
Music Beta by Google is Official


After what seems like ages (really it was just a year), Google’s Music service has finally launched, albeit as an invitation only beta. As reported this morning, the service will allow for the storage of 20,000 songs in the cloud for streaming to any computer or Android device. The emphasis during today’s Google I/O keynote was the smart abilities that Google has developed to help enrich the Music platform. Instant Mix creates playlists automatically based on any by analyzing your music library and matching songs together in a quick mix. Search is as smooth as any you’ve ever seen by Google.

Other functions include smart caching for offline playback of frequently listened to songs and artists. You can also manually cache music for playback when an internet connection is absent.

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Those attending Google I/O are among the first to receive an invitation to Music Beta. Everyone else can head over to to request one, though we get the feeling you might be in for a wait. The service will be rolling out in stages to US users first. It will remain free so long as it is in beta, though specifics for a pay model were not discussed.


Kevin Krause
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  1. YES this is awesome and can’t wait to hear the review about the new Galaxy Tab :D

  2. Another Beta product! I can’t wait till they fix it in 3 years!!!

    1. since when did beta mean broken then?

      1. since Toohard came out of his mother’s gape after a failed abortion.

    2. I don’t get it. You haven’t even tried and called it broken. Real smart brobot.

  3. I sent my invite before the guy finished talking about it on stage.

    1. As soon as I saw that URL I was like ctrl+t and typing away.

  4. Who wants to share an invite? (Phandroid, I’m look at you…)

    1. one per customer.. you out.

  5. You forgot to mention the Music app can be downloaded in the Market now. You can’t stream, but you can get a feel for the new UI.

    1. It is funny because I had installed the leaked version last month and it had those options but the new updated one doesn’t.

  6. Odd, when I go to albums in the new app, mine doesn’t scroll like they were showing. What’s up with that?!?

    1. Try going landscape and then it’s like you see in the video… Also in the ‘Recent’

  7. Nice presentation by Kill Bill

    1. LMAO!!

  8. /o Please don’t let this become the next Google Voice – A great product that’s US only. Why must you tease me so Google!?

    1. I know. Google Voice, Google Movies, and now Google Music are all US only. So sad.

    2. I appreciate the music locker service being region locked for a rollout, but why does the app have to be US only?

      1. copyright constraints. Read up.

  9. Hmmm… I don’t have any settings options in the new Music app. The leaked app had some options that were grayed out, but now all I have is ‘shuffle all’ and ‘search’

    1. then you don’t have the right one.

      1. I got it from the Market…

  10. Us UK folks should have first dibs too. Luckily I can mask my IP to look as though I’m in da good ‘ol USA. Thank You Hotspot

    From the US Hotspot Shield can help you watch prime UK TV like

    NB Virus protection/popup blocker to the max when using this program. popups occur frequently. Verify websites when visiting.

    THIS is not spam just helping my UK bros. I am no way associated with Hotspot.

    happy listening.

  11. woohoo!

  12. So, any news on how us Xoom 3g owners are getting our invites? I haven’t seen hide nor hair regarding Google Music in my Gmail inbox.

  13. Somebody send me an invite! [email protected]

    1. how about tranny porn instead… done.

  14. I hope this also makes it to Sonos

  15. I’m a little surprised that beta testers for the Chrome Notebook (Cr-48) aren’t on the top of this beta list.

  16. Can’t wait for this to launch, spotify is in trouble now!

  17. I have not been able to download it on a Motorola Atrix, which has been rooted.

  18. This is just typical, don’t these organisations realise that there are customers out here who DON’T live in the US?  I am totally pissed off with Google and Android, I have an android phone and an android tablet and and took a decision not to go with apple as an option.  I am really beginning to regret  these decision and if I could I would dump google and thier poxy US only system.  Does anyone want to buy an HTC Desire HD and a Galaxy Tablet, both less than six months old?

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