
PayPal for Android Adds Donation Support


PayPal has just brought to our attention a small update to their Android app that came just before Christmas that could make a huge difference to those in need. PayPal mobile for Android now supports donations to over 23,000 charities in the US, UK, and Canada. Included in that group are the likes of World Food Program USA, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and Habitat for Humanity.

The goal is to make donations streamlined and easy to help encourage folks to give a little to people who may need it more by helping some great organizations, and a huge presence of 5 million downloads should only help. Check it out in the Market if you haven’t already.

[via PayPal]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Just not wikileaks :P

  2. So how much does it cost to “bring to your attention”, lol

  3. Ah, so donation support, huh?
    But not to Wikileaks. Screw PayPal.

  4. Donations are all minus 3.75% fee to a 3rd party. Nice. Also no gift aid as far as I can tell. I don’t think I’ll be using this.

  5. ya, I canceled my paypal account after they decided to get political against wikileaks. to hell with paypal for good.

  6. Oh, I just read this part:
    “Bump” feature is a fun new way to send money
    Sounds like they want you to pay for your prostitutes this way. I don’t think that’ll go over so well. Makes it a little harder for politicians to hide. Then of course wikileaks finds out and…. :P

  7. So where is the ability to use the check image capture for deposit like the iOS devices have? That is the only feature I need.

  8. ryo, you can send wikileaks all the money you have, no one is stopping you…btw, how much have u given them?

  9. @Bill lol. Yes how much are you given them, if you want to donate some to me thats cool, I will think of the cause in a lil bit

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