
HTC ThunderBolt to Be Best Buy Exclusive?


When the iPhone 4 launched on Verizon’s network, those wishing to purchase it at Best Buy will be directed to AT&T’s version of the handset. It sounds like Best Buy will be squarely focused on Big Red’s 4G initiatives, and as such will be the exclusive retailer of the HTC ThunderBolt when it lands on Verizon’s LTE bands come the end of February.

As the exact release details are not set in stone as of right now, this could change by the time the ThunderBolt hits store shelves. Either way, it sounds like those wanting to jump onto the Verizon iPhone will have to search elsewhere, as Best Buy is committed to VZW’s 4G Android lineup.

[via IntoMobile]

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  1. That sucks for anyone wanting a 1 year agreement i believe?
    Go steelers!

  2. Please Steelers beat those Jets! And then lose to whoever in the Super Bowl…

  3. Oh yeah, phones! I hope this exclusivity of certain vendors selling certain phones trend stops…

  4. Cant wait for the TB. GO STEELERS!

  5. Romma that would make for less sells for a carier so that will never happen the way you want it to…maybe with the iphone however…

  6. Steelers will beat the Jets and then hopefully go on to beat the Packers or Bears. You can do it! (in Rob Schneider voice)

  7. Go pack!

  8. “When the iPhone 4 launched on Verizon’s network, those wishing to purchase it at Best Buy will be directed to AT&T’s version of the handset.”

    wow and to think I thought we were hard-core phandroids

  9. I work at Verizon this story is wrong on both accounts who ever writes this garbage always has it all wrong

  10. That would suck as there’s be no option for a 1 year contract and Best Buy doesn’t handle corporate contracts on VZW. Seems like a bad move to freeze out corporate accounts for a smartphone.

  11. Drizzy, if they play the jets, it will be in the super bowl. I’m calling GB over NY by 7 yuio win the SP.

    On topic, sucks for many, as best buy doesn’t do early upgrades.

  12. Apple isn’t allowing “Agents” to sell VZW iPhone on launch date, so I don’t exactly think it’s a Best Buy decision.

  13. sorry, brain fart.

  14. @ScootD. what you said.

    Let’s hope “Guest” is correct (this story is wrong)

  15. If this is true then the powers that be have made my next phone purchase a bit easier…by removing the Thunderbolt from my shortlist. Best Buy will never see another dime from my pocket.

    Also…why the hell are people talking about football? I’m pretty sure there are forums for that…

  16. If this is true then the powers that be have made my next phone purchase a bit easier…by removing the Thunderbolt from my shortlist. Best Buy will never see another dime from my pocket.

    Also…why the hell are people talking about football? I’m pretty sure there are forums for that…

  17. If this is true then the powers that be have made my next phone purchase a bit easier…by removing the Thunderbolt from my shortlist. Best Buy will never see another dime from my pocket.

    Also…why the hell are people talking about football? I’m pretty sure there are forums for that…


  19. I can’t imagine this is really going to be the case. Verizon will begin promoting the hell out of this phone soon, and you think I won’t be able to walk into any of the ~2,200 VZW stores across the US and buy one? Seriously doubt it. Some customers prefer to only deal directly with the carrier themselves and not a 3rd party.

  20. If this is true then I’m not getting the bolt if it’s not true I’m buying it asap.

  21. Best buy will not be exclusive on the thunderbolt. Look for it around Valentine’s Day.

  22. If any of these amazing HTC phones on Verizon were international, I would switch over from T-Mobile in a heartbeat.

  23. I’m going to assume that BestBuy will be exclusive retail reseller, but that the phone will also be available at Verizon stores. I don’t deal with resellers. End of story. Then again, I don’t know whether I’ll get the Thunderbolt or hold out for the Bionic. Very difficult decision.

  24. Thunderbolt = Verizon’s Evo

  25. @Harb
    I dont understand your disappointment or frustration. Just because Best Buy is said to be exclusive retailer doesnt mean Verizon stores wont carry it also, being that it is a Verizon phone.

  26. How did this go from phone news to football???

  27. Because the Steelers will win another Superbowl this year!!

    This is coming from someone that live around Baltimore!

  28. Go Jets! Go Green Bay!! Go HTC Thunderbolt!!

  29. I still dont know why anyone would buy this phone when dual cores are just around the corner. Yeah if they were a year off, but dual cores are soon to be released and it isn’t amoled which looks much better that lcd.

  30. The fact is that VZW is solely selling the iPhone 4 at launch, with authorized/indirect agents selling it a few weeks or so after initial launch. You can bet your ass the second VZW allows them to, Best Buy will jump all over the iPhone and ditch selling AT&T’s iPod touch, err, “iPhone.”

  31. This is completely incorrect. Where does Phandroid get this crap? Seriously, 100% false.

  32. I hate sports.

  33. will it have hdmi output
    will it be slow because of no dual core
    this or the bionic or the incredible
    will the battery life be good

  34. Please…Bears taking it all the way!

  35. @DizzyGadget
    I love to here people say this…u must be an evolution owner & sad to see that poor thing overshadowed, because u obviously haven’t compared the specs! The thunderbolt runs the second get snapdragon which is based off of a 45nm process technology vs. 65nm on the 1st Gen in the evo, not to mention near double the graphics processing power…1st Gen rated around 22m triangles/sec vs 41m triangles/sec on the 2nd Gen. Just saying u might want to actually know what ur talking about before u throw out random comments that make no sense

  36. Evo not evolution my bad

  37. Oh and I don’t even think I mentioned the 768 MB RAM on the Thunderbolt vs the 512 on the evo…=not a Verizon evo, a much sweeter Verizon super evo

  38. I spoke withan vzw customer rep. and was told that bestbuy will be the only retailer but has never seen vzw not carry their own phone. In fact he said that just means places like wirefly amazon etc,.. will not carry it but does not include vzw. hope thats helps

  39. I will be seriously ticked off should best buy be the exclusive seller. I want a phone from the carrier themselves. I don’t trust anyone else.
    Should the phone be sold by best buy only I will go for the unnamed 4G Samsung. The bionic has a feature I dislike: motoblur. Its just my preferences.
    Thunderbolt for Verizon sellers only please!!!!!

  40. @piccodroid
    apple is also selling the iphone 4 for verizon at launch

  41. BestBuy is the only exclusive “chain store” to sell it… of course Verizon will sell it!

  42. I work for an agent in texas and we’re going to be selling the iphone4 from launch date AND the thunderbolt soooo…suck it everybody

  43. To Mr Steven Tucker… How old are you? 12? Not only have you proven your immaturity by being annoying but you’ve also shown that you’re pathetic.
    That said, I’m going to go web surfing to find out whether I will end up with my lovely Thunderbolt or not. Next months my birthday and I plan on spoiling myself.

  44. I always buy my phones at Best Buy… What’s with all the hate? I don’t have to have the mail in rebates, the associates are waaaay better than any Verizon store, and for those who say they would never buy from a 3rd party, why??? they do EVERYTHING a verizon store can do… You all keep paying higher prices, i will stick with my instant savings, no waiting around like cattle for my name to be called.

  45. I am very feed up with store’s just like best -buy taking customers money and not caring about the out come or fairness . my issue is i Pre order this HTC thunder bolt feb 7 !!! i was told it would be for sale feb 14 that is a reasonable pre- order then this delay to cap on the ihone to the 24 then worried about people returning the phone for the htc thunderbolt so then moved it to the 28th now your telling me MAYBE the 24 th this isnt a pre order any more this was a lie to me and get a intrest free loan from a hard working faith full customer yal should be ashame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want my money back plus intrest

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