
AT&T & Amazon to Work Together to Bring App Store to Customers


If any of you AT&T customers were worried that the carrier won’t take kindly to the Amazon App Store, guess again. Ma Bell has gone as far as creating an entirely new site just for those who want access to the newly-launched alternate market on their Android devices.

Amazon’s App Store was launched this week, but much to the dismay of every smartphone owner on AT&T who doesn’t own an iPhone, they couldn’t use it. The inability to install third-party .APK files wasn’t a surprise as AT&T has employed that strategy since they’ve adopted the operating system.

But even those who know how to work around that limitation couldn’t use it – those users were simply told they couldn’t use the application. AT&T was quick to put this site up which could mean a couple of different things. On one hand, AT&T and Amazon might be working on a partnership to preload this app market on all their future devices. (And maybe even current ones through software upgrades.)

AT&T is working on allowing purchases and downloads from the Amazon Appstore for Android in the near future. Please select your AT&T Android smartphone from the list below and provide your email address so we can notify you after we have finalized our plans to bring the Amazon Appstore for Android to AT&T customers.

On the other hand, the user response may have been big enough for AT&T to take notice and take action. I’m going to go with the former, but no one really knows right now.

Amazon started offering a new free game or app every 24 hours since the store’s conception this past Tuesday. The first game was the highly-anticipated Angry Birds Rio that was launched exclusively for the retailer’s digital storefront. As of the time of this posting, the free game being offered is Doodle Jump, a game which normally costs $.99.

Head over to AT&T’s site specifically for this matter – called – and sign up to be notified of further developments. We don’t want you folks missing out on what looks to be a great stream of deals to come from Amazon. [via Androinica]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. No problems getting it for me. Of course I’m running CM7.

  2. Works fine on my Inspire running AR 3.2

  3. Apple won’t like that at all. The only easy way for ATT to get that app on their phones is to include in an update or finally allow sideloading. Stupid ATT.

  4. Angry Birds Rio is still FREE BTW. Amazon sold a free game for free.

  5. I had no idea this was a problem, but then, I’m running Supernova 2.3 on my Captivate. Hooray for XDA ROMs!

  6. ATT are a bunch of jerkoffs.


  8. At&T man, created the problem by removing part of the os that allowed 3rd party apps. Now they are going to solve the problem by having people sign a damn form?

  9. It still sucks for those who are missing out on the free app a day until they fix it. Angry Birds Rio might still be free, but WSOP is back to full price, so I expect most apps are only free for a day.
    Are they going to go back and give them all the free apps they missed? I doubt it.

  10. If it’s any consolation, AT&T customers, some people still can’t install the apps they downloaded from Amazon’s app store…

  11. Is Amazon going to be offering the same apps as the Android Market?? If so, what’s the point??

  12. Dear Customers,

    Since we opted to lock down Android so that you cannot install anything other than apps from the Android Market, we are working hard to resolve this issue for you. In the near future, we’re proud to give you the choice of adding the Amazon App Store to your AT$T account for the low price of $9.99 per month. Just another way we are allowing you to bend over and take it from us.


  13. Yeah, it worked fine for me on my rooted Backflip with custom ROM.

  14. It’s good to see that they are working on a fix for this before I had a chance to complain.

  15. How about you assholes stop neutering android? Even if there is a workaround, I will never be an ATT customer.

  16. Pretty sad on AT&T’s part for sure, hopefully they will get this resolved quickly

  17. is there a way to get angry birds rio now on my captivate?

  18. I am not sure how amazon expects this to work, only people in the usa actually have access to the store, and it doesn’t actually offer anything ground breaking or new.

    Any momentum it might have gained around the world has been lost as the newness and offer of Rio, we discovered didn’t work for us… Look for the amazon store to fail and go quietly into the night.

  19. I’m on T-mobile, and I love the Amazon free app of the day, it’s been great!

    1. Agreed!

  20. ATandTerrible customers are stupid douchebags.

  21. everyone who can’t instll the appstore should still go to the website and order these games so that when the amazon appstore comes to at&t you will own these games. I would be in this same boat if it wasn’t for custom roms, specifically serendipity on my samsung captivate

  22. Enjoying Amazon App Store on my Cyanogenmod 6 powered Backflip. Sorry AT&T, but I control my device!

  23. i think it’s ridiculous that you can’t install 3rd party apps on at&t phones. what about the tegra2 exclusive tegra zone? or all the great gameloft games? at&t is just screwing their customers over. why have a super-phone if you’re just going to suffocate it? when a customer buys a phone, it’s their phone. let them install whatever they want on it. and honestly, what does at&t gain from this limitation?

  24. You must be using the screwed up Phandroid app.

  25. Another reason that I hope that the acquisition of T-Mobile by AT&T doesn’t go through. AT&T = Hidden Fees and Restricted phones. T-Mobile lets you do pretty much whatever you want to do, and use the full capabilities of your phones. Personally, I hope the merger gets blocked, but if it goes through, I’m riding out my contract to its term, then I’m gone. Won’t give money to a company like AT&T who refuses to give me a full product in return.

    If AT&T customers have half a brain, they’ll switch to T-Mobile before the merger goes through, just to get a two year contract with T-Mobile, and enjoy some good prices and good features for the duration of that contract. In the end they will wind up going back to AT&T anyways, so enjoy two years of time!

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