
Google Apps for Newer Archos Devices Out



The Archos is one of the finer tablets on the market right now, but it doesn’t have Google apps. Bummer. XDA will never let that keep their devices down, though, and have released a new version of gapps4archos to play nice with the new line of tablets Archos just released. Full instructions can be had over at XDA. (And always remember to read carefully. Oh, and we’re not responsible if your tablet takes a katana to your face.) [via AG]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. But all this is true only if you are able to get your hands on one of these devices. I settled for Galaxy Tab because no one was able to tell me when will these devices be on sale again (Archos 70 Internet Tablet 8GB).

  2. Have you tried Amazon? I was just looking for 101 on Amazon last night, and they seem to have them in stock. Didn’t check the 70, but I am sure the 70 should be in stock as well.

  3. Why doesn’t Archos just join the Open Handset Alliance?

  4. @Furqan
    Just checked, the 70 isn’t in stock at Amazon. It does now seem to be in stock at Archos.com though.

  5. I’m replying on an archos 70 (with the Google apps, no less). The key to securing one I’d to check the archos store frequently. I checked twice a day fit about a week straight until it showed up as in stock. I also got my kid a 32 so he can play games without burning through my phone battery.

    And to answer the question that someone will ask: yes, I like it. It’s a good size and generally performs pretty well. The market hack is essential, but it’s easy to get. There’s nothing especially “tabletty” about it — no special features other than its size — but it’s a great web/ email/ game device.

    The 32 is less impressive. It has nice performance, but the touch screen is not very responsive (resistive?)

  6. CDW has them – Ordered one a day ago..

    Also there is SimplyElectronics.. You will pay a little extra to buy from these guys, but they seem to have some stock..

  7. Meh. I have an Archos 70 and it’s really nothing special. All the hype is way overblown, as hype usually is.

    I was hoping to would be as nice as a 7″ HTC Evo or MyTouch. it isn’t.

  8. I picked one up at TigerDirect and am very happy with it. No problem getting one and it was in stock at http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6744590&CatId=6845

  9. I have to say, my one problem with the market hack on my 70 is that the market is severely limited. It doesn’t have half the apps that the market on my Droid has. I don’t know if their market app is from an at&t phone or maybe another country but it hasn’t done near as well for me as just sideloading apps from my Droid. The weird part is that a lot of the apps I sideloaded showed up in the market AFTER I Installed them but not before. Yet another Android Market glitch I suppose.

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