
Comcast Xfinity App Launches for Android, Control Your DVR Remotely and More



It has been delayed time and time again, but the Comcast Xfinity app for Android is finally available for subscribers to the cable provider we all love to hate. My beefs with Comcast aside, the app actually provides for some pretty awesome functionality that rivals offerings from DirecTV, such as the ability to control and set your DVR remotely using your smartphone. Check TV listings, listen to voicemails through your Xfinity Voice service, and peruse, respond to, and download attachments from your email.

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Android also gets the exclusive addition of homescreen widgets that display your latest voice messages and emails, meaning Comcast’s reign of terror can follow you wherever you go. If my cable service ever gets working I will take the time to check it out further and review it, but for now it looks promising and is a must-have for any Android/Comcast users.

Kevin Krause
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  1. No easy way to see your bandwidth usage? That is all I was hoping for since I only use their Internet and Phone service.

    Oh well, keep logging into that page as I get closer to the end of the month.

  2. Better late than never! Off to the market to test it out.

  3. Do you have to be a Comcast internet subscriber to use this thing? I have comcast cable but not internet. When I try to log into the app it says you need a “” email address.

    Any way to get one of those without getting internet through them?

  4. Cannot use the mydvr function, also, I do not use comcast email nor can one see any shows, live, recorded or otherwise with this app, nor do i have a home phone…not sure what good this app is for me right now. it would be nice to at least see recorded shows or watch fancast shows on it.

  5. MyDVR function gives an error for me also. Thats the only need I have for this app. I’m sure it will be fixed soon.

  6. bill, have you set up your DVR for remote viewing? I had to turn my remote viewing off and then back on, then login to their site and “synch” it, which took like a day. Then it was good to go. If you can set your DVR from their xfinitytv site, you should be able to do it on the app.

  7. This is one retarded app. I waited for it for so long and after all it will not let me log in as I don’t have a comcast internet service (required to log in). Comcast needs to wake up or they are going to loose their customers to Direct TV.

  8. Just downloaded the app, it works perfect for my on my MyTouch 4g with Froyo. Wish there was a way to watch my dvr content, and it would be nice to have an option that lets me watch ANYTHING since i pay out the ying yang for service… as mentioned before it would be amazing to have a usage meter for internet use…. Hopefully there will be more to come with the next update!

  9. ok, I have comcast business class internet and residential tv, and I cannot use this app since I don’t have residential internet with them. Stupid! Hey comcast let us log into the mobile app with the same ID we use to log into!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Works well for me, EVO.
    Able to set DVR recordings.

    Cant wait for ability to watch my recordings or on demand..

  11. Ok, isn’t this all related around television? Why do I need internet access from them to be able to use this thing?

  12. I have an xfinity login that lets me control my DVR, but to use this app, I need a email address? Why?

  13. After months for waiting for this app, they release it except it requires a e-mail address. Unfortunately I don’t have one. I don’t get it, I can log onto Comcast’s website and pay my bill and schedule my DVR on their website with my personal e-mail address, but the app won’t accept it. Major flaw.

  14. This app is trash unless you have this “Xfinity” bullshit they are tryna sell us. I’ve had Comcast for 3 years and I still don’t know what Xfinity is. I have Cable as well as Internet with them and it seems like I’m being left out in the cold for no obvious reason. Xfinity is plaster over my mail AND my box interface so what…??

  15. I take that back its working now. When I first tried the TV Listings it said that I am in an currently in an area that does not have Xfinity.

  16. I hate comcast as much as the writer but this does work on my EVO. Xfinity is just marketing crap so they can charge more. I did only put in my username and they turned it into the whole email address which I only use for spam anyway. The DVR thing is pretty cool. I had done it on the EVO browser already. As others have said you do have to set up the DVR itself.

  17. HA! They come out with this app ONE day after I got fed up with my Comcast DVR and purchased a Tivo. Thanks, Comcast! You’re the worst company in the world, I wish nothing but horrible things to you and your employees (unless they wise up and find jobs elsewhere!). Dammit.

  18. Slingplayer has provided me with the same functionality for years plus I can view my DVR shows and broadcasts. I think I’ll stick to that for now until they add that feature to the xFinity app.

  19. Anyone else not getting new message push notifications or icons in the notification bar? I have set the notifications On within the app, and have an EVO FYI.

  20. Xfinity is a name branding for Comcast services. Att has UVERSE…Comcast has Xfinity…

  21. What’s the point if you can’t watch streamed video? All they have are overly compressed and downsized smaller than the screen on my DInc. Yes I have comcast phone and dvr but I want to watch the programming, not just get a tv guide listing.

    Total FAIL.

  22. What about changing channels? I thought we were supposed to be able to.

  23. Looks to me that Comcast is going to be adding the remote dvr, remote control, and on demand stuff in January. So maybe we’ll see it by March?
    Anyway, this works perfectly managing my DVR so I’m happy with it for now.

  24. Scientific Atlanta boxes are not supported ._.

  25. i am a comtech3 with comcast, and this app is fairly new to even us in the feild. we use scientific atlanta equpiment as apposed to motorola in south florida, and the scientific atlanta (cisco corp) is def. supported here. also the comming months will tell, but we have xfinity home security right at our fingertips and the beta testers in our area have the app on android and iphone platforms wich allows to set and unset the alarm and view snapshots when the alarm is triggered! the purpose of the login is to access your account… you can set a user name and password without being an email user, you just have to call and ask for it… the ability to pay bills online and check usage is done with that login, therefore they mended it with the xfinity app for ease of use! all in all we arent really as bad a company as you guys make us out to be! :-P were just at the for-front of technology!

  26. Hey Joe, I can’t wait til karma comes back around and bites you and other small minded people who wish “horrible things” upon innocent employees of a company that you choose to not like. Its one thing to not like a company, but completely pig headed and rude to wish bad things toward its employees (who need a job to support their families). PS xfinity app is pretty neat!

  27. The Xfinity app is pretty cool, but unfortunately in SW FLORIDA we are a SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA/CISCO Headend and it is not supported yet. Hopefully soon!

  28. There is a lot of talk about this app going the “anywhere” direction. At this time Xfinity can stream Live TV to the mobile device while you’re in your home. Working for DISH Network, I can tell you that DISH’s Remote Access app allows you to watch live TV anywhere, and better yet, watch all of your recordings that are at home! I would definitely suggest taking a look at the comparison.

  29. I use it all the time to program soccer matches that i forgot to record while I am ay work. Does anyone know if or when we might be able to watch on demand shows on the android?

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