
Black Friday: The App


With Black Friday starting in less than one week, it may be time to gather your wits and plan accordingly. wants to take a little bit of that stress away with the latest iteration of their app, aptly named, Black Friday.


From this you’ll be able to browse all the Black Friday deals whether they be confirmed or mere rumors. If you see something you like you can bookmark it for later, or if the moment strikes you right you can be taken directly to the online advertisement. You can make shopping lists and even Tweet or Facebook your sweet findings for others to take advantage of.

Now I want Club Crackers.

[via Into Mobile]

Tyler Miller

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  1. I’ve been using TGI Black Friday.

  2. Ditto with the TGI Black Friday

  3. I had tgi black friday. I thought it was a good app, until I noticed that it was saving all the ads/pictures to my phone. When I noticed that I installed it.

  4. I had tgi black friday. I thought it was a good app, until I noticed that it was saving all the ads/pictures to my phone. When I noticed that I uninstalled it.


  6. I also have been using TGI black friday

  7. Deal News is my fave deals site, so I will give their new app a try.

  8. Not impressed, every time I click on a store to open the deals, it Force Closes!

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