
T-Mobile Details New Postpaid, Prepaid Unlimited Plan Offerings With Pair of Press Releases


You’ve probably heard rumblings of new plan options coming to postpaid and prepaid T-Mobile customers over the weekend, and now T-Mobile’s made it official. For postpaid customers, they’re offering plans with data options of 200MB, 2GB, 5GB or 10GB per month. Data is still considered unlimited, but you’ll get throttled after hitting your respective cap. It’s a great deal for those who don’t need a ton of speed as the 200MB plan comes in at just $10 per month.

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Likewise, prepaid customers will feel the love, too. You folks can choose between two unlimited Monthly4G plans, with $50 getting you unlimited text, talk and data (up to 100MB of 4G, throttled afterward) and $70 getting you the same, but letting you eat data at high speeds up to 5GB before being throttled. And family plans get love, too. More details about those plans are here (postpaid) and here (prepaid) if you so desire.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. The * is becoming incredibly prevalent.

    Oooh, I should patent it’s use and make millions!

  2.  If your going to do data caps. This is the best way so far I have seen about doing. Data is very unpredictable. Let your kid play with your phone and forget pandora is running and you end up paying a huge amount. This way you can still get your data. Still do all you need to do but on 3g like speed instead. I think this a good compromise for everyone. Hopefully Verizon will go this route and not the AT&T method. Data shouldn’t be treated like voice or text. 

    1. I dont  think it will be 3g with tmo they will reduce u from 4g or 3g down to Edge 
      which has been the case for me Nexus S 

  3. I wonder if anyone else feels insulted by a typical Madison Avenue pitch….using the word “unlimited” I’m sure it rates high on their “make the customer feel warm and fuzzy…”
    ….I believe a lot of people, think that T Mobile (they’re not alone) must think we’re idiots…
    You can’t attempt to redefine the “Unlimited” and make it stick….it means….without limits, lacking any controls, boundless, infinite, not bound by any expectations…..
    Throttle is a limit…!
    Just be honest with us you ass holes.
    Probably won’t change until someone decides to take them to court.

    1.  Data is unlimited. Data speed isn’t. There is a difference. So enlighten me a little on how this isn’t being honest please. 

    2. Like nick said. They do state unlimited data. Nowhere do they ever say unlimited 4G. So in a sense it’s not sneaky but whatever noone is gonna give a shit as long as we don’t have overage charges like AT&T

  4. Man this makes me miss T-Mobile all over again ): if only their service didn’t completely suck where I am. Oh well. Slave to the nazis at AT&T for another 2 years.

  5. So, after the data throttled, would there be a point in using 3G or would it just make more sense to use 2G (to save battery)? 

  6. it is a typo… i just called to see if i could get the plan and they told me the 5gb unlimited plan is 79.99 i even showed them the site and how to see it on their own site and still its a typo they explained 

    1. hahaha, someone had a change of hart at tmobile. 

    2.  sorry its prepaid

  7. I think it is honest as you know what you are getting. If I was an TMO exec I wouldnt call it unlimited but it’s choice of word. And no I dont work for TMO or have stock in TMO. There is nothing confusing abt 5 GB at 4G and than they throttle, I think based on network load that they have.

  8.  FYI: I just left Tmobile, after having a lengthy discussion about their upcoming data packages. It will throttle you back from 4G to EDGE, NOT 3G; for the remainder of your billing cycle. 

    1. That’s always been the case with their throttling. Where have you been? I only use about 120 mb over the air due to using wifi almost all day so I just may save myself even more money

    2. as noted – it’s just as crap as it’s ever been – ridiculously low (punishing) caps, and brings you down to a completely unusable speed for anything

  9. Since I got the netflix app I’m already @ 6 gigs for this month luckily my cycle ends tomorow.

  10. I do realize that carriers make loads more money with smart phones, and massive data usage, but why is nobody, bar tracfone and the SVC brand, looking to provide a wireless service for seniors. This year, saw the semi official baby boomers come to senior age, apparently rocketing the senior market. But there’s been no evidence of wanting to provide for them. Is there so little money to be made out of them that no one actually bothers?

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