
XOOM 4G, DROID 3 Hits MAP for Verizon


It looks like we’re getting close to XOOM 4G and DROID 3 launches as they have both been subject to Verizon’s MAP, minimum advertised pricing. If the past is anything to go by, we could be seeing these devices launch in 2-3 weeks. Nothing is certain, of course, but history does tend to repeat it itself. As for you current XOOM owners on Verizon, this could also indicate that the 4G LTE program will soon open up. We already know Motorola’s testing their automated response and shipping system so bank on it being here sometime in July. [Droid-Life]

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. What happen to people getting their Xoom’s upgraded? Also are these new models or are they the old ones with LTE already installed?

  2. I would be PISSED if I owned a device missing capabilities only for a new version to come out with those features included.   Vibrant…..Galaxy S 4G….

    Looks like Motorola is playing with fire here.

    1. When don’t they play with fire. If your not on Verizon then pretty much your Moto phone won’t be updated.

  3. There is absolutely NO way the XOOM with LTE built-in should launch prior to the upgrade program, or even at the same time. In fact, if they already have LTE XOOMs on the assembly line, I find it ridiculous that the upgrade notices haven’t already gone out.

  4. Ohh Motorola why do you make it so easy for me to hate you.

  5. It’s not always the manufacturers fault many times they get
    blamed for the carriers demands and policies. The carrier is who determines the
    features and roll outs not the hardware vendors

    1. With this situation I do only blame Verizon but most of the time it is both of theirs fault. We know Motorola has a bad track record when it comes to updating their phones on every carrier.

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