
ASUS Publishes Official Eee Pad Transformer Site


We’re nearing the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer’s release and it looks like ASUS is ready to get those marketing wheels rolling. For starters, they’ve published an entire portal for the tablet/netbook hybrid. The portal reveals new details about the tablet which include the preinstallation of Polaris Office 3.0 (office suite) and a new custom user interface on top of Android 3.0 that they’re now calling Waveshare UI. MyCloud, MyNet, and MyLibrary all bring you the cloud-based multimedia experience you’ve been dreaming of, apparently. Get a closer look over at ASUS’ website. [Thanks Marco! via Notebook Italia]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Tell me I can get one of these in the 16gb version for $400 or less and I am sold. Oh yeah, WiFi only is all I need. Thank You.

  2. If this thing really has all that for $400, it’ll be a game-changer.

  3. this is some serious top contender type stuff. i cant wait to see this.

  4. More than meets the eye!

    1. Robots in disguise!

  5. I almost want to buy one!

    1. For the awesome specs and price for the different config’s; almost hell! Buy Buy…

  6. LOVE the look of this, the only thing that worries me is this “ASUS Waveshare UI”

    Research and a purchase will probably follow :o)

    1. I’m getting the feeling that they consider custom widgets, apps, and the fact that they lined up the icons on the bottom to be the Asus Waveshare UI. At least, it still looks like stock Honeycomb and if they were having trouble getting Google to approve a wallpaper showing the battery, I can’t see Google allowing them a custom UI on top of it all.

      As you said, we’ll see.

  7. well the dock is sold separate but yeah, its a $400 MUST BUY!
    also, asus said that waveshare is not a UI per se…just some widgets.

  8. If this is done with the right price point, and unlockable bootloader OMG! Moto and Sam aint gonna know what hit them.

  9. The only thing that concerns me is the HDD vs the SSD. Other than that, I’m completely sold, given the right price point.

    1. It only has a SSD. :)

  10. A company that gets it and I will get this to replace my EEE PC.

  11. This thing better be $400.

  12. I think this will be one of the most successful android tablet releases of the year.

  13. I think this tablet will be heavy at 2.2 lbs. I’m wondering how heavy it is with the keyboard docked? I prefer a tablet that is less than 1.5 lbs. It makes a big difference if you are holding it up when browsing or playing games.

    1. 2.2 lbs is the tablet and the keyboard combined. It should only be about 680 grams.(1.5 lbs) Compared to the original ipad at 712grams and the ipad2 at 600.6 grams, its not a bad weight.

  14. WOW! This thing, priced atleast at the rumor price will blow away everyone else! Cant wait!!!

  15. As an iPad user I must admit…this thing looks gorgeous.

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