only £430 On Amazon


I would have titled this “deal of the day” but even though £430 pounds sounds like a great deal to our UK friends, it would loosely translate into $688 US dollars. Still, this is the lowest we’ve seen the Galaxy S II fall in quite sometime and if you’ve got the cash to spend on one of the world’s best Android devices, I’d say, go for it. The cool thing is, if you sell your current device for around £200 you can essentially upgrade to a Galaxy S II for only £250 pounds. Unlocked. No contract extensions. Sounds like a great deal to me. I can tell you that there are a lot of dark and dirty things I would do to obtain this phone right now.

[Via EuroDroid]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. But the UK version has no NFC as yet…  :-(

    1. UFC… not a priority to me lol. 

      1. Thats NFC not UFC unless theres an MMA version of the phone coming out too

  2. i’ll wait for nexus 3

  3. lol its even cheaper from an amazon trader just below the main price its £415  :P             and NFC isnt a priority in the uk.    the galaxy s4  will be out before it really starts to take hold over here.

  4. This isn’t cheap. That’s more expensive then the typical retail price in Hong Kong. It is already an unlocked phone in Hong Kong.

    1. Cool, but for all the people that don’t live in Hong Kong and would like a warranty…

  5. That’s a bit too steep to get stuck on ATT here

  6. Not exactly sure i want NFC features at this point…. too much scope for abuse.

  7. I got mine yesterday and, as someone who owned an iPhone or two in the past and dumped them within weeks, I have to say that it bears no resemblance in person. Sure the iconography in TouchWiz is similar, but since I immediately downloaded LauncherPro, I haven’t seen it since the first hour.

    This phone is everything the reviews say it is. It’s sleek, fast and beautiful. Simply terrific. The only thing I miss about my Nexus One is, to some degree, the heft and solidity, and definitely my CM7. I can’t wait for it to drop for this!


  8. £463 now :(

    1. Jumping around quite a bit £451 now. Was £425 earlier today.

  9. This phone is never coming stateside. The Galaxy 3 will be out around the time this comes out in the US.

  10. What networks will it run on? I’m on Verizon …

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