
Vodafone UK Rolling Out Galaxy S Gingerbread Update Today


After hearing that countries like Holland and Germany got upgrades to Android 2.3 for the Samsung Galaxy S, we figured the UK and other European entities wouldn’t be far off. And we didn’t expect a carrier to get it out so soon for branded devices – Vodafone has just issued a statement regarding its arrival. We’re also hearing that unbranded Galaxy S devices are receiving it in the UK, but have only heard of one account so far. Read on for the full slate of details, courtesy of Vodafone. (PS: American carriers, this is how it’s done.) [Thanks Gary!]

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

A new maintenance release for the Samsung Galaxy S is now available for Vodafone customers. This is an Android platform update to 2.3 Gingerbread which introduces a number of fixes and improvements which include;


  • Ul Enhancements (simpler and slicker)
  • New Android Keyboard, with easy copy/paste feature
  • Improved Power Management
  • Multiple Camera Management (front and back)
  • The ability to switch the device to GSM (2G) only mode has been restored in this update.

How will you get the latest software?


This can be done manually by connecting your handset to your computer via USB and opening the Samsung KIES application. You will be prompted that an update is available and should then follow the onscreen instructions.


Checking the software version


To check which version of the software you have on your handset you need to dial *#1234#


The new software version will show as i9000BUJV4


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Has Vodafone even released the Nexus One Gingerbread yet? I gave up waiting and rooted to get it.

  2. I <3 Voda

  3. Would much rather hear that vodafone has released 2.3 to the (newer) HTC models destined for the update rather then the GS which is being replaced with a new handset anyways (GS2)

    1. Its got little to do with Vodafone and a lot more to do with Samsung being more on the ball than HTC with updates… go to XDA and get your v2.3 there.

  4. Hurry up 3 UK or I’m off to XDA for some more roms to play with

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