
Epic 4G Update Pulled


So the Samsung Vibrant first gets its GPS fix update pulled from Kies, and now the Samsung Epic 4G’s update has been pulled, as well. The news comes to us as Sprint was met with a barrage of complaints from customers who expected to pull down a file over-the-air yesterday, but didn’t. They were kind enough to update everyone  on the situation, and here’s why you can’t get your fix just yet:

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We learned this evening that there were administrative issues getting this software loaded to Google’s servers.  We don’t yet have an expected time when this will be available but will update you as soon as possible.  Please see the statement below that was sent by the Sprint Product Management team:

We  were planning to release an update for your Samsung Epic 4G on 9/30.   The file was delivered and on track for distribution but late this  afternoon, we learned that an administrative issue prevented Google from  releasing the update as we had planned.  We are working to resolve the  issue and will provide an update as soon as we understand the new  delivery schedule.

We  would like to clarify that  the timing of this update has nothing to do  with the 30 day return window that many of you on these blogs have been  discussing and that this delay has nothing to do with any last minute  changes within the release package itself.  The delay is simply due to  an administrative issue that we are working to resolve.

What that administrative issue might be is unclear (did Google find bugs? Were they unable to push the update out due to server errors?) but it looks like even more waiting is in store for those of you who were looking forward to this patch (which mainly addresses the issue where users faced capped upload speeds.) We’ll pass more information along as we get it.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Is it me or every damn update gets yanked the second it goes up.

  2. Sheesh, if they can’t even get the GPS fixed, these Sammy devices will never get to see Froyo…

  3. oh Samsung!!!!stick with tv’s because cellphones are not your thing….

  4. Its funny cause at 9:45pm I hit update firmware and it had an update ready but told me to charge my phone fully before initiating….I mean I even tried to plug it in and initiate it but it wouldn’t let me. So I let it charge till about 12, go to check for firmware update…nothing. I was wondering what happened…go figure.

  5. funny, i was in a sprint store yesterday, complaining about battery life and threatening to return my Epic…

    they ran in the back, got a brand new replacement battery and let me keep the original…

    guess they knew I would be screaming murder when I got home and read this…

    I hate sprint for not getting updates out in a timely fashion…yeah, I am referencing HTC Hero 2.1 update…the eris had it months before the hero did

  6. Shit happens… technology is not perfect and never will be, no matter what you do/say/want. I can’t say I’m surprised to see this many problems in an industry that’s in turmoil with every company trying to best everyone else as quickly as possible. If things slowed down, which I’m sure they will eventually, then you wouldn’t see problems like this as companies would have time to reasonably test out and ensure these things would go smoothly. Oh well, just be biding my time to get the update for my Epic, at least I can use WiFi without locking up the 3G :)

  7. HTC EVO rocks.

  8. PS. Sprint did NOT pull the update. They weren’t ever able to push it out in the first place.

  9. You know, its times like this that I really appreciate my 2.2 running EVO…

  10. Just got my UPDATE, 5:10 pst

  11. Just got my UPDATE 5:10 pst

  12. The update is live again.

  13. Don’t blame sprint. This us all samsung’s crap. Tmobile users are going through the same thing

  14. My Epic update installed perfectly and seems to have resolved both battery and 3G upload issues.

    If Evo users are so happy with their hardware, then why are they trolling on every Epic news item? It took HTC months to sort the issues on that phone and the Epic just launched.

    Leave off the “it just works” argument, Evo users. Otherwise, you’ll turn HTC into the Apple of Android. Most of us bought Android phones to escape zombie consumerism, not join it.

  15. Boy a lot of you can’t read or must not be able to comprehend what is going on. This is CLEARLY a Google update and has nothing to do with Sprint, T-mobile or Samsung. The update was not available on the Google Servers, and Google didn’t provide the update.

    This is like complaining to Dell or HP when a Microsoft update occurs – it happens! No need to stress about it.

  16. What I mention to say it’s like complaining to Dell or HP when Microsoft CAN’T update their software.

  17. Got my Update 9:06am 10/4

  18. I’m still on DG17. How do I get updated?

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