
Motorola DROID X 2.2.1 Update Now Rolling Out; Motorola Tried to be Sneaky



It appeared the Motorola DROID X’s 2.2.1 update was live and rolling out to at least a small test group the other day, but a lot of folks weren’t seeing it. (At least a few reports confirmed that you could download the upgrade whether you were a part of the test group or not.) While many have settled for doing it manually with the file XDA released yesterday, others want to wait.

Thankfully, it wasn’t because there was a problem with the software, but because they were absent-minded when they tried to sneak the update out in the wee hours of the night for their initial test group: the DROID X has battery saving technology which – if you don’t change it – shuts the phone’s radios down at night.

They’ve facepalmed, they’ve apologized, and they’ve now opened the floodgates for even more folks to download and install the update as they’ve been met with a positive reaction from those who have been using it for the past couple of days with no serious issues to note. Go ahead and try it by checking Settings > About Phone > System Updates to see if an update is ready. [via AC]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Got mine this morning

  2. Downloaded the update and the install failed. I have a couple of renamed apk files (getting rid of bloatware) so I might have a bit of cleaning up to do before this will work

  3. Mine was failing while doing the manual upgrade. I had to unroot then update and then rooted flawlessly after the upgrade. Although 3g hotspot is kind of flakey now.

  4. I just got my iPhone 4 in the mail today

  5. just installed 2.2.1 update on droid x and seems to run fine.no problem with update.

  6. uhm, is it me or does going to Settings > About Phone > System Updates do absolutey nothing to check for new updates? It always immediately reads I have the latest updates, the only time it’s useful is if you’re notified an update is available but you wait to update, then you can get back to the update screen by going there

  7. Sorry to hear that Jackson.

    Mine tried to update but Failed, abut that’s because of a renamed bloatware I forgot to set back.

    btw, already having root shouldn’t matter. it’ll just break it once update is applied, which can easily be reapplied once updated

  8. I like the tricky! Got it on Wednesday morning because of the goof by Moto. :)

    It is good! And it’s pretty stable too. Going to get Apex v1.3 right now.

  9. Got mine!

  10. @6, I just updated mine following the same steps and it worked fine. Have you tried restarting your phone? Maybe that may help. Good luck.

  11. Yep, as I suspected it was my removal of the bloatware that was the problem. I just renamed the extensions back to apk and the update installed fine.

    My own dumb fault.

  12. Got mine this morning…update when perfectly smooth.

  13. Just installed successfully, now got 10+ new updates including flash 10.1.

  14. I pulled mine through the settings and installed it but after it installed it was stuck at the motto screen for ten min. I had to pull the battery to get it back but im good now with 2.2.1 kinda scarry.

  15. Manual updated with a rooted X (of course with a full ROM backup)and everything went as smooth as could be! I have noticed nothing different or better other than bloat. My WiFi on N still doesn’t work and my G WiFi dumps all the time on any network. Well, lets see if anyone does get a leak of the REAL Gingerbread.

  16. Just downloaded mine and went smooth. Will play with it throughout the day and see what I think.

  17. Yep, got it this morning. Seems to have smoothed out the phone a little bit.

  18. Got mine, intalled property, but haven’t even used my phone since. BTW, am rooted via Visionary and did not have to unroot.

  19. I got it on the original droid but no real changes this morning

  20. Sorry to hear Jackson that you recieved your piece of junk in the mail today.

  21. why does the picture above say “2.3.340” instead of 2.2.1? Isn’t 2.3 Gingerbread?

  22. I have the Motorola Droid and I got a system update yesterday, does anyone know what changes that was for?

  23. @Liferules I was just gonna ask the same thing….

  24. Yeah, my condolences 2 Jackson…..

  25. @LifeRules & @Ron – 2.3.340 is the system version not the android version

  26. @Ron Sorry. I meant @p0di

  27. What does this update do!? I haven’t received the update on my moto Droid. And my friend got her update two days ago.

  28. Alex Hussein sucks

  29. Just got mine this morning. Update went smoothly. Most things seem smoother and faster but my wifi doesn’t work at all now. My phone is completely stock by the way.

  30. Is anyone else’s visual voicemail not working after the update?

  31. And my phone just locked up and required a battery pull. Sweet!

  32. Verizon Update Droid Forced mandatory stopped Z4Root from working, & the forced Verizon Droid Mandatory update destroyed my phone causing it to do a total reset.

    “IS THERE AN UPDATE TO Z4Root”, I see it has now been removed from the market. Is their another way to simply root for the new Verizon Droid update. It really pis*e* me off that Verizon/Droid can shove down our throats an update that we DO NOT WANT. I NEED HELP.

    This really Suc**. This wonderful little app gave us who don’t have tech knowledge to go through a difficult manual Motorola Droid, (1st generation Verizon Moto Droid), root access. This program previous to the update worked flawless, now sense the Verizon Droid update it has rendered this program dead. I am desperate because all my phones backup with with a great market app called Titanium Backup Pro, which I can no longer access due to the root exploit with Z4Root being rendered dead.

    I spoke to a Verizon tech who off the record & unofficially says that yes he agreed with me that the update was pushed as a great enhancement to the phone, which I have yet to see, but that the update was designed to stop people from using exploits like rooting & using your cell as a free internet access to your house computer without first buying their hardware and paying an extra fee. What as* they are. The update actually totally wiped my phone, my fiancees phone & my sisters phone, Verizon says that they are aware of it causing that problem for about 1 to 2 percent of their customers which is not enough to warrant a patch or doing anything about it.

  33. And youtube videos still won’t play half the time also.

  34. I have the original Moto Droid. And I keep putting off the update due to the fact that I had a feeling that VZW would try to pull some sneeky shiznit. All I can say is that if you are to impatient for the development in the ROM community to go through the update to see what is up with it. And you update and lose the coolness that is known as this is my hardware and I can do as I please and no provider can tll me what to do with it. AKA ROOT. Then have fun. If your phone works the way you want it then don’t try to fix it. It is not broken. Thank you and good day. Oh by the way, all of you pretentious I can do as I please with someone else’s hardware providers. Go suck dirt. Some day you will be put in your place. Unfortunately I am stuck like many with one of those companies. Makes me want to punch my self in the balls. It would be less painfully than being on this network and having to deal with there flagrant disregard foe there customers.

  35. I may be the nuts, but since the upgrade, my screen display is about a quarter inch smaller

  36. It appears they switched out the top skin or graphic for the music player which says song album artist etc. Also the grpahic for the music playing symbol on the top left corner of the screen is smaller. When you search ur songs while music is playing the icon is now green for whatever song ur on thats playing. The music player right now works fine. It doesnt freeze up or require a battery pull at all now. I have skipped and fast fowarded like a maniac and it no longer as of this posting has that freeze issue. The video player however seems a bit off.While the gallery itself loads pretty quickly and pulls up videos much faster in icon form the player itself now lags when skipping or quick switching between videos. I have a mix of avi and mp4. however it happens with both. wifi for me works great. youtube seems a tad more efficient. watching a hd world of warcraft video yielded less lag and problems then i had viewing the same video the day before. tested both wifi and 3g streaming. obvious wifi yields better results but waiting about 15 sec before viewing i didnt have an issue on 3g. most apps seem to load faster as well. Battery is a LOT better. I tested out the draining of battery by leaving my videos playing and matched it to the times i had the day before. I actually had approximatly 23 minutes and 38 seconds longer of video playback. An issue im experiencing is the text screen in convo seems a LOT laggier than before. I do have a ton of texts(usually about 2100 per person) abd scrolling up is VERY choppy and VERY laggy. The keyboard responds quicker for us quickdraw types. I dont have to wait 3 sec for the keyboard to catch up to what i was typing seconds ago. It would seem the phone now has issue scrolling up and down fast. As I am also having this issue in the facebook and twitter app. In browser for full desgined sites i am not experiencing this scroll lag though.
    Coming out of sleep or standby the phone slide lock responds quicker. on the phone screen there is now a most recent HUD above the keypad.which displays on the last phone transaction u made. there is also predictive type for ANY numbers you have in ur phone. Whateher it be incoming phone calls outgoing. Whatever phone number entered your phone it predicts it now regardless of contacts or not. Manage apps no longer freezes on me so i have to back out of it and go back in. it might be my head but i also notice gps turns on and off instantly compared to waiting a bit for it to activate. Navigation however, still takes 30 years and a day to load. Waiting for Location was never more annoying. Even when backing out and going back in it takes a bit. Camera is amazing. there is now an icon after each picture taken saying saving image. Also I do not have an issue where the image disappears or is black and unsghareable where i have to back out of the gallery and camera to have access to a photo i JUST took. camcorder looks untouched. even though blockbuster is in the garbage i still have their damned app on here. I got a FORCED my verizon mobile. Adobe reader loads pdfs MUCH MUCH quicker. awesome for when im rading my books. Sound from the music player seems crisper. Sound in video player however… well u fix one thing and dent another. Madden NFL … sigh! Voice command much faster and smoother as well.

  37. Powering down the phone my droid ringtone for sd card unmounted was awfully distorted at only a 60% volume ringer. Booting back up the sound is clearer. 22 second reboot for me. Going into gallery or music the sd card seems to load a lot faster all your media. zooming in and out by pinching seems to take a second longer for the phone. Not a huge inconvience but seems a tad off. I can no longer advance edit hq movies.

  38. major freezing issues, 8 per day typically. unrooted stock phone and i only pick it up to text,call, or browse 30 times per day so not a heavy user (typically have 40% battery left at end of day). this freezing is infinately annoying as i never once had to pull battery since i got it this summer. arrrrg what a let down! my fav change is the camera shutter button being on the display now. much easier to use if u have a case on ur phone

  39. My rooted Droid X 2.2 works perfect, I never apply any updates until they are in the wild for a bit. I used Titanium Backup Pro to Freeze Updater and Upgrader (rename I’m sure would do the same thing) so they don’t force anything on me.

  40. DONT DO IT !!!IT took my rooted droid to 2.2.1 and now lost my root and data on my flashed to cricket droid!!!AND i cant re root and all 6-7 of my backups and update.zips are “signature varification failed” error and i even lost my clockwork recovery!!! cant reroot cant reflash to clockwork mod recovery anybody got a clue y?

  41. Everytime I try to update on Original Droid rooted bugless beast it says cannot update because of verification failed? Any thoughts or tips?

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