
Samsung Fascinate Launching September 8th?


Didn’t fancy September 9th as a rumored launch date for the last of the US-bound Galaxy S phones, the Samsung Fascinate? Why not try September 8th on, for size? A newly leaked product launch guide suggests that we’ll be seeing the device that Wednesday instead of that Thursday. There’s no real reason to go into too much detail about which day it’ll be unless you’ve been literally dying waiting for the Fascinate. Everything else on the tale of the tape is everything we know a Galaxy S smartphone to be (save for the one differentiating preinstalled 16GB microSD card and any preinstalled software). Either way, the “first half of September” sounds like a safe day to keep a tab on, wouldn’t you think?

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[Android Does via Engadget]

Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. I saw on a spec sheet that the Fascinate has “512MB Flash/384MB RAM”.

    Does this mean it has the “normal” 512MB of RAM but only 384 is usable? Seems like a strange way to state the RAM stat. I guess I’m most concerned with it meeting minimum Gingerbread requirements.

  2. I cant upgrade until the 28th of Sept. So as long as it is out by then im good. Im so excited my first android device, cant wait to get rid of the WHACKberry….

  3. @Kellex I didn’t actually! Argh! News has been so heavy lately that it’s hard to keep up (especially when I didn’t have one minute this weekend to take a look at the feed). Haha, thanks for the heads up. I’ll delete this in a bit.

  4. Been waiting for this phone. Hope it is everything it is hyped to be. Anyone want to sell me on it? Or sell me on Bing for that matter… I am really interested in this phone! You have no idea!

  5. Do NOT delete…


  6. Yaaas, dont delete

  7. Right now I have the Samsung Omnia ( a windows mobile device, nuff said). I really hate the OS on this phone and I am due for an upgrade in November. I know I want a phone that runs on the Android OS but I can’t decide on one. When I found out Samsung was coming out with the Droid Fascinate I was excited but I’m wondering if the Fascinate holds up in comparison to the Motorola handsets or if it is plagued with the usual Samsung phones lack of style when it comes to menus, browsers and such.The Omnia I have now has such ugly menus and program displays. Also I want to know if the Fascinate being a Droid will have access to the Android market? Can anyone help me out?

  8. Don’t use Verizon. Their network isn’t all that, it’s marketing BS. And, they’re in violation of the FCC’s net neutrality rule, which fosters limited competition. Using Verizon is like supporting Oracle.

  9. Waiting for its launch..

  10. ugh…why don’t you guys read before posting articles? It clearly states it will be for sale online ONLY on the 8th (meaning if you buy one, with free overnight shipping I imagine), you will get it on the 9th. Then the all-channel release is the 9th. So, essentially, NO ONE (customers) will have a Fascinate in their hands until the 9th.

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