
XDA Brews Up Patch for Latest Wave of Malware


This malware thing is really starting to get annoying. Thankfully, the good folks at XDA feel the same way and they’ve cooked up a quick patch for all Android 2.2 and lower devices. The patch is reportedly the same one Google baked into Gingerbread and the one that OEMs and carriers may have included in recent security updates.

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What it does exactly wasn’t said, but the end-result is supposed to protect you from the massive list of deceitful applications that carry the trojan. Some of those include applications from the following list:

* Falling Down
* Super Guitar Solo
* Super History Eraser
* Photo Editor
* Super Ringtone Maker
* Super Sex Positions
* Hot Sexy Videos
* Chess
* 下坠滚球_Falldown
* Hilton Sex Sound
* Screaming Sexy Japanese Girls
* Falling Ball Dodge
* Scientific Calculator
* Dice Roller
* 躲避弹球
* Advanced Currency Converter
* App Uninstaller
* 几何战机_PewPew
* Funny Paint
* Spider Man
* 蜘蛛侠

All of these applications are from myournet

I imagine this is only for rooted users, though, as the patch is issued in the form of a .zip file and is to be flashed through your device’s recovery. Get more information and all the goods you’ll need over at XDA’s forums now. [Thanks Kelmar!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Latest security updates from carriers? Like which ones? My Droid X hasn’t seen a damn thing since the initial FroYo update…nothing to patch that “critical” SMS bug even.

  2. “* Screaming Sexy Japanese Girls”
    Whoever downloaded that deserves to get some malware.

  3. LMAO… thoughts exactly Craig.

    I wonder if lookout would catch these?

  4. Nothing wrong with SSJG! Don’t be so judgemental.

  5. I agree with @Craig.

  6. LOOOOOL All of these apps; their names, sound literally dumb. Why would you download these in the first place…?
    Please, come on. I know some people are new to Android, but common sense isn’t new with Android is it?

  7. Some people just deserve malware.

  8. maybe some people like Japs that scream?

  9. Screaming Sexy Japanese Girls…dont knock it ’til you try it. ;)

  10. I like japanese, okay?

  11. @Craig I agree LOL

  12. Porn…yeah!

  13. @rye&ginger LOL!

  14. omg hahahahahaaha!!!


  15. I dunno, I think Hilton Sex Sounds is even more disturbing. Blech.

    The variety of names are pretty humorous though. Haha.

  16. You mean SSJG isn’t real? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  17. These were All found by LookOut and 30 of 50 by Google’s Android Police. Look it up on “google yanks apps infected by malware.” Only they aren’t yanked from phones yet. Google it for updates.

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