
HTC EVO 3D Hands-on [Video]


So we’ve spent more than enough time with Sprint’s new duo of EVO devices to know that we like them. Although I’m not the biggest fan of 3D myself, the HTC EVO 3D might be the first phone to change my opinion on it. HTC’s using the 1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon processor from Qualcomm and I can tell they’re working to optimize the device specifically for high-quality playback of 3D content.

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3D-enabled videos from movie studios who shot the footage from the ground up look stunning on the device’s 4.3-inch qHD display, but even video content captured with the device’s dual cameras looks great. I note this because the other couple of 3D-enabled devices out there – the Optimus 3D, the Optimus Tab, and the Sharp Galapagos series of devices – don’t look quite as good.

That’s video, though. Photos, on the other hand, aren’t so great. They still look like those weird holographic business cards you tend to get from time to time where shifting it shows you a different image. You have to hold the device completely still in order to get the best possible viewing experience and even then it’s not that great.

Switching between 3D and 2D while inside the camera app is easy – HTC has included a hardware switch to toggle it at your convenience. We’re told that 3D content will eventually be extended to certain games and apps but HTC wasn’t able to elaborate on their plans.

The EVO 3D has an HDMI port that can output HD video whether it’s 2D or 3D. (3D video is throughput at 720p while 2D content can be shown in 1080p.) Other notable features include its front-facing camera, 4G WiMax radios, Android 2.3 with HTC Sense 2.1 and more. Other than the 3D bits and beefed up specs, it was largely the same device that you’d expect from HTC. There was nothing too unique going on with the software.

One thing I didn’t like about the hardware were the dual cameras – HTC has once again elected to protrude the lenses. This is annoying more-so now than ever before as the protrusion is so profound that I’d think the phone had some form of cancer. Between both cameras are dual LED flashes.

The video is above for your convenience. Check it out and see if you like what Sprint’s bringing to the table so far.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

HTC EVO View 4G Hands-on [Video]

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  1. Nice!

  2. The back looks horrible but I still want it

  3. In fairness….The cameras aren’t a dealbreaker. In fact, this is the first time you can actually say “Rear Cameras” so i wouldn’t complain. Besides, you risk making the phone thicker recessing them. No big deal.

  4. Why is the camera lens sticking out “annoying”? What’s the difference whether its flush or sticks out a little? I suppose you have to find something negative though or the fanboys of the other carriers will flame you for showing favorites. Bottom line is its another great device from HTC and Sprint. The choices everyone has on all the different carriers has never been better.

  5. It looks cool…Richard you will be one of the first to get this huh? Lol I’m so sure you will be.


  7. NO Massive red bulges or GTFO

  8. Pyramid or GTFO

  9. Metal or Gtfo

  10. Again with the protruding lens? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

  11. Man y is everyone sucking on Richards dick hopp off. Can’t wait for the pyramid HTC rules all the way

  12. the evo 3d will have a case with a kickstand. not sure if it’s included out of the box or not.

  13. I agree with everything frank said. His comment is Keller©

  14. Keller© certified**

  15. Lol Keller, always with something interesting to contribute to the thread. But I can’t wait to get this phone :D

  16. I have mixed opinions on this one. 3d is cool but i could definitely live with out it. I really like the qHD, and 1.2GHz dual-core even though its not a tegra, gingerbread, and the new sense. but I think the device looks kinda ugly(i sound like my mom) normaly as long as the color isnt vagina pink im fine, but the front looks almost like the halfrican offspring of a droid X and an evo shift that has very unproportional posture. the camera switch looks really chunky and the lack of a kickstand is somewhat disappointing. Then theres the back cameras. I know there has to be two for 3d but because there so large it seems like the bottom one will be covered in fingerprints because it comes so far down. Im also curious how things like 3D would work if using a custom ROM. I use Cyanogen mod on my EVO cuz im a huge fan of stock android and it seems like 3D support would be near impossible to port over. The blurry cam pics of the pyramid looked better than this. The incredible S is also a very sexy device. I would much rather have an EVO 2 sans the 3D… anyone else?

  17. It sucks not having the kick stand but this is going to be a Day 1 Purchase for me. :D

    My Evo 4G has been great to me.

  18. Bottom line here gentleman HTC HIT A GRANDSLAM. Yes I will be purchasing this along with many others on day one. Wish the kickstand existed but I’m positive they will make sure to have a case that will support a kickstand for this device. Specs wise it is the best in the industry and all this week myself as well as other will be camping out on youtube for comparison video’s and smackdowns this will be so much fun. This device is on another level Htc Evo3d vs Lg Optimus 3d two 3d devices that will be great to see. Otherwise it’s a happy days for htc and sprint….THEY DELIVERED…

  19. EVO 3D – In the hands of tools this Summer


  20. Now that I see a video of it… I love the front but hate the back. I also hate the extra hardware. Do we NEED a physical toggle switch AND button? And not one camera, not two cameras, but an ENTIRE PANEL jutting out of the back of the phone? It’s kind of hideous. I want to love this phone, I really do, but the form factor is kind of terrible.

