
CyanogenMod 7.0.2 Fixes Tons of Bugs


Although Cyanogen Mod 7 reached stable status some time ago, it still made its way to the forefront with quite a few bugs. (Some very big, some very minor.) It’s a good thing that those folks never sleep, though, because they’ve already issued a .2 update that fixes a lot of these issues. You can find the full list of fixes below and be sure to go and apply the new update for your phone of choice if these bugs have been “bugging” you. [via CyanogenMod]


  • Common: Fix issue with missing built-in themes
  • Common: Update bundled ROM Manager to latest version
  • Supersonic: Actually fix GPS
  • Supersonic: Fix proximity and light sensor


  • Common: Fix fling velocity of status bar and ADW swipe – Sven Dawitz
  • Common: Fixed webview layout bug (issue 3229) – Zinx
  • Common: Fix GVoice-opens-twice bug – Zinx
  • Common: Fix issues on all devices with DNS resolution failure after some time – Zinx, various
  • Common: RTL improvements – Eran Mizrahi, Eyad Aboulouz
  • Common: Fix crashes in Arabic locale – Eyad Aboulouz
  • Common: Add Arabic keylayout – Eyad Aboulouz
  • Common: Improve ADWLauncher scrolling/zoom performance – Pavel Kucera
  • Common: Fix excessive memory use when appending to textviews – Cyanogen
  • Common: New wallpapers from the CM community (CC License, see app for credits)
  • Common: Option to disable vibration while in-call – Evan Charlton
  • Common: Add long press option to status bar widgets for settings – Alex Avance
  • Common: Compact carrier and status bar tweaks – Nihanth Subramanya, rorifree
  • Sholes: Fix connectivity loss bug – cvpcs
  • Speedy: Fix keyboard lights – JD Horelick
  • Glacier: Fix backlights – Zinx
  • Glacier: fix GPS issues – Zinx/QCom
  • msm7x30: Fix bugs during video resume – Zinx
  • qsd8x50: Fix 720p video playback
  • qsd8x50: Unified 2.6.37 kernel – Cyanogen, toastcfh, slayher
  • Espresso, Legend: WiFi fix (HTC)
  • Supersonic: Fix GPS issues (HTC)
  • msm7227: Fix GPS issues – Alex Hofbauer
  • Click: Fix recovery kernel and compilation. Now works well with latest code – KalimochoAz
  • Click: Speed up internet connection – KalimochoAz
  • Blade: Update kernel to match Gen2 Radio – kallt_kaffe
  • Blade: Update libaudio to fix SIP audio routing and microphone mute – Tom Giordano


Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. Bummer, nothing about EXT4 randomly un-mounting. If I could use DarkTremor A2EXT or Simple2EXT, life would be grand, lol.

    1. Just flashed CM7.0.1 this morning and now theres already 7.0.2?!?! Woot ahihihi

  2. Does this version support EXT2/3 ? I can’t seem to mount my partition or see it’s /dev/ entry.

  3. I would love to try this Rom out. I have heard so much good stuff about it. But there are a lot of people complaining about camera and video issues in the Incredible forum. Why do they release it when there is such a basic function as the video camera not working?

    1. I’ve been running CM7 on my Inc for a while and have never had any issues. Just make sure you follow the directions and do a full wipe on the initial install.

      1. I will say I’m running it and I have had a few instability issues with it. Running it on original Motorola Droid. Below are a few:
        – capturing video makes video recording app crash
        – looking up location in gmaps and clicking directions crashes app
        – using usaa app to make check deposits makes app crash

        For the most part the mod is pretty stable, but these things worked fine under original 2.2 rom. Probably sholes was never ment for 2.3.3.

    2. camera works fine. On the inc you will lose 720p, this wont be a feature until there is an official release of GB for the Inc, either offical or leak. As the CM team says if you NEED 720p recording stick with CM6.

    3. The way I see it, the stock HTC FroYo on my Incredible was buggy as all hell. CM7 is less buggy and comes with some nice extra features (Gingerbread!). That, and it’s backed by a team that actually cares about releasing a good product that is updated frequently. All in all, you’re better off with CM7.

    4. Many ROMs have camera issues. I don’t know jack about programing or anything, but it seems to not be a basic function.

    5. As much as I would love to try it, I think I better stick with the stock rooted Sense. It works perfectly for me. Though my tinkering gene is doing its best to get me to flash it and ruin my phone =)

    6. I have never had a problem with video/camera. Don’t let that stop you from trying it.

  4. Camera issues with the EVO as well. Hopefully they fix these soon.

  5. Nothing about Hero/Eris GPS fixes. Kinda sad they are dropping Hero support from CM7. Maybe this will finally convince me to buy a newer phone!

  6. Did they fix the issue where some devices would stop rendering elements after a certain amount of uptime? I had this issue on my Incredible and it made CM7 a no-go for my daily driver.

    The bug report page for it is here –

  7. This is the best ROM. If you our device is supported I suggest you install it. The CM team has done far more for my Inc then HTC or VZW ever have.

  8. I love CM7, it’s by far my favorite rom. Can’t wait to flash this later, hopefully it’s a huge improvement over 7.0.0

    1. I wouldn’t expect a 0.0.2 update to be a “huge” change..

      1. Camera is broken.

  9. This is why Cyanogen should come to all phones :)

  10. WTF? CM7 huge bug? Why everyone download CM7? That crazy *ucking! I ll can wait whatever new update from HTC release Gingerbread.. T mobile G2

  11. Does this fix the 3g and 4g problems with the evo?

  12. CM is buggy garbage, why people would use these broken roms is beyond me.

    1. Because you touch yourself at night!

    2. Not that buggy for my wife’s Nook Color.

    3. Why people use cyanogen mod? Hmmmmm…. because it is generally *always* superior to stock roms, it is not locked down, let’s me use my phone as I want to rather than how someone else decide how I should, because it has features far in advance of the stock roms, and on and on. If I wanted a stock locked down system, I would have bought apple or winPhone7

  13. The gps accuracy got worse for my Evo when I upgraded to 7.0.2 so I rolled back to 7.0.1

  14. been using CM since 6 and never had camera issues. flashed 7.0.2 this am and now camcorder does not work. hopefully this gets fixed soon

    1. Yup, my video recorder doesn’t work either. Was working fine with 7.0.0

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