
LinkedIn Android App Launches in Beta



LinkedIn, the social network catering towards professionals and shmoozing job seekers, has launched its Android app for phone running 2.1 or higher. The new app is currently wearing the ‘beta’ tag, so if it isn’t everything you want just yet just know bigger things are planned for the future. Right now though the app allows you to view updates from connections, search for people, respond to invitations, and stay connected with the people you hope might some day give you a leg up in your career.

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You won’t find the app in the Android Market, but if you’re a LinkedIn user all you need to do is join the new LinkedIn for Android Group and follow the instructions there to download and check out the application for yourself.

[via LinkedIn]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Love when the 2.0 design is respected .

  2. You can get the apk from their site directly. Joining the group is optional.

  3. Now that’s what I’m talking about! The only kind of “social networking” I’m interested in on my phone.

  4. The last major mobile OS for LinkedIn & the beta already has more users than all others combined. Just proves how clueless the Bay Area bumsniffers are. LI constantly takes away useful functionality in their chase to be Buttfacebook Junior.

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