
Pentel Airpen Pocket Digitizes Your Handwritten Notes, Stores them on Your Android


Love handwriting your notes but also the convenience of being able to store, save, and transfer typed texts? You can get the best of both worlds with the Pentel Airpen Pocket. The Airpen Pocket is a digitalpen and writing system that will transfer your handwritten notes from a sheet of paper to your Android phone (or Windows or Mac PC). The system is all wireless, with no need to connect the Airpen transmitter via hardline to transfer any data, and is designed to sync seamlessly with Evernote. There is even an Evernote edition pen!

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The Airpen Pocket will be available in March (in Japan, at least) along with its accompanying Android app.

[via Gizmodo]

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  1. I have a similar pen from Fujitsu, and the truth is, that it can be pretty annoying. For starters, unless you tape/glue that wireless receiver to your paper(or to something that holds the paper) you won’t be able to write/draw anything properly..the slightest movement of the paper will shift the receiver and all you’ll have stored is a huge scramble of dots and lines…

  2. this looks like a great idea im a student and i could definetly use this. will most likely get it in march if it supports english

  3. I’m about to go back to school, and something like this would be great for my pure science classes.

  4. I gotta say, I have been using a livescribe pen for the past month and love it. I love to write with a pen on paper but hated the fact that my notes and ideas were locked in a notebook. If your looking for a device that lets you write and then upload and search, get a livescribe. Oh and the whole pencast thing is pretty cool. Before anyone asks, no I dont work for nor get any money from livescribe.. just love the friggn thing.

  5. I would love to buy something like this for work. Wish it were more reliable. I keep hearing complaints akin to what @b87 said.

  6. @Cpt Mike Beard: I’m not bashing the device. I find it actually pretty useful and cool. But it does have its downsides.. However if you get used to it, it can be really good.

  7. This would be amazing for physics and math of any sort.. It is such a pain to do mathmatical formulas in notepad. The only thing I am scared about is how often do these files become corrupt.. For some reason I love notepad just cause it is soo reliable. I have just lost a whole crap load of notes because word sucks so bad and would hate to have this do the same..

  8. This is nice. This can have two purposes at the same time.

  9. This is nice. This can have two purposes at the same time.

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