
The Logitech Revue Has No Lack for Controllers [Video]



Pick your poison. The Logitech Revue with Google TV has a controller to suit just about anyone. Want to really dig in deep with the integrated web content? Use the big-boy keyboard controller with a complete QWERTY layout in addition to a trackpad, cursor keys, and other buttons tailored for controlling all of your entertainment devices through Harmony Link. Still want the same amount of control but need a smaller package? Go ahead and check out the Mini Controller. Priced a bit higher ($129.99 versus the standard keyboard’s $99.99), but you get all the same functionality in a pint-sized package. Can’t be bothered with either dedicated remote? Go ahead and download the free Harmony Remote app for Android or iPhone and control your gear with gestures and push content from your phone to TV.

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The options here open up for as many possibilities as Google TV allows. Additional wireless and wired connections allow you to add a mouse or standard keyboard into the equation as well, meaning you won’t be at a lack for a scheme that suits your needs best.

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  1. Nice! Debating if i should pre-order now.

  2. At $200 or less, I would have bought, don’t know if I can justify $300. We’ll see what the Sony GTvs are priced at, that will end up making my decision.

  3. I have a low profile, illuminated gaming keypad for my PC that I love. Logitech has some great quality, if I get GTV, I’d probably get the top keyboard shown. I wonder though, how many people would buy a keyboard when the app is free?

    As for GTV, the debate for me isn’t to get it or not, it’s should I get it now or hope they have Christmas reductions in pricing? It would be a great stocking stuffer, but not for $300.

  4. Finally! I’ll have good use for my old G1 one… remote control. :)

  5. I’m 98% sure Amazon will drop the price on this before Xmas. I would guess it hits $249 by Black Friday. Also, competitors will ventually release their own GTV boxes, and prices will be forced down.

    There’s absolutely no reason this should cost $300. I’d like to see iSuppli do a breakdown on the Revue.

  6. Has anyone reordered the Logitech Revue? Just curious.

  7. I ment “preordered”. Sorry.

  8. Dish will sell the box at $180. Not sure if they will add $5 a month to your contract!

  9. @CTown
    Sorry, I meant monthly bill not contract.

  10. He’s trying to hard to be like Steve Jobs–but not even close.

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