
NOOK for Android Updated For Tablet Users


Barnes & Noble’s NOOK app – not to be confused with the NOOK or NOOKcolor devices – has been updated to version 2.5 and brings about a few new changes. The biggest of which is a new grid view that will allow users to show more of their titles on-screen at once. Ths feature is obviously tailored to users of large devices such as the Galaxy Tab or the Motorola XOOM.

They’ve also added the ability to add titles to your wishlist and a new progress meter when downloading books. Go find this free upgrade in the Android market now.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Now if only my nookcolor could get a more honeycomb update

  2. If only they would let the “read to me” books work on their apps!!
    Kinda sucks to buy something for nook, but not be able to use it on the nook app. I would give them a lot more money if they would allow it.

  3. I can’t download any books on my xoom gives me an error message to call b&n for support. Plus force locks orientation. Since I am using a tablet now I have many more options than to use the nook app.

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