Amazon Prime Members Can Stream 5,000 Titles on Google TV Devices


If you haven’t heard, Amazon has given their Prime users free streaming access to over 5,000 movies. That’s awesome in itself, but if you have a Google TV device, those 5,000 movies can be streamed quite effortlessly. Google’s quite proud of that, it seems, though we’d prefer it if they would actually work with partners to get new content rolling in. Amazon Prime costs $79 if you aren’t a student, otherwise you can get it for free.

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Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. not bad at all!! free/discounted shipping and 5000 plus movies. too bad i already have netflix. will still take this in consideration

  2. You still need to pay the 79dlls even if you are a student. I have the student prime membership but it does not include access to the videos.

    This message shows when I tried to access a video with a student prime membership

    You already receive these Amazon Prime benefits:

    * FREE Two-Day Shipping with no minimum order size
    * One-Day Shipping for $3.99/item

    Upgrade to a paid Amazon Prime membership for $79/year to also get:

    * Unlimited, commercial-free, instant streaming of 5,000 movies and TV shows at no additional cost

  3. This works through the stock browser on my EVO too, so I’m assuming any flash enabled device should be able to take advantage of this.

    Nice job Amazon!

  4. Glad I signed up for Prime on Black Friday (? I think ?) when they had free-for-life signups no questions asked :)

  5. Anyone know if you can play the (free) Prime VOD movies on a Ruko player that support Amazon VOD?

  6. jbw, I believe so. Just look on Amazon to see a list of supported devices, but the site is slower than usual.

  7. Works fine on any android device that supports flash.

  8. Very cool! I have had Amazon Prime for almost a year, and the no tax/free shipping paid for itself in 2 months, now I can stream movies to my phone when I’m on a long boring trip. Awesome!

  9. Netflix streaming won’t support just any Android phone, only ones with proper DRM baked into hardware. Amazon VOD plays on any device with Flash, my phone, my Linux desktop, etc.. Starting to dislike Netflix.

  10. @Wendell its not up to Netflix, apparently. its the movie houses who are hating on Android. I wonder what all those A-list celebs are going to think when they can not play their own movies from netflix on the Xoom.

  11. Too bad it does not work on the PlayStation 3. Netflicks does. Maybe they will ‘fix’ this.

  12. and for the uk too??? :)

  13. @treefq

  14. @treefq More than likely celebs don’t watch their own movies. lol If I were one I’d rather not see my ugly mug in a movie haha.

  15. They are seeing instant streaming of 5,000 tv shows and films yet this is what I see on the site:

    Amazon Instant Video › Prime Eligible
    Showing 1 – 24 of 2,185 Results

    Am I missing something??

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