
More Details on AT&T’s Any Mobile Feature Launching Today


We hear AT&T’s starting to roll out that new Any Mobile calling feature that was announced yesterday. BGR’s been able to finally snag some more info on pricing and eligibility. Simply put: most of you are already eligible, and are subject to an extra $20-$30 on top of your current rate plans if you want the feature.  Take a look at the graphic above for more details.

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[Update]: My mistake – that $20-$30 extra is actually a part of your unlimited messaging bundle that many of you already have, I hear. The wording on AT&T’s part wasn’t the greatest. Carry on.

Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. it sounded better yesterday, but today is an other story, thanks at&t but no thanks, sprint still way better.

  2. Ignoring this one…it will only make my 4000+ rollover mins grow to….many more than that!

    Not making any changes to my plan so I don’t have to worry about them screwing something up!

  3. The “mobile to any mobile” isn’t an additional fee. It’s bundled into the unlimited messaging for $20. Just check their website and add the stuff to the “cart”. Comes out 450min, unlimited messaging with “any mobile” and 2gb data for $85. Same as it was last week without “any mobile”.

  4. The problem with AT&T is they don’t want to give too much, but if you’re losing thousands of customers you got to give much more than this. Take a chance and give people something they would go crazy over.

  5. This sounds like a crappy deal, but this would actually save me money. First, I use less than 2GB of data, so the standard data plan works for me. I have been with AT&T and VZW at various times over the past couple years. Most of my friends/family are on VZW. With mobile-mobile I can get away with the 450 minute plan on VZW, but need to bump up to the 900 minute plan on AT&T. When mobile to ANY mobile came out on other carriers, it required the more expensive 900 minute plan or higher, which made it a mute point. So, this would actually save me a few bucks over VZW.

    Now, all we have to do is not require tether for the Atrix Lapdock and we’d be good to go. Without the lapdock, I might as well stick with VZW and get the Bionic.

  6. They need to throw in unlimited data in there with that

  7. All the hype really isnt worth the cost!! Well done ATT you were too expensive before and now I see no reason to stay.

  8. LoL @ bundling a voice feature with a text plan. Another att f?9ail.

  9. @ daje. Yeah bring it back!

  10. its only 5 more than sprint because you have to pay the 10 smartphone fee but with sprint you get unlimited data instead of 2gb and its easier to get corporate discounts

  11. Sprint gives the best overall deal at 79.99 (69.99 + 10.00 smartphone charge). T Mobile has a good deal at 79.99 for 1,500 Anytime mins, Unlimited Nights and Weekends, unlimited data, and unlimited text messages. (T Mobile and Sprint have 5gb cap on data before they throttle you)

  12. Sorry AT&T you lose again.

  13. You guys are reading this wrong its not gonna cost extra. The 20 unlimited text plan now will be 20 unlimited text and any mobile. The 30 family unlimited text will become unlimited family and any mobile. So if you have those plans already they stay the same!!! So you can now lower your monthly minute plan because you have unlimited any mobile. So what are you talking about it will cost you?

  14. @nardva

    Sprint throttles your data if you go over 5GB data for 3 straight months.

  15. This is almost a great deal… For just a few dollars more than a comparable Sprint plan, you get a much better data network. The only thing keeping me from switching from Sprint is the 2GB data cap. If they changed it to 5GB or Unlimited, I would make the switch.

  16. there is no additional cost to do this. Erroneous reporting. It’s the same amount as it was previously….I’ve already made the switch, and my cost has stayed the same.

  17. The plan is the same except now you have mobile to any mobile & your A List (for the few landlines you do call). I ended up lowering my minute plan and ended up SAVING $20/month. It’s a win for me! Just give them a call.

  18. Exactly you would think this writer would correct his errors


  20. Sprint doesn’t throttle your data over 5 gigs, I use 6-8 gigs a month and have been for a few years.

  21. Yeah nice idea. It says on website that a-list is compatible on thee 700 minute rate plan for families and when you try to change it it says it is not. All att can say is oh its a glitch.

  22. Its ok but website under change rate plan says alist good on 700 family rate plan but att says its a glitch and oh well is what they say

  23. I’m am still waiting for AT&T to upgrade my Captivate to 2.2 like I was promised.

  24. Sorry ATT – this is exactly why I left you when my contract was up and went to prepaid. There are too many restrictions and red tape that stop you from getting a deal when you get it, its not exactly what you expected. I say go to prepaid – its straight forward, not extra costs, and you really don’t loose anything as other people might think. I can say this as a former ATT user and a prepaid customer with Straight Talk – I use it as back-up vacation/business phone in addition to my LG Ally with Verizon. It’s $45 for unlimited everything while ATT would have not been able to to offer the same type of deal at all.

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