
Samsung Fascinate Source Code Out Now


All of you Samsung Galaxy S fans have been quite the lucky bunch. Samsung’s been the fastest in getting the source code released for their latest fans, and the newly-launched Samsung Fascinate is no exception to the trend. If you’re into this sort of thing, then look no further. One of these days I’ll figure out what to do with all of this code that I download for no reason at all. One of these days. [AC]

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. well done samsung we are getting to love your sgs keep it up your doing well

    running JPH oclf v2 very nice

  2. #1 reason i just ordered 2 fascinates over the X.. cya motorola.

  3. Excellent! Could the Galaxy S TV out (3.5mm) capability be enabled potentially?

  4. So what is the deal with having the source code ? I’m about 2 months out from upgrading an I don’t know if I should go with the x or the facinate.

  5. Go with the Fascinate over the Droid X. Motorola implemented eFuse into the Bootloader and has made what was originally an open source operating system into a locked down waste of money. The only benefits over the Fascinate are the tv out functionality and the 8gb internal storage memory vs Samsung’s 2gb internal storage. Not a big deal when considering both devices come from Verizon with a 16gb mSD card, both expandable to 32gb. Who needs internal storage . I don’t need HDMI out. I want to play and develop and this fascinate will open the path to furthering my development experience. I CANNOT WAIT! Do NOT go MOTOROLA over this MOLED high res screen, .3 inches larger or not!

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