
Want to Go to Google I/O? Expect to Pay Upwards of $1,000 on eBay


Google I/O sold out in 59 minutes the day tickets went on sale, and many of you who wanted to register for tickets couldn’t – whether it be due to traffic bringing the site down to its knees or due to you not being able to try in time. I have good news and bad news if you’re one of the unfortunate souls who couldn’t get in on it.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The good news is that folks are selling their tickets on eBay. Yay for user-generated marketplaces! The bad news is that you’re going to be paying anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000 for each ticket, and maybe even more. Google wasn’t lying when they said this was their most anticipated I/O in every way, and if tickets selling out in 59 minutes didn’t show you that, then these eBay listings should.

Any of you brave enough to bite on one of these? Seems like dozens of other bidders are. [Ebay 1|2 via Android Police]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. How much are they officially?

  2. tickets are $450 – $550 i believe. but i think the acaedamia tickets were much cheaper. This is high tech ticket scalping.

  3. That’s a good investment. The stuff they give you will probably be worth a lot more than $1000

  4. Wow.. I have an acadamia ticket… and I want to go.. But $1000 in my pocket sounds like… well so damn tempting lol damn ebay =)

  5. LOL SillyRabit. wouldn’t blame you in the least.

  6. I’m amazed people still use Ebay considering all the free compatible options available. Ebay’s prices to list are way too high. Most people I know stopped using ebay years ago.

  7. Dear lord, its like when ps3’s came out…. cosy $500 (at the time) and were selling on ebay for $3000. capitalism at its finest…. what an oxymoron

  8. Is this really surprising to anyone? Tickets to any major event go for more on eBay than they do when originally sold. Slow news day.

  9. 7, an oxymoron is a conflicting phrase or pair of words. Capitalism is supposed to make people profit and in this case has. I really wish people would think before posting comments.
    Also, the Playstation was $600 at launch. Again, think.

  10. Google IO rocks… Everyone might recieve Samsung Galaxy S2’s or maybe Motorola Xoom’s who know’s they will definitely walk out with something nice

  11. Not to brag here, but I have a ticket. :) What does everyone thing will be given out?

  12. I hope they just give us shirts :) that way all these turds that bought a ticket for the freebies will go away and leave us alone next year.

  13. Khalid, he means that phrase ‘capitalism at its finest’ is an oxymoron, you moron. I wish people would think before posting comments…

  14. Damn you phandroid and microeconomics..I didn’t want to see this :(( I bought the academia ticket for 150 and I was so excited and I still am…but now the opportunity cost of going is potentially $1000 which is quite a bit of money, especially for a student. If I don’t go then the opportunity cost is missing the experience of being there live (education won’t be lost because the keynotes wll be available on youtube and I’m skeptical about the freebe). damn you phandroid

  15. Just FYI, Google ALLOWS the re-assigning of tickets to someone else without penalty. I don’t know what they think about people getting money for it, but their terms certainly didn’t say anything about not allowing it.

    I was one of the few fortunate people who got a general admission ticket and, NO, I am not selling it. Can’t wait to attend. Will be my first time.

  16. Google and Oprah should team up:
    “You get a Xoom! You get a Xoom! You get a Xoom!”

  17. I got one ticket, not for sale.
    I just hope that not many attendants of Google IO are flake, just going because of possible(!) goodies and swag.

  18. I wonder if Sprint, which was the cell provider for the HTC Evo given away at the conference, actually wound up making money by providing a free phone to 5,000 people. I switched from my old iPhone, and I’ve been paying Sprint every month since June.

    If you figure the component cost for the Evo at about $175, you would only need to sell a $70 per month agreement (for a year) to 1,000 people to break even on the cost of 5,000 phones. And don’t forget that the people who go to IO are tech opinion-makers for their own networks of friends.

    If that’s true, then it puts a different slant on the “giveaway”.

    All the same, I thought that announcing the registration on Twitter was a double mistake. For one thing, it confirms Twitter, a non-Google product, as the king of real-time communication. There were 55,000 followers for the Google IO twitter account; why not make them all get a Gmail account, or some other Google technology?

    Also, it guaranteed the debacle that followed; I was following the instructions to register for Bootcamp, but I was frozen out, in spite of trying to register within minutes of the Twitter announcement.

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