
Dell Confirms Froyo Update Delayed for AT&T’s Streak


dell streak

Dell must have seen those emails that were leaked yesterday regarding the AT&T Sim-Locked version of the Streak where we learned that the Froyo update for the device has been delayed until January. There’s no questioning the validity of that leak, now, as Dell – with great timing – has come out and updated us on the situation. (They didn’t acknowledge the leak, but we’re sure their hands were being forced because of it.) “Next month” was all they could give us as far as a window goes. And I wouldn’t get too down on Dell because of the delays: it sounds like AT&T’s the culprit here, as they often are these days. [via Dell]

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  1. WTF – I still can’t get my 2.2 upgrade on a UK SIM-free Dell Streak – bought from Dell only 5 weeks ago.
    Get as far as pressing the “download the update” button – and NOTHING happens. I have ZERO trust in Dell “confirmations” like these.

  2. It may have been delayed due to the fact that the rom is crap and buggy.
    You lose the use of the front facing cam for video chat along with some other issues.
    Maybe AT&T figured Dell should try to fix the problems before officialiy releasing a crap rom in the US?
    Maybe you should stop blaming AT&T for everything. AT&T hate sure is rampant amongst the Android community. Even when something isn’t AT&Ts fault…….

  3. at&t has updated 0 of their android phones.

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