  21. Spanki, at least we’ll have an Evo in our hands instead of what you have in yours, spaaaaankin it huh?

    And yup Richard, this is a sweet phone. But I’m sticking with my HTC Thunderbolt; love it. Didn’t notice much difference in speed for loading things vs. loading things on my T-Bolt. I love this phone.

    QUENTYN, yo man nice job on the video. You asked questions that people want to know, unlike some other blogs.


  22. Oh wow, so lets let this beast on the network for data hogs to stream non stop 3d with on a postage stamp sized screen. Sprint imo just made a big mistake with this feature. I just want to know that the battery is better than evo one. But on the bright and good side I do like the carousel feature.

  23. HTC pyramid anyone? But seriously… this phone makes me want to switch over to Sprint…

  24. A kickstand is preferred!!!1!

  25. wtf man! all these 3d phones are coming out soon. all the high end single core and dual core 2d phones lifespan will be less than 6 months! crazy!

  26. spanki: Don’t be a punk. I for one am looking to use the EVO 3D to record videos in 3D (in case I don’t have my Fuji W1 on me). Stop being a 3D-aphobe and get with it. It is 2011 after all!!

    aaleigha: It shows you don’t understand the first thing about video (much less 3D video) with your comment. If the screen is “postage stamp sized” then it will only take a minimal data stream to provide the video that will fill the screen (I routinely do full 720p video conferencing with 1.2Mbps, so 960×540 video would be just over half of that or <768Kbps…. nothing by todays (wireless) network standards). Because of the display technology used for 3D viewing, the video is essentially half resolution horizontally (i.e. 480×540 per eye), so the optimal 3D format to stream to the phone would be a side-by-side format, in which case the 3D video takes the exact same bandwidth as the 2D video. So plz shut up until you know WTF you're talking about.

  27. Looks like the Thunderbolt :) I love my EVO I’m sure this will be a great device too.

  28. Richard, spec wise its one of the best. These new wave of Android phones and Tablets are amazing.

  29. Hmm, I am not into this whole 3D stuff, but other than that, the phone will be great. I doubt I will be switching that 3D on and off once my initial obsession wears down after a month or so. I was going to compare this to the kickstand, but then again, the kickstand actually proves to be very useful. This, not so much. Will be great to brag about though!

  30. Wow this htc’s first phone that is just plain ugly. This can’t be the next evolution. Please tell me they are going to announced something else soon.

  31. I like it but for some reason I’m not over excited like I thought I would be. It looks like they took the original Evo and put it inside a Thunderbolt shell. I’m not pressed on the design. I like the back and I know most people don’t. I think the cameras could have been flushed. Idk, I’m a little mixed with this for some reason. I’m not sure why. I know it will be an awesome device to have and perform well, but something is taking away for me. Still its this, GSII(whenever that hits US), or NS4G. I know the NS4G isn’t dual but it still performs so well daily and it’s pure. I’ll have to have hands on in real life to decide.

  32. Htc sense is sweet tho. Htc pyrimid is looking pretty good now.

  33. I must say that I am a little dismayed by the design on the back…it looks like a thunderbolt on steroids.

  34. I like how he starts with “a couple things that are unique, #1 its a 4G device…”

    Anyways, very interesting. Not sure I’m a fan of the 3D fad. I like the hardware shutter.

    The blockbuster app is a deal breaker though. Such a nice piece of hardware and its going to be bogged down by Sprint & HTC crapware.

  35. I feel you frongy. I agree 100 % with you

  36. Frank iasume your talking about me…in that everything statement of yours…looks like I have been having fun about Richard before you became apart of the phandroid post otherwise you would have seen my many comments about him…but its all good though…say what you say and however which way you see it. That evo tab looks kind of cool …think that maybe be the best thing Sprint came out with

  37. Also…what does sucking a Do unit have to do with…my comment…makes me wonder where that mind of yours is…that is IF you were talking about me…imean you didn’t say my name…but yeah that’s just a little weird guy….a little to weird…

  38. 3 d is a gimmick that looked horrible why would anyone consider buying this…lets not kid ourselfs that is too small of a screen but htc fanboys like always will defend to the death have fun with that battery life too with 3 d and all

  39. Where is the kick stand? I’m going to miss that.

  40. Outstanding. I thought I wanted a Nexus S, but Evo 3D looks amazing. The new Sense UI looks pretty good as well, and I normally don’t like Sense…

