
Entire Kyocera Echo Announcement Posted on YouTube [VIDEO]


Sprint has posted the entire announcement from yesterday’s Blaine-filled event in New York on YouTube. There are three parts to this monster – not including the Blaine-age, unfortunately – so hunker down and see just how Sprint introduced the first dual-screen Android device from Kyocera, the Echo.

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  1. can we pls forget Kyocera Echo and move on to better things?

  2. agreed

  3. can you please stop with this torture, this piece of crap is not worth the time and energy you guys are putting in ti it, enough already.

  4. i am beginning to wander if Verizon or at&t are paying you guys to do this to us sprint customers?

  5. POS fail will be the worst phone of 2011

  6. Nice phone. I wish verzion got it.

  7. Really idea. But to many outside factors (besides the brand) will bring death to this phone before it has a chance.

  8. Such crap! Other companies get the nexus s, the atrix, the bionic, the thunderbolt… and sprint gets, the echo.

    Way to sh*t the bed

  9. Sweet! Im sure this won’t attract new customers. Less players on the sprint network, means I can enjoy more data on my evo! woo hoo! No sharing bandwidth!
    Let me know when the Evo 2 comes out.

  10. they ruined this phone when they decided to go with a single core processor. just watching the video shows how slow this phone is! when he tries to switch screens or open apps there is a serious lag something that is almost nonexistent with my 1 year old Evo. good concept but they werent thinking ahead at all when it came to processor power

  11. Unless the phone spec change to add dual core snapdragon 1.2GHz, 4G(Wimax), with front facing camera I will not be purchasing this phone or any other. Proud HTC Evo onwer.

  12. If this thing does more portrait dual-screen like the Microsoft Courier concept, this thing might be pretty cool… and that’s if the apps are really multitasked instead of of the “quick hibernate/wake”

  13. Touch day to be a Sprint subscriber. This phone is insulting.

  14. The press conference was a rather disappointment. Echo is nice and nifty but it didn’t really capture me. I can only imagine the horrific battery life of a product like that. I’m hoping Sprint releases some good stuff at CTIA. *crosses fingers*

  15. I agree with ccrulesn on this one. it is pretty awesome how 1 year later the Evo is still the best phone around! Love my evo!

  16. My eyes are bleeding

  17. This device seems to be an Android version of a device like the rumor, for people that are big on texting.

    No way is this a nuke for Mr. Hesse.

  18. The idea of two screens is interesting and it may be a good idea in the future. But right now batteries are having problems with running one screen for more than a day. So lets half the life of the battery by adding a second screen.. sounds brilliant right? LOL. Right now if I check my battery status 75% of the time Display consumes the most power. So from my experience two displays would just kill the battery too fast for it to be a useful mobile device.

  19. if i buy this cellphone… it will only be so i can throw up all over the two screens.

  20. This seems to be a great concept. I’m not going dismiss it until I get my hands on it. I like the fact that sprint and their partners are innovating rather than just doing what Verizon or AT&T are doing. What I’m noticing, Verizon and AT&T like to pretend their the industry first when Sprint is actually rolling things out way ahead. The only industry first I can think of with AT&T and Verizon is tiered data pricing and caps.

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