
Official: T-Mobile G2x Coming April 15th for $199.99


T-Mobile has just tweeted about availability of the T-Mobile G2x. As rumors have suggested, it’ll be here April 15th – that’s only a bit over a week from now. New information includes pricing, too – $199.99 after a two-year contract and a $50 mail-in rebate. T-Mobile’s on a roll this month as they’ve also already announced the Sidekick 4G for April 20th, and we expect the G-Slate to get some official date love this month, too. Sign up for more details here. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. what’s the battery life of this G2X?

  2. YES!

  3. Maybe i can finally retire Sexy Nexy

  4. Any word on the off-contract price?

    1. i think its 499

      1. Nice price, thanks for the reply.

  5. Right there with you, Blest. Sorry N1, but its time to put you up on the mantle. You’ve done me good.

    1. I sold my N1 for this one, works well and is extremely fast also, you americans are lucky with it comming without LG’s android UI

  6. I’ve been playing with mine since last night. I like the size and feel, but I still prefer my DX. Someone please get this rooted and rom’d!

    1. Already done, chk Paul and modaco

  7. damn i cant decide between the G2X or Pyramid!

  8. Please talk about whether the 512mb of RAM is enough or if the phone will be laggy!

    1. I think the amount of RAM in android phones will become an issue soon. the apps and OS keep getting larger and more capable. It would be nice to have more choices over 512. I doesent matter how fast it is if it’s out of RAM speed will take a hit.

      1. even opera can’t fill up that much ram, so you’re safe for now.

    2. If it was 512MB available for RAM then I believe that it would be fine, but as it turns out, 128MB of that is dedicated to supporting the GPU. This being the case, only 384MB is available for the system. I fear this is going to be a real downfall to this phone.

      That’s being said, I’m still intending to pick up a G2x when it comes available.

  9. finally

  10. So $50 less than the G2?

  11. Good bye sg4g, hello lgg2x

    1. Time to dump my galaxy s vibrant for g2x with working gps and isn’t so laggy (even with voodoo lagfix installed). I heard this has ATT 3G support also. Play Tegra 2 exclusive games :)

      1. actually, once i updated to froyo my vibrant has been behaving as kit should have been, gps works finre, BETTER than on 2.1

  12. according to engadget it will be available on the 15th online only and will hit the stores on the 20th

  13. Anyone know how much it will be off contract?

    1. I was wondering the same thing, i plan on selling my Nexus S to buy this.

    2. T-Mo tweeted it will be $499 off contract. (So, $30 less than the Nexus One was.) I’m all over it either way. If they let me keep my current plan, I’ll do the contract. If not, I’ll buy it off contract.

  14. I thought is was supposed to be equipped with 42mbps capable radios? I’m reading elsewhere that it will be capable of 14.4mbps.

  15. I need to be patient and wait for the PyraMid. The G2x is excellent tho.

  16. Hasn’t the G2 (successor the the G1) been out for a while and does it have Gingerbread yet? Don’t think it does and if not, they sure do take there time with supposed ‘Pure Google’ devices. Makes me leery of buying the G2X.

  17. Have my Vibrant dialed in very nicely with 2.2. But I think I am ready to upgrade. Anyone have a recommendation on the Samsung S 4G vs LG G2X?

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