
Dell Streak 2.1 Upgrade Going Out Over the Air Now


We knew the Dell Streak’s 2.1 upgrade was just about finished – and a manual installation file was seen floating around the internet, but we can now confirm that the upgrade to Android 2.1 (Eclair, if you’ve forgotten) is being pushed out over the air. This follows initial word by Dell themselves that the upgrade would not see the light of day as they’d be skipping to to go straight to Froyo.

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As for Android 2.2, we still don’t have a solid window but we know Dell’s aiming to have it out before the year closes. For now, go to your phone’s “System Update” menu to see if your’e in line for some chocolaty Eclair.

[via Androinica]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. seems this is not true all I can get on my unlocked Streak is a later build of 1.6

  2. @Frank which region?

  3. located in Norway, bought from DellDirect in UK.
    look at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=773434 for similar cases.

  4. Is this phone only available from independant dealers, because I have not been able to find anyone at ATT that knows anything about it.

  5. wait is this for all streak users? or just UK users?

  6. I wonder about this news….the image says it’s from streaksmart.com, but the website has nothing to say about the update! …my ATT streak…has no update notification :(

  7. I believe this is an 02 Uk update only. . .

  8. @david – I believe it is only available through the Dell website.

  9. @Mike, That’s weird, because I chatted the other day with dell and they sent me to ATT.

  10. That’s why I don’t go to android, because of shit like this.
    How in the hell does a company come out with a new phone and doesn’t include the latest o.s.??

  11. installed the 2.1 update via download it wiped my phone completely no contacts no programs etc which would be okay if i could sync it to the laptop but since the update the pc suite does not work

  12. The blame is not Google or Android, it’s the handset manufacturers and carriers.

  13. The 2.1 update seems to ONLY be for UK streaks. The link above does not install on US streaks.

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