
Dell Prescribing the Streak for Use in the Medical Community



Dell wants to get its tiny tablet/big phone Streak into the hands of as many users as possible, and the company is eyeing the medical industry as the perfect place for the device to flourish. In a statement issued today they have announced that they will be integrating their established healthcare software into the Streak to allow doctors and hospital administrators to stay connected to patient records no matter where they are.

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The Streak is said to be ideal for this situation because its size is small enough to fit in a doctor’s lab coat but still large enough to easily share information with patients, something that Dell argues the iPhone and iPad just aren’t cut out for. And as Dell already has a major hold in the healthcare industry after purchasing Perot Systems for $3.9 billion, a company with their hand in the technology running inside most of the hospital systems in the US, the move only makes sense.

Dell’s established mobile clinical computing platform will be accessed through an app with information like patient records and history coming down through the cloud. The Streak’s cameras will allow clinicians to snap photos of injuries and attach them to medical reports to monitor patient progress. But my question is, will technology like the streak finally start to cut back on the volumes of paperwork that I have to fill out every time I visit a doctor? That is the technology I want to see.

[via Reuters]

Kevin Krause
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  1. actually why not stop there? why not release an app where patients can take nap shots of their injuries or check off descriptions of their illness and send them off to their local doctors. and from there the doctor can evaluate them and decide whether they need to come in or not for a more extensive evaluation.

  2. Working in a hospital, I can tell you this is not such a great idea. As these are not attached to anything, they will get lost and stolen or destroyed. Doctors and nurses are the most destructive humans on earth.

  3. nope, you’ll need a better processor than what it’s got. It’s a job where time is critical.

  4. Good basic Idea, but, actually I think something like a Galaxy Tab might be even better suited. Bigger screen, still fits in a lab coat pocket, but is large enough to actually see the pictures and read the reports without a lot of resizing.

  5. I work in hospital IT. If its not fluid resistant and drop proof. It wont last a week.

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