Have You Seen Samsung’s Turkish Android Market?



While this isn’t news, per se, we just caught a look at Samsung’s Android Market for Turkish handsets via Droid Dog and thought we’d share a look here. A pretty slick looking affair that would go great with the green and black stylings of Android 2.3 (Gingerbread), don’t you think? File this away under “wishful thinking” for the future of Google’s home-brewed Android app store.


[via DroidDog]

Kevin Krause
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  1. I guess you could call it a Turkish Delight :D LOL

  2. Cool but we still need a desktop Android Market like the Ovi store from Nokia.

  3. “I guess you could call it a Turkish Delight :D LOL”

    ….-.- omg

  4. 1. Wins forever

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