  41. Bottom line here is with tmobile becoming at&t this only leaves sprint as the LAST AFFORDABLE CARRIER STANDING FOR ANDROID. I can now see the fact that Google and Sprint are forming a closer business relationship due to the fact that all Sprint only devices are coming integrated with google voice including our new Htc Evo 3d. Google will not STAND BY and allow AT&T to bring down android so I can see the next google experience device coming to SPRINT FIRST JUST LIKE IT USE TO ON TMOBILE. Google cares deeply about affordability and they will build a close relationship with sprint and based on that the future WILL BE VERY BRIGHT FOR SPRINT/GOOGLE/HTC. NOTHING BEATS THIS COMBINATION. I openly welcome the Htc Evo 3d to the Evo family on sprint we are in for a great summer on the NOW NETWORK.@MensahWatts…I have enjoyed the fun and it will always exist as long as android and phandroid is here..CTIA is not over yet so who know’s what else will be announced.

  42. Even before at&t announced they were taking t-mobile, Google could see that t-mobile wasn’t the place to be. t-mobile just wasn’t getting the best android phones and was still trying to go after little girls. Nexus One didn’t sell very well when it was in their hands. Hopefully Sprint will do a better job with nexus S.

  43. Just curious, how do the 2D stills look? I like everything about my evo except the camera.

  44. I think I will hold off this year for a phone. I was excited for a EVO successor but I’m not sold on this phone. although the dual core processor, screen, and bigger battery make it tempting its not enough. I thought they would redesign it somewhat. Maybe round the corners or something but it basically looks like my EVO now. Plus,I think 3D is a joke for a phone. I’m thinking my money this year might be better spent on a Samsung 10.1 and see what Sprint has to offer next year

  45. Wont buy, after month of excitement over this phone and now that the hype is over, that its annouce I just dont feel like there any big changes.

    I’m not a 3D person, although its a nice gimmick its just not a deal breaker for me.

    Only thing I liked was the dual core but the fact that isn’t Tegra 2 I’m not that hype neither.

    And worst of all, this phone looks exactly like the last 6 htc phones. What’s up with htc, COME ON, where the FU*K is CREATIVITY. Evo 4G, Evo 3D, Pyramid, Thunderbolt, Shift all I can keep going…WTF htc

    I’m gonna skip this 3D, gonna root my EVO 4G, but gingerbread/vanilla and overclock it. I’m so dissapointed on htc right now…

    Was gonna save the EVO 3D cash for a tablet but everyone I talked to who have a Xoom and videos I’ve seen says that it feels rushed…so fu*k it, no wasting money for now until Android puts there shit back together…

    Maybe I’ll get a freaking iPad 1 for low price…

  46. Holy phanboy batman. All I said is its screen is to small for 3d viewing and I am upset at how the 3d viewing is going to entice data hogs to become bigger data hogs slowing down the network. I personally have an Evo 4g and I hate it, imo it is a terrible product, and has left a terrible tasted on android in my mouth. I used to use the verizon droid, then I moved to sprint and used the intercept and Evo.
    As for not knowing about video your right I do not care about that I care about network speed, this phone is bad juju in my eyes. We have so many people out there who think just cause I have an unlimited plan I can stream and stream and stream, get enough people(in large mass) like say New Orleans during Mardi Gras and your network goes to crap. Personally I wonder why we even need unlimited plans anymore with wi-fi avail just about every where, or again in closing since most of us have laptops why are we watching video on our phones?

  47. I really hope Best Buy gets an exclusive EVO 3D in white the way they did with the EVO 4G (I have one). I just really have a need for extra differentiation from the pack.

  48. the EVO 3D has many great specs, but would anybody else rather have a slim phone like the Galaxy S II, which basically has the same hardware sans the 3D? The 3D is a cool feature but is more like a gimmick to me. I will have some time to think about an upgrade, but I am wishing HTC would have slimmed the phone down like Samsung did with the Galaxy S II. so here is to me wishing that Sprint gets a version of the Galaxy S II hopefully with no keyboard.

  49. Well aalegha, I for one dont like carrying a laptop in my pocket everywhere I go, its kind of uncomfortable. But I do I agree with you on one thing, just because its unlimited doesnt mean you should be non chalent about the amount of data you use, cause if everyone thought like that you would start paying for what you use.

  50. Why the hell has HTC decided to keep putting the power connector on the side of the frigging phones? It’s so annoying and cumbersome! Put it on the top or bottom but not the sides.

  51. because if you are watching video or using GPS which is two main power sucking features the “side” is the new bottom. :)

  52. The reporter could have at least tried to describe how the 3D actually looks to the naked eye since we can’t see it on this video

  53. You’ll be wanting one of these then! http://www.htc.com/www/product/sensation/overview.html Slightly bigger than a desire, QHD screen, 1.2GHz dual core, 2x cameras.

  54. But sat-nav works much better in portrait mode and as the rest of HTC sense only works in portrait mode, that’s the way it get mounted in my car :(

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