
WiFi-only Galaxy Tab Delayed to Post-Holiday Season


Remember that WiFi only Galaxy Tab that was spotted in a Best Buy Buyer’s guide not too long ago? After Samsung went hush on its existence, we wondered if the Best Buy ad was just a blunder. Thankfully, they really do have plans to bring out a WiFi-only version of the Tab, but according to new evidence procured by Android-Life, It’s been delayed until after the holiday season.

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When we last heard of this thing, it was going to cost $499 opposed to the non-contract price of $599 that most carriers were going to offer it for. Bummer. But if a WiFi-only version were all you were waiting for, at least you now have time to wait until CES where we expect even more Android tablets to be announced and unveiled by the likes of Motorola, LG, and more.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Screw Samsung and their proprietary charger!

  2. Anyone who was paying attention at the US launch of the Tab already knew that the Wifi version wasn’t coming out until after the holidays. Oh, and as for the proprietary charger comment – you can’t pass full HD through a USB port and still charge the device, so either a separate HDMI port or a 20 pin connector was necessary. They went with the 20-pin because for the most part – separate HDMI ports have been fail.

  3. It was delayed because BB doesnt want the shackled version to stay on the shelves where it belongs.

  4. VairTech has the new Android Tablets with OS 2.2. Our 8 inch tablet supports Adobe flash 10.1.
    Have the internet at you figure tips. No more emailing documents to yourself. Now you can download directly from your USB stick.
    Check your Gmail, Yahoo, and even exchange server emails from work. All the tablets come with the Android Market already installed.
    Our prices are affordable and a great gift for the holiday.

  5. After the Holiday = Black Friday?

  6. Galaxy Tab = Greed Tab Not interested at the least, the specs are pretty good the Tab itself is solid but the price and separate data fee just sours any good flavor. Wait for Notion Ink.

  7. Don’t care about passing hd….I’d hook this thing up to a charger a thousand times before once plugging in hdmi. And I would sure like my existing work/car/home office ones to just work.

  8. At a recent Sprint event, the Sammy sales rep told me that the delay was to satisfy the carrier’s request as to not compete with the 3g model. Having played with it for a few minutes, I’m convinced that the 7in form factor is for me.

  9. Too bad would have walked out with one this week
    but will not do data plan and after the holidays may have many more
    big mistake but I had my hands on one and loved it
    not as big and cumbersome as the ipad which I do not want to
    carry around it is just too big

  10. Here’s a novel idea…buy one from a carrier off-contract. (Since all of them have a no-contract price available). Disconnect service, continue to use as Wi-Fi. Problem solved.

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