
Droid Charge Hits Amazon, Backordered at $249.99


If you aren’t one of the lucky few who has been able to snag the Samsung Droid Charge on the down-low from Best Buy, you will want to keep your browser directed to Amazon’s site. The online retailer just launched their Droid Charge order page and is selling the new 4G LTE smartphone for $249.99, $50 less than Verizon’s asking price. The catch? The device is listed as backordered and shipping in 8 to 9 days.

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Rumor has it that Verizon could begin selling the phone as soon as the end of this week, at which point we assume Amazon will lift the backorder status and begin shipping handsets out to customers. If you haven’t checked it out yet, we had plenty of nice things to say in our full review of the Charge. Who is picking one up?

[via Amazon]

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  1. It’s ashame that they make u sign two contracts(One with VZW and Amazon) to get it.

    That’s not worth the 50 bucks to me

  2. This is all kind of irrelevant considering I wouldn’t even pay $199 for this phone.

    1. I wouldn’t pay $5 for it as long as its made by samsung. Sooner or later people will realize samsung is horrible as they continue to show consumers that they don’t care about anything more than their money.

  3. Everyone get off 3G and on LTE so I can get some faster speeds on my D2G!

  4. The only blessing is that by the time the overCharge is actually in stock, VZW will have better phones out.

  5. 249.99 @ costco. No upgrade fee, free car charger as well

  6. This phone is junk, what the fuck are you people thinking? As I see it, Samsung good product but terrible updates, Moto is and always will be junk, HTC a bit repetitive with their devices but are one of the few that actually push updates to their users. Come on people, Samsung Charge is lame!!

  7. I really dont get it. This phone doesnt even seem like its anything special. And definitely not for that price.

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