
ComScore Continues To Show Us the Numbers We Love


Here are the latest ComScore numbers. Results wont shock you.

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If we bump them with last month’s digits it’s plain to see that the trends are holding. Apple managed to get a slight bump in points, but nothing compared to the momentum that the Phandroids are gaining.

[via Engadget]

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  1. iPhone 4 brought a lot of value. 0.8% more to be exact. I guess that’s the price to pay when you have such a major flow in the device and you don’t recall.

  2. Since Comscore is always 5-6 weeks out of date, by now Android is ahead of Apple.

    As this trend continues, the developer fragmentation issue will lessen, consumers will still have to deal with wanting better software but there is XDA for those that are aware. Developers will see that one sdk can provide them between 35-50 of GLOBAL mobile OS devices, let alone the most profitable areas like the U.S., EU, Japan and Korea. This is what developers want, even if they have to test on a few more device/screen types, the largest market share even if it requires 10% extra work.

    @dof, IMO this has less to do with an antenna problem and more to do with the ability to use things like widgets, pulldown notifications, sideloading apps. Couple that with a plethora of hardware choices one has (SAMOLED :-)), even people who don’t know what Android is are tempted to pick up a kit.

  3. enjoy it while it lasts, Windows Phone 7 is out now, and reality will start to set in for you fans.

  4. @nioho I lol’d that comment already made my day.

  5. Haha yeah cuz windows history has proved that they are going to be a major powerhouse

  6. Microsoft is the china of the OS world. Copy everything….poorly. Release it with much hype after the party is over. Would be nice to see them innovate instead of emulate.

  7. That only adds up to 96.8% for July and 97.5% for October

    which leave only 3.2% and 2.5% for symbian (and the KIRF smartphones)

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