
Samsung Fascinate User Guide



The Samsung Fascinate is only a little over a week out from release, but if you are running out of ways to whittle away the time as you await for your chance to get a piece of the Galaxy S action on Verizon, maybe we can do something for you. You see, we got our hands on the Fascinate User Manual in all 170 pages of mind-numbing instructional goodness. Aside from all the information you could need about the new Galaxy S device, you get a run down of included apps and services including the likes of Bing and V CAST.

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I know, I know. It’s too kind of us. You can thank us later. Download the file from the link below, and if someone is feeling equally kind perhaps he or she could mirror it and post up the link in the comments?

Download: Samsung Fascinate User Guide

And don’t forget the Samsung Fascinate Forum is already bumpin’… head over there for some fascinating forum talk!

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  1. To play Need for Speed Shift straight from your phone, you merely need to press the Tetris icon. Brilliant!

  2. With Bing pre-loaded, can Google voice search be obtained from tgeh Market and used on the Facinate?

  3. How difficult will it be to remove all of Verizon’s crapware like VZ Nav, Bing, V cast, etc?

  4. I hear the root is the same the same is the other galaxy s device/ any thoughts?

  5. i don’t know jack about android phones but i’d like to get one soon. which is going to be better, the droid x or the fascinate?
    and please explain why.

  6. PDF not viewable on dinc. The phandroid watermark completely covers everything else on each page. Just out of curiousity why would you watermark something that is not your intellectual property? I can understand maybe doing the first page to let people know about the site, but not every page.

  7. Droid x is better fascinate a samsungs ui has little room for customization and this being samsungs first really high end phone for verizon expect alot of bugs. Also from the reviews people are saying that for a high end device it feels very cheaply made etc. Its all about preference but look at youtube vids for the best hands on for the x and fascinate. I prefferably would wait until the new HTC phone to come out which will also have a front facing camera and reports are a dual processor with a 4′ screen so If you just wait a month you should see a better evolution of phones come out

  8. It will be easy to remove the crapware since the us versions of galaxy s r already rooted. Also personally I like the feel of the vibrant and the fascinate is very similar not to mention you can remove the ui with root

  9. “…reports are a dual processor with a 4′screen…”

    I don’t want a phone with a 4 foot screen.

    And its a 1.5 Ghz Snapdragon, last I heard.

  10. Unlike most of you, I must have a car charging cradle for any of my phones so that I may view my GPS directions. But, I HATE to fiddle with a micro USB stud to secure my phone to the dock. Why in the hell won’t thye phone companies provide an alternative to the USB port (for power) like TWO metalic contacts on the corners of the device so one doesn’t have to worry of “Bending” the filmsy stud? BTW, the Blackberry 9000 (BOLD) series except the latest 9800 (Torch) do have this nice feature. Go Blackberry!

  11. Really? Phandroid pic necessary on every phreakin page makes the download phointless.

  12. so what your saying is by the time the Droid X is back in stock in a Verizon store, it will be outdated by a newer HTC phone??? buying a new phone right now sucks. buyers remorse is instant.

  13. Im waiting for the Palm Pre 2 ive given up on android. Its a clunky os!!!! not worth my time. And with the new hardware everyday makes me laugh no APP will be made to support android first then apple. All apps are ports from apple!!! So dont worry about high specs worry that you just match the iphones!!

  14. Zach…it all depends on which phone you l uke. I have a X its a bad ass phone. If you like Big screens X is for you. It is also the best phone for texting that’s not a physical keyboard phone. Tell you the truth I can text just as fast on the X if not faster

  15. Like I totally meant to type like

  16. has a front facing camera like the Epic?

  17. I am trying to delete an email account that I had added to my phone. Where is the option to do so?

  18. How do I use the front facing camera for video chat… ahhhh

  19. When I click on the download button to download the Samsung User’s guide, nothing happens. I tried it many time.

  20. Please repost user guide for Samsung Fascinate. Link is non-op.

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