
Bump Gets Bumped Up to Version 2.0


Sharing application Bump received an update over the weekend, bringing its version number up to 2.0. Updated elements serve to bring a speed boost to the application, an improved user experience, and the ability to share multiple items in the same bump. Users can now send several contacts, pictures, and apps at a time. Previous bumpees are stored in your phone for quicker connections.

If you are a Bump user your updates is waiting in the Android Market. If you haven’t already been prompted to do so, you can head over to the link below to manually install.

Android Market Link: Bump

[via Bump]

Kevin Krause
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  1. April 21st – that’s like 10 days ago. Hardly over this weekend.

    1. Why don’t you just shut the F up! No one cares what you think!

      1. Ha, fuck you too then.

  2. New version sucks. It uses GPS, and is always running.

  3. After update, I keep getting a forced closed and I can’t get in to bump apps

  4. Uninstalled this app and my DX no longer randomly reboots

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