
Sprint Finally Makes 4G Official in New York City, Five Other Markets Announced



Though in certain areas of the city 4G via Sprint’s WiMAX network has been available for weeks (even months), today Sprint has finally issued word that their next-gen network now blankets New York City in it’s warm and fuzzy data waves. Also getting the 4G treatment are Hartford, CT; New Haven, CT; New Brunswick, NJ; Trenton, NJ; and Tampa FL. Of course, they continue to promise that big cities including Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington DC will be receiving 4G by the end of the year.

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So if you’re in a city listed above, bust out those HTC EVO 4G and Samsung Epic 4G handsets and feel the power.

[via Sprint]

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  1. Miami is expected to get 4G next Monday. That is great news for all the people in south florida. However, this 4g rollout of sprint was wayyy to long.

  2. Cincinnati and Columbus are testing…. should be up soon.

  3. Hasn’t DC already been given the 4G treatment? I was downloading full ROMs in minutes on 14th and I st last month and anytime I had open sky I’d switch it on to play with

  4. First???

  5. I too was in DC this weekend at the rally and I was on 4G


  7. What happen to Cincinnati Sprint

  8. There’s no apostrophe in “it’s” unless you wish to say “it is”.

  9. I agree with R3D3. C’mon guys, you’re “professional” writers!!

  10. 4g final in south Florida. if u live in Pembroke pines or north fort lauderdale are near commercial blvd 4g treatment will show up on your Evo :) Must be testing the area, I’ve had it for a few eeks here.

  11. What about New Orleans? Verizon has New Orleans scheduled to have 4G coverage by the end of the year (with no 4G device!!) Come on Sprint!!

  12. how is it that they were charging $10 for a service that wasnt available?

  13. @Larry

    Do you really wanna open up that can of worms again?

  14. 4G FIST PUMP!!!!

  15. 11.46mb Dl and .91 UL in edison NJ inside office building on 7th floor. nice.

  16. So these 4g speeds are suppose to be 3-6mbps, but that’s pretty close to the speeds AT&T already has for 3g. So is it really worth this 4g or is this all just Sprint money cow 4g hype!

  17. Can San Diego get some? Eighth largest city in the US.

  18. What about hershey PA, can we some of that too.

  19. No 4G where I’m at in NYC :(

  20. These announcements are made once they have turned on all of a particular city. People in some parts of those cities have Wimax service long before the official announcement is made. @NYCHitman 1, unfortunately, Wimax is not particularly good at penetrating solid walls, so, you might not get a signal if you have too many concrete walls between you and the cell site. This is one of the reasons it is taking so long to roll out the service in the larger cities, they need to get a lot more sites active to get good coverage.

  21. 4g Hershey squirts

  22. @Mike
    There’s no way that AT&T’s 3G is pulling 3-6 mbps, I had them for 3 years….trust me. Also, 3-6 isn’t set in stone. I’ve gotten over 8 mbps on a single 4G bar. It’s all about cell traffic, physical obstacles and time of day. Overall, I’m very pleased with Wimax coverage here in Trenton, NJ.

  23. im in the tampa area and have been able to use the 4g for a few months now, but for some reason now that it has gone “live” my connection is worse and my speeds up and down are horrible.

    I get 2, maybe 3 down and 150k up and its been like that for a while.

    Can anyone help me out here with why I have such crappy speeds?

  24. @bobert…. wtf? Lol. Haha.

  25. just scanned: 4G not here yet: Boca Raton, FL, 4Nov2010

  26. Any one in los angeles getting 4g? I am in Lawndale, Ca and I am picking up 4g

  27. Can any tell me if and when Detroit will join the 21st century and get 4G? It’s currently only available on the far west side of the state in Grand Rapids. Dog gone it!

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