
Kongregate Gets Tweaked, Returns to Android Market


Kongregate’s original turn in the Android Market was short lived due to some violations of Google’s distribution agreement. Namely, the app acted too much like its own marketplace for Flash games storing them on your SD card, a functionality not looked kindly upon by Google. Now the app is back up in the Market after its developers have made a few tweaks to help it better meet distribution standards.

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The app now uses the phone’s browser cache to temporarily store the Flash games you play rather than storing them more permanently on local media. Here’s hoping Google takes it as enough of a change to allow the app to live in the Market a bit longer this time.

[via Engadget]

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  1. First!! Excited to get it again.

  2. 2nd

  3. It’s best to be third. The first two are turds.

  4. I think anyone that places a number is a turd. 4th


  5. Hmm… fifth.. :P

  6. Hmmm… I see you guy know how to count…. congratulations you guys are official GAY!

  7. 6rd.

  8. ……6th XD

  9. 7th heaven

  10. Superman Insults Xylaphonist.

    Should have left it the way it was, not a big fan of the redownload. I get charged enough for my bandwidth as out is. :(

  11. “Do no evil.”

    Thanks for forcing them to make it suck more, Google!

  12. “I see you guy know how to count”

    And in position 6 we have a guy congratulating people who can count. To bad he can’t string a sentence properly! hehe

  13. And I still can’t find it in the Android Market.

  14. I wanted more of the games to be downloadable, not less! Think I’ll be staying with the old version for now.

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