
HTC Inspire 4G Official On AT&T


It looks like HTC is using the Desire Z and Desire HD as inspiration for their latest AT&T Android, called the HTC Inspire 4G. That 4G name is being tossed around like a hot potato these days, and the Inspire runs on AT&Ts HSPA+ network.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The above image is from Engadget but rest assured we’ll be getting ample hands on with the Inspire 4G and other AT&T Androids announced at CES.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. When will it be available?

  2. We need a release date or it’s not even worth mentioning.

  3. Why do all these phones look like Evo’s?

  4. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=xprnw.20110105.AQ24749&show_article=1

    Lists in here Inspire4G will be equivalent to the EVO4G.

    The HTC Inspire™4G is a stunning, 4.3-inch super LCD smartphone running on Android 2.2 smartphone and the first in North America to feature the next-generation HTC Sense™ platform with cloud services. The new Sense platform can pinpoint on a map a lost phone, send a command to sound an alert on the handset, and remotely wipe the phone’s data with a single command through http://www.htcsense.com. Inspire 4G also delivers an 8-megapixel camera and a HD video recorder. The HTC Inspire 4G will include a 1 GHZ processor, while also boasting a premium, aluminum unibody design. For more information, visit http://www.att.com/inspire4G (website available after 10 a.m., PT on Jan. 5). This device is slated for launch in the first quarter of 2011, only for AT&T customers.

  5. They look like EVO’s because they’re made by HTC. It’s those 3 big cap letters that give it away; “HTC”..LOL

  6. has att even announced there 4g network? waiting for that first.

  7. Can’t wait to ditch my captivate for the inspire 4g

  8. So is this the phone “under the sheet” that HTC was talking about being first again with 4G ?.. or will that be a Verizon phone ?

  9. I’m guessing due to the popularity and accolades of the EVO (which I’m proud/happy owner of), HTC decided to not mess with success too much… besides, don’t most manufacturers stay along a similar design path for a period of time? Just look at cars, appliance, clothes, et al. It seems to be quite common actually.

  10. As much as I like this phone, the Evo still wins due to the FFC and HDMI port.
    I just hope the unbranded Desire HD rom can be easily ported to this. AT&T bloat sucks.

  11. First I saw the Atrix and thought, GETTING IT. Now I’m seeing this and not too sure. If only HTC had dual core processors. That would be the dream.

  12. No front facing camera? Super LCD crappy low resolution screen? Catch up HTC. Come on. This is the perfect phone if not for those two faults.

  13. Wow they would come out with something beautiful like this after i get my captivate.

  14. i have to say,this phone looks sexy.

  15. No ffc? … that’s depressing .. I guess ill have decide between the new moto or Samsung ..suggestions? I already have a SGS (vibrant)

  16. BOUT FUCKING TIME THEIRS A 4″ HTC SENSE PHONE. Now I have to choose from the Inspire or the Artix.

  17. Moto Has about 5 legs up on the new HTC with docking capabilities and a dual core snapdragon processor at 1.2 gigs…no question the Atrix is the way to go until the Matrix makes its way onto the scene!! Forget HTC when Motos putting a laptop out for your pocket

  18. doe,s the HTC INSPIRE have a front camera . . . . ?